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Explore the fascinating world of Automata - machines that mimic human actions.
Discover their history, how they work, their applications, and different types.

By: Shreya Yadav

CSE 5th Sem
History of Automata

1 Ancient Origins 🏺 2 Medieval Marvels 🏰

Discover the earliest mechanical devices Learn about the intricate automata found in
created by ancient civilizations, like the ancient medieval times, from miniature singing birds
Greeks and Egyptians. to mechanical monks.

3 The Renaissance Revolution 4 Modern Innovations 🚀

Explore the advancements in automata during See how automata have evolved in the modern
the Renaissance period and the rise of era, with robots, AI, and interactive
clockwork marvels. installations.
How Automata Works
Gears & Mechanics Camshafts & Programmed Actions
Cranks 📐
Discover the mechanical Learn about the role of Explore how sophisticated
principles behind automata, how camshafts and cranks in programming allows automata to
gears and levers bring them to activating different movements perform intricate sequences of
life. and actions in automata. movements.
Applications of Automata
Art & Entertainment 🎭 Education & Science 🔬 Industrial
Automation 🏭
Learn how automata have
Discover how automata have been used as teaching tools Explore how automata have
brought joy and wonder to and aids for studying transformed manufacturing
audiences through exhibits, mechanical principles. processes and increased
theaters, and amusement efficiency in industries.
Types of Automata

Marionettes Automaton Clocks

Discover the enchanting world of puppetry and the Explore the magnificent mechanical clocks adorned
intricate movements achieved by marionettes. with automata that captivated audiences.

Robotic Arms Steam Engines

Learn about the modern marvels of robotic arms and Uncover the industrial revolution and the significant
their crucial role in automation and manufacturing. contributions of steam engine automata.
Finite Automata
1 Definition & Examples

Learn about the concept of finite automata and see practical examples in action.

2 States & Transitions

Explore the different states and transitions that make up the behavior of finite

3 Applications & Limitations

Discover the real-world applications of finite automata and understand their

Pushdown Automata
1 Stack-Based Concept 2 Pushdown Automata 3 Language
Diagram Recognition
Understand the key idea of
pushdown automata - the Learn how to represent Explore how pushdown
use of a stack for memory pushdown automata using automata are used to
and computation. state transition diagrams recognize and accept
and stack notations. different types of formal
Turing Machines
Alan Turing's Universal Halting Problem 🛑
Genius 🧠 Computation 💻
Understand the limits of
Discover the life and Learn how Turing machines computation and the famous
groundbreaking contributions of serve as theoretical models of unsolved problem - the halting
Alan Turing, the father of computation and their problem.
modern computing. connection to computer science.
Thank You!
Thank you for joining us on this journey, exploring the world of automata and their impact on human creativity,
industry, and technological advancements.

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