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"The Tiger

Tiger King The Astrologer The 100th
Child Prodigy Predicted the future Tiger
Determined to kill 100 Profound in his field The Chosen
tigers One Kills the
The tiger symbolizes power,
corruption, and unchecked
ambition in the story, offering
insight into the human
condition and the dangers of
absolute authority and moral
"The Tiger King," a chapter in the Class 12 NCERT English textbook, tells the story of
Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, who was obsessed with hunting tigers. He kills a man-
eating tiger, but he is not satisfied and wants to kill more. He is warned that the
Goddess Durga will punish him if he kills another tiger, but he ignores the warning
and kills another. As a result, he is cursed by the Goddess, and a tiger kills him in
the end. The story highlights the consequences of one's irrational desires and the
power of superstition.
Stupefactio Proclamation Duraisani
Stupefaction refers to a An official public Tamil word for wife of
condition of shock, announcement made by a the chief.
bewilderment or confusion person in authority, often in Here used for the British
resulting in a state of a formal or ceremonial officer's wife.
being stunned or manner.
Harikiri Dewan Tuft
Harakiri, also known as A high-ranking official A cluster of long,
seppuku, is a form of who served as a minister projecting strands of hair,
Japanese ritual suicide by or advisor to a ruler or feathers, or other material,
disembowelment, traditionally government. typically arranged in a
practiced by samurai to tufted form.
restore honor.
Enunciated Transfixed Slivers
To pronounce or articulate To be completely motionless Small, thin, sharp
words or phrases clearly or held in place by fragments or pieces of a
and distinctly, with proper something, as if under a spell material, such as wood,
intonation and emphasis on or hypnotized by an object or glass, or metal, that can
each syllable. experience. easily penetrate skin.
The Tiger Second
Hunt complication
Started Scarcity of tigers.

The Birth First The Final

The prince is complication Hunt
born. Denying a British The last tiger
The birth of the Tiger King is shrouded in mystery and legend.
According to the story, the newborn prince spoke his first words at
just 10 days old. During the prince's birth ceremony, the chief
astrologer predicted that the king would die from a tiger, as he
was born during the year of the Bull, which is an enemy of the
tiger. This news quickly spread throughout the kingdom, causing
widespread fear and apprehension.
As the Tiger King grew up, he was closely watched by his subjects
who anxiously awaited the fulfillment of the astrologer's prediction.
Despite the pervasive sense of foreboding, the Tiger King went on
to become one of the most celebrated rulers in the kingdom's
history, leaving a lasting legacy as a symbol of destiny and the
During his teenage years, the prodigal prince's life was uneventful,
but the kingdom remained uneasy about the prophecy made by the
chief astrologer. The prince, determined to lift the curse upon him,
vowed to slay 100 tigers, but the astrologer warned him to be
cautious of the hundredth tiger.
After becoming king, he banned tiger hunting for everyone except
himself, recognizing the importance of preserving the limited
tiger population. This decision showcased the king's wisdom,
compassion, and dedication for his goal, ensuring the survival of
the majestic creatures for himself to slay and no one other than
The King's quest to hunt tigers tested his physical and mental limits.
Despite occasional missed shots, he remained driven by unwavering
determination. The Maharaja's fearsomeness was on full display as
he engaged tigers in hand-to-hand combat, emerging victorious.
With every triumph, his confidence grew, bringing him closer to his
ultimate goal. His persistence and unwavering commitment inspired
awe and admiration, and after many battles, he achieved his goal,
becoming a legendary symbol of strength and courage for
generations to come.
As the King continued to hunt tigers, his skills improved, and he
learned to anticipate their movements by understanding their habits
and behaviors. Despite facing tough challenges, the King's
unwavering determination never faltered, inspiring awe and
admiration among his subjects. His relentless pursuit of his goal
elevated him to legend status, with his name becoming synonymous
with bravery and determination. After many long and arduous
weeks, the King achieved his ultimate triumph, conquering the last
of the tigers and proving to himself and others the power of
determination and perseverance.
The King's pursuit of his dream to hunt a hundred tigers was not
without its challenges. When a British officer arrived in his state
and requested permission to hunt the tigers, the King knew that he
could not allow anyone else to diminish his chances of fulfilling his
He politely refused the request, knowing that the tigers were a
limited resource and that allowing outsiders to hunt them
would jeopardize his own quest.
The British officer persisted, asking only for a picture with a dead
tiger and hunting gear. The King, however, saw through the
request and knew that the officer was only seeking publicity. He
feared that granting this request would attract more British
The King's wisdom and foresight saved his kingdom from potential
disaster. He denied the request, knowing that it was not worth the
risk. Instead, he sent jewelry worth 3 lakhs at that time to the
British officer's wife, resolving the matter amicably. The King's
actions not only demonstrated his shrewdness and resourcefulness
but also his commitment to protecting his people and his kingdom.
The incident became a testament to the King's leadership and
strategic thinking. He had not only pursued his own dream but also
protected his kingdom from unwanted attention and interference.
The King's legacy would endure, not only for his remarkable hunting
skills but also for his ability to navigate complex political situations
and protect his people.
The King's dream to hunt a hundred tigers was not just a personal
ambition but also a matter of pride for his kingdom. However, the
limited number of tigers in his own kingdom posed a significant
challenge. After the unjust hunting of 70 tigers, the tiger
population in Pratibandapuram had significantly decreased,
making it almost impossible for the King to fulfill his dream.
The King realized that he needed to think outside the box to
achieve his goal. He called upon his trusted minister, the Dewan, to
help him find a solution. The King's ingenious plan was to seek a
bride from a kingdom with the highest number of tigers
statistically. The Dewan searched far and wide until he found the
perfect match for the King, a lady from a kingdom with a bountiful
With his new wife's kingdom now his own, the King had access to
an abundance of tigers, and he could continue his quest to hunt
them down. Whenever he visited his father-in-law, he would seize
the opportunity to hunt tigers, bringing him closer to achieving his
lifelong dream.
The King's ability to solve problems through his ingenuity and
resourcefulness was a testament to his leadership skills. He had not
only fulfilled his personal ambition but also preserved his kingdom's
honor and pride. His legacy would endure, not only for his
remarkable hunting skills but also for his ability to think
strategically and solve complex problems.
The King's obsession with hunting one hundred tigers had led him
down a path of selfishness and disregard for the lives of the
animals he sought to kill. Despite the limited population of tigers in
his own kingdom and the harm caused to their population by his
hunts, the King remained focused on his personal ambition.
When the final tiger proved elusive, the King became desperate and
offered the village redemption from taxes in exchange for
information on the tiger's whereabouts. When the tiger was not
found, the King's fury led him to punish the entire village, regardless
of their innocence.
I n a stroke of deceit, the Dewan procured an old tiger from a zoo
and released it in the field for the King to hunt. The King's
achievement was marred by the fact that the tiger he shot was still
alive when brought to him for a ceremony and feast. Two men killed
the tiger out of fear of the King's wrath, and the King was content
with his achievement, showing little regard for the life he had taken.
The King's downfall came in the form of a wooden tiger gift for his
son's birthday, which caused a fatal infection that ultimately led to his
His selfish pursuit of personal ambition had blinded him to the
consequences of his actions and left a legacy of disregard for the
lives of animals and the well-being of his subjects.
While the King's determination and resourcefulness were admirable,
his disregard for the consequences of his actions and lack of
empathy for others serve as a cautionary tale. The King's legacy is
one of personal ambition at the expense of others, rather than of
true leadership and compassion.
yash dhankhar

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