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Argumentive Essay
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the session, the students are expected to:

a.demonstrate the research-based argumentative essay from the

explanation essay and the blog;
b.demonstrate the ability to transform research into sound arguments ;
c.write a research-based argumentative essay of at least 500 words on
any topic of your choice.

The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the

student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate
evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise
manner. Argumentative essay assignments generally call for
extensive research of literature or previously published material.

When writing an argumentative essay, you are expected to

present clear stand on an issue that has at least two different
(or opposing) sides.

Example: Issue about legalizing divorce or same-sex marriage.

One possion rejects the passing of such lawsand the other
accepts it.

You may choose a topic that concern your school,

province, city, town or the currentissues about health and
the likes. Decide which side would you like to be at.
Example of an argumentative essay:

◾Why should divorce be legalized in thePhilippines?


◾Why should divorce not be legalized in thePhilippines?

Finding the answer to the research question

After formulating the research question, plan the next steps for
finding answers to your question.This requires the preparation of
annotated research bibliography ,which is a list of sources with a
brief description of the content of each source.
Your sources must be acceptable. Is the source relevant? Does it provide the
least fact and figures? Is it reliable? Given these criteria for deciding on the
acceptability of sources, the following are usually NOT considered:

◾Holy book or bible

◾Any work of literature like novels, short stories, poems,etc.

◾Personal blogs or journal , diary entries.

Doing the Research


•Direct quotations.
Preparing to write the paper


At this point in the pre-writing stage,you should be ready to

formulate a thesis statement for your essay. The thesis statement
is the main point or central argument of your paper. It expresses
your stand on the issue you chose to do research on.
▶️ In order to formulate a good thesis statement, make sure that it does the following:

◾Presents a strong position that is supported by convincing evidence;

◾Suggests a frameworks for organizing the essay.

Consider the thesis statement below.

◾Despite the growing number of broken families in the country, divorce should not be legalized in
the Philippines.

◾After having done research about topic, choose one side of that you agree
with. This side is your argument or your position. Then, list all the factual
support for your argument. Do the same for the other side, which is the
opposing position.List all the factual support you have gathered for the position.
When all these are complete, you are ready to write an outline of your essay. If
the outline is well-done, then half the work of writing the paper is also done.
IIYour outline must be complete. It must contain all the main points of your
research-based argumentative paper. This means that the outline should have the
following parts:

◾Your thesis statement.

◾Your argument and specific support for this argument.

◾The opposing argument and specific support for this argument.

◾A list of sources for all the support that will be used in the paper.

◾After you have completed all the pre-writing tasks, you are ready to write
your essay. In writing the paper, observe the citation conventions required in
your class. Make sure that your practice intellectual honesty by acknowledging
all your sources. Any fact, figure, idea or concept that is not yours must be
acknowledge in the paper using the proper citation format. Otherwise, you will
be accused of plagiarism.
Any Question?

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