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Dwi Rahmadianti 23230402024
Ade Nurul Fadillah 2323042025
Nada Nabila 23230402027
• According to Gardner (1985), motivation stands
out as the single most influential factor in the
process of learning a new language.
• Tranquillo et al. (2016) suggest that motivation is
an internal process that cannot be directly observed
but serves to activate, guide, and sustain overt
•Intrinsic motivation is Extrinsic motivation
driven by the inner force isdriven by the desire for
within learners, the desire an external reward, which
being derived from learning is an environment
the language it self, i.e., the alenergizer such as food,
willingness and pleasure of money, or recognition
learning the language (Saranraj, 2016).

Instrumental motivation refers to

Integrative motivation means the motivation to acquire a
integrating one self within a language as means of achieving
culture to become a part of particular goal ssuch as
that society or to become an in promoting a career or job or
distinguishable member of the going on to higher
target community.• education(Gardner&Lambert,
• 1972, cited in Chalak &
Kassaian 2010)
• Gardner's motivation theory • The socio-educational model
is highly influential in the highlights differences among
field of second language learners in second language
acquisition, particularly acquisition, comprising four
emphasizing three crucial interconnected variables:
components: eagerness, social milieu, individual
willingness, and enjoyment differences, learning
of learning. acquisition context, and
THE EFFECTS OF • Social interaction between
MOTIVATION IN SLA teachers and learners, as well as
the broader social context,
• Motivation significantly impacts heavily influences motivation
language learning outcomes, and language acquisition.
with highly motivated learners • Various theoretical models,
often outperforming their less including Carroll's conscious
motivated peers. reinforcement model,
• Teachers play a crucial role in Bialystok's strategy model,
maintaining and maximizing Lambert's social psychology
motivation through creating model, and Schumann's
positive learning environments acculturation model, underscore
and employing effective the critical role of motivation
teaching strategies. and attitudes in language
In Second Language Acquisition (SLA), motivation is key to
success, echoing what we've read. Just like Gardner said,
learners' desire to learn, whether they're curious or have practical
reasons, really matters. As the text explains, whether motivation
comes from personal interest or outside rewards, it keeps
learners going. Teachers also play a big role, keeping learners
interested and excited. Overall, motivation, along with social
interaction and teaching methods, is super important for how
well people learn a new language in SLA, just like we've

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