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Plagiarism Detection Techniques

Presentation of SEMINAR – I
For the fulfilling degree of

Master of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering

Vijay kumar pal
(Roll No: 100231214)
(Department of Computer Science & Engineering)

Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering & Technology

Chaudhary Charan Singh University Campus, Meerut (U.P)
NAAC A++ Accredited
• Introduction
• Definition of Plagiarism
• Internal Plagiarism Detection
• External Plagiarism Detection
• Plagiarism Detection in source code
• Plagiarism Detection in Natural Language
• Language-Independent Plagiarism Detection
• Language Dependent Plagiarism Detection
• Text-based plagiarism detection techniques
• Avoiding Plagiarism
• Disadvantages of Plagiarism
• Advantages of Plagiarism
• Plagiarism is a significant problem on almost every college and
university campus.
• The problems of plagiarism go beyond the campus and have become
an issue in industry, journalism, and, government activities.
Definition of plagiarism
Plagiarism means using another's work without giving credit. You must
put others' words in quotation marks and cite your source(s) and must
give citations when using others' ideas, even if those ideas are
paraphrased in your own words.
• Turning in someone Else’s work as your own.
• Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.
• Failing to put quotations in quotation marks.
Internal Plagiarism Detection
Finding plagiarized passages within a
document without access to potential original
text. Also called Intrinsic plagiarism detection.
External Plagiarism Detection

External plagiarism detection consists of

comparing suspicious plagiarized documents
against potential original documents.
Plagiarism Detection in source
Detecting Plagiarism in source code is relatively
easier than natural language plagiarism detection.
Because there is neither ambiguity nor interference
between words in programming languages. But in
natural language, every word may have many
synonyms and different meanings. Some
plagiarism detection methods are language-
independent and some are language-dependent.
Plagiarism Detection in Natural
Detecting plagiarism in written documents. this
method can be divided into two categories which are
called language-independent plagiarism detection and
language-dependent plagiarism detection.
• Language-Independent Plagiarism Detection
• Language Dependent Plagiarism Detection
Text-based plagiarism detection
• Substring Matching
• Keyword similarity
• Exact fingerprint match, etc
Substring Matching
• Try to identify maximal matches in pairs
• Which then are used as plagiarism indicators

• Typically, the substring is represented in suffix trees

• Graph-based measures are employed to capture the fraction of the

plagiarized section
Keyword similarity
• Extract topic-identifying keywords from a document

• Compare with keywords of other documents.

• If the similarity exceeds a threshold, the candidate

documents are divided into smaller pieces
Exact fingerprint match

• The documents are partitioned into term sequences called


• For fingerprint computation some standard hashing suffers

from two severe problems:

1. Computationally expensive
2. A small chunk size (3-10 words) must be chosen to
identify matching passages
Avoiding Plagiarism
Two methods:
• Plagiarism Prevention
• Plagiarism Detection
Disadvantages of Plagiarism

1.Legal Repercussions: Plagiarism can lead to legal

action for copyright infringement, especially if the
plagiarised work is used for commercial gain.
2.Professional Damage: For professionals, infringement can
lead to job loss, tarnished reputation, and a lack of trust
from colleagues and clients.
3.Loss of Personal Integrity: Engaging in infringement
undermines one’s integrity and ethics, leading to a loss of
self-respect and respect from others.
1. Time of Plagiarism
and Effort Saving: Plagiarism might seem like a quick
solution for those under time constraints or feeling lazy, as it avoids
the effort required in researching and creating original work.
2. Temporary Academic or Professional Gain: infringement might
temporarily help in meeting deadlines, achieving higher grades, or
creating an illusion of productivity and competence.
3. Ease of Access: With the vast amount of information available
online, it can be temptingly easy to copy and paste work.

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