Substance Volume Tracking

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Substance Volume tracking

In many countries, regulations state that, above a certain quantity of chemicals and other hazardous substances, you must register
with the authorities the maximum quantities of these substances that you plan to purchase, import, produce, sell, or export within a
certain period. Substance volume tracking helps you to comply with the relevant regulations by recording the quantities of substances
needing to be tracked that you purchase, import, produce, sell, or export. By comparing the recorded quantities with the limit values,
the system can warn you in good time before a limit value is exceeded; if a limit value is exceeded, the system can also block the
respective business process. This means you can ensure that you stay below the quantity limits.

Substance Volume Tracking is required are REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemicals) and TSCA
(Toxic Substances Control Act). With the help of SAP EHS SVT an exact and in-time tracking in the business
processes of production and procurement (planned, existing, produced and imported volumes) of a substance is
possible. This data is the foundation for the volume related correct registration of substances is due. Additional to
the normal substance volume tracking functionality, the SVT can be used and set up for registration checks (e.g.
check if a substance can be imported into the target country). SVT is therefore highly relevant when chemical
substances or mixtures (regardless of the industry) are produced and/or imported or exported into countries or
regulatory areas with volume or registration-based regulations.

Standard Process of Substance Volume Tracking: Export- The Export scenario consists of Sales and delivery where
we can track the quantities exported out of the Validity area from Sales Order, Delivery and Customer scheduling
agreement. Import- The Import Scenario in SVT consists of Purchase and Purchase Requisition, where we can track
the quantities imported into the Validity Area from purchase requisition, Purchase orders and scheduling
agreement. Production - The Production Scenario in SVT consists of production, planned and Process Orders where
we can track the produced quantities from Production Order, Repetitive manufacturing, and Process orders.
Export Scenario

In a real time scenario, Whenever Sales order/ Delivery are created for SVT relevant material system will track the
relevant quantities for the associated Pure Substances. Following example illustrates tracking of quantities: SVT
relevant Material 2400001534 is assigned to the Real Substance 400041003840 which consists following Pure
Substances at composition level.
The components are maintained in % by weight. So, If a sales order is created for 100 Lbs of material
2400001534, it essentially means 50 Lbs. of substance for example is being sold. This, when converted to unit
ton, comes to 0.00453592 tons. Similarly, calculation happens for other components as well. As per our Best
Practice configuration, 1 ton is the default threshold limit set. Every registered quantity (which is usually higher
than 1 ton), must be maintained at pure substance level under property Registration (compan

Process flow for Export Scenario

Production Scenario

According regulatory requirements, for each unit of material 2400001534 produced, only substance shall be
tracked. Substance quantities will be added up and checked against threshold limits. The system displays the
messages (information, warning or error) accordingly. To produce 2400001534, Pure Substance is considered to be
present at the pure substance level, tracked for volumes. The system will calculate how much of pure_sub is in
real_sub based on production volume. All other impurities, or inerts, are ignored by the system when calculating
how much volume. Process flow for Production Scenario:

Process flow for Production Scenario: Import Scenario

To understand how Substance Volume Tracking (SVT) works and which amounts are taken into account, note the
following facts To produce a material(SAP Color Green), we use materials as RAW_SUB and PURE_SUB as an
ingredient. In our scope item, the ingredient material has to be purchased.

Process flow for Import Scenario

Process Steps
Sales Process Steps
Purchase Process Steps
Manufactured Process Steps
Environment Management

Process Overview

Environment management module includes air emission, water

compliance, and environmental task management. It manages
requirement, policy, and permit compliance; data collection, emission
calculations, and emission values; and deviation incidents. The EM
Module can help IVL keep track, measure and monitor emissions and
pollutant discharges by plant, equipment, or production processes. It
can maintain these within specific and strict thresholds and monitor
incidents and deviations. For emission reporting, the EM module
maintains Emission values from various sources and interfaces with Plant
Maintenance to complete compliance checks with respect to permit and
Emissions can be calculated using direct measurement, calculation, or a combination of both. Both direct
and indirect emission can be calculated within the EM module Direct emission: emissions from sources
that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity. Indirect emissions: emissions that are a consequence
of the activities of the reporting entity, but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity. Can
also be emission such as the extraction and production of purchase materials and fuels, transport-related
activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting facility. The locations and equipment
identifications will be imported from the Plant Management module and follow the same hierarchy. The
user will be able to see the compliance controls and scenarios (Permits, regulations and requirements) in
his local language while also keeping it in English available for global visibility (using translation box).
Requirements Tracking and Monitoring of Emission from various Sources like; Boilers, Flare, Storage tanks
& various processes. The emissions management process is designed to ensure that the identification of
new regulations and other requirements is carried out and that the impacts are incorporated into the
operation(s) of the business. Improve integrity of data for reporting, licensing and modelling, target
setting purposes Standardize data collection and calculation methodology A challenge to maintain various
tools for compliance and reporting at various sites
PREPARE MASTER DATA Prepare assets and chemical data for emission
management. Prepare the locations and the location structure The location
is a central master data object that can be organized in a structure to
represent where a location exists spatially or functionally in a company.
Prepare the needed chemical mixtures and substances When you ensure
the environmental compliance and sustainability of your company, you
must take into account all specific chemicals that take part in the industry
processes either as raw materials or as products. Create physical
parameters In the environmental management component, the physical
parameters are all user-specified measurable properties (for example,
temperature or volume). Create sampling methods A sampling method is
an object that contains information about the details of the sampling
procedure of a given chemical and it s chemical properties
PREPARE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS. Prepare compliance requirements. The environment
management component enables you to create an object known as a compliance requirement
and use the issued regulations, permits, or internal policies as a basis for this object. Create
requirements and assign them to your validity area. If you do not add a region, the compliance
requirement is considered valid for all regions of the added country. If you do not specify a
validity area, the compliance requirement is considered valid for all countries. Create requirement
paragraphs. Create environmental limits, add regulatory list information, and prepare regulatory
equations. An environmental limit denotes an environmentally-relevant threshold that can be
related to the collected or calculated data Identify regulatory equations that must be used for the
calculation of the environmental data (for example, calculation of produced emissions). SAP
delivers content comprising environmental regulations and detailed compliance requirement

CREATE COMPLIANCE SCENARIOS Create compliance scenarios To organize all these

environmental activities at a given location in the company, you can use an object known as
compliance scenario. For example, you can plan and execute individual data collections for the
specific chemicals that are in use at the location, you can plan multiple samplings, and you can
execute multiple emission calculations based on the records that come from data collections,
samplings, or other calculations. Create scenarios and assign paragraphs from requirements to
them. Add validity information and responsible persons. Assign Paragraphs to the compliance
scenario which has information , Validity & Responsible person Add activities like data
collections (establish, schedule, and ensure the collection of environmentally-related data at
your location), samplings(Organizing the sampling activities), calculations(calculation of
emissions at your location), and aggregations (aggregated values environmental data ). Activate
your compliance scenarios
COLLECT & MONITOR DATA Collect data Record collected data
in the system. Carry out calculation or location-based
aggregation of emission data. Monitor data Review values for
collected, calculated, sampled, and aggregated data. Identify
unusual values and deviations. INVESTIGATE AND REPORT
DEVIATIONS A deviation record is an event of violation of
specific environmental requirements. Depending on the
availability of data in the environmental management
component, either you can create deviations of specific data
records using the various data monitoring applications, or you
can create blank deviations You can perform the following
activities during this step, for example: Investigate the
deviation case. Take corrective or preventive measures
(actions). Perform further deviation reporting
MSDS Authoring & Distribution
Process Overview

The SDS (sometimes called Product Data Safety Sheet or Material Safety Data Sheet) is an internationally
recognized document which succinctly summarizes key information about environmental, health and safety
characteristics of a chemical substance or product, descriptions of any potential hazards posed by its handling,
storage, or transport, and precautionary and incident response measures, along with emergency contact
information. The standard, globally recognized SDS format consists of 16 sections designed to: Identify the
supplier and the product and describe key product properties and characteristics, generally covered in sections
1, 2, 3 and 9. Describe potential environmental, health, and safety hazards (for example fire and explosion risks,
toxicity and environmental hazards). Sections 10, 11 and 12. Suggest measures to prevent accidents and to
mitigate potential consequences of exposure. (Sections 7, 8, 14 and 15) Suggest effective responses to
incidents and accidents. (Sections 4, 5, 6 and 13) Companies that sell products which require SDS are obligated
by the regulations to furnish copies of the SDS to the customers to which it is being shipped. The recipients of
these materials are obligated to keep the SDS on file and available to workers who work with or may become
exposed to the material. Users of these substances must, in general, follow the same set of workplace rules
that apply to the original producers of the SDS regulated material. At IVL, all Spindletop site would use SDS
Authoring & Distribution solution .
Report Management ( Material Safety Data sheets) Product Safety Module
incorporates the development and management of Safety Data Sheets. The end
to end process of product safety can be outlined in the process flow diagram
This SAP component leads you through the individual work steps required to manage reports from report
generation to report release The generated reports contain all specification-related data and phrases for a
particular language and usage. All other current parameters are generated later when the report is shipped.
Version numbers are assigned to reports to determine if a report was changed in a way that is relevant or not
Report Information System: The report information system provides you with information about reports in status
Released and Historical. You can display and print the reports You can also compare reports within the report
information syste
You can also compare reports within the report information system.
From the report information system, you can manually send reports
for a material that has the status Released. The released report
contains all specification-related data and phrases for a particular
language and usage. You can use user exits to control the current
parameter values determined by the SAP system during display or
when shipping reports, and you can overwrite them manually in
report management if necessary
Process Flow Diagram:
Report Shipping
The report can be shipped in 3 ways
1.Manual Shipping :

During manual shipping, no check routine is entered in Customizing. The "checking"

step in the process model is therefore bypassed. The manual shipping order is started
by the report information system. The parameters required for shipping are queried by
the System in a dialog box
2. Automatic Shipping: Material safety data sheet shipping is triggered using output control via condition technique. In
this case, the output is the posting of a delivery document in the SAP component Sales and Distribution (SD), whose
delivery item: · Contains a material that is set in the material master as environmentally relevant · Contains an item
category to which an output determination procedure is assigned that contains the output type MSDS

3.Subsequent Shipping

During subsequent shipping, no check routine is entered in Customizing. The "checking" step in the process model
is therefore bypassed. The System selects the reports that are to be shipped subsequently, according to specific
criteria. Prerequisites: • An earlier version of the report must already have been sent. The shipping order
belonging to the report must have been logged in the shipping history and marked as relevant for subsequent

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