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to the presentation on

Image Classification

PhD Student
University College London (UCL), UK

Training at BUET-JIDPUS

04 June 2014
Image Classification

Here IMAGE stand for Digital/Raster Image (e.g.

Satellite Image)

In general in GIS, we use two types of Image


1.Pixel Based

2.Objected-Oriented Segment-Based

Pixel is a physical point (e.g. dot), or the smallest

addressable element (e.g. cell) in a raster image
Pixel Resolution
Landsat Satellite Images
Image Composition

screens can
display an image
in three different
bands at a time,
by using a
different primary
color for each
False Color Composition (FCC)
Digital Image Classification
Digital image classification uses the
spectral information represented by
the digital numbers in one or more
spectral bands, and attempts to
classify each individual pixel based on
this spectral information.
Information and Spectral Classes

Information Classes are those categories of interest that the

analyst is actually trying to identify in the imagery.

Spectral Classes are groups of pixels that are uniform (or

near-similar) with respect to their brightness values in the
different spectral channels of the data.

A broad information class may contain a number of

spectral sub-classes with unique spectral variations. It is
the analyst's job to decide on the utility of the different spectral
classes and their correspondence to useful information classes.
Supervised Classification

There are two general approaches to pixel-based image

classification: supervised and unsupervised.

Supervised Classification: the analyst identifies in the

imagery homogeneous representative samples
(information classes) of interest. These samples are
referred to as training areas.

The selection of appropriate training areas is based on the

analyst's familiarity with the geographical area and their
knowledge of the actual surface cover types present in
the image. Thus, the analyst is "supervising" the
categorization of a set of specific classes.
Supervised Classification
Information classes (i.e., landcover types)

The software system is then

used to develop a statistical
characterization/ algorithm
(mean, variance and
covariance) of the reflectances
for each information class. This
stage is often called signature
Supervised Classification

The image is then classified by examining the reflectances

for each pixel and making a decision about which of the
signatures it resembles most. There are several techniques
for making these decisions, called classifiers.

Classifiers: Minimum distance to means (MINDIST),

maximum likelihood (MAXLIKE), linear discriminant analysis
(FISHER), Bayesian (BAYCLASS), multi-layer perceptron
(MLP) neural network, self-organizing map (SOM) neural
network; Mahalanobis typicalities (MAHALCLASS), Dempster-
Shafer belief (BELCLASS), linear spectral unmixing (UNMIX),
fuzzy (FUZCLASS), spectral angle mapper (HYPERSAM),
minimum distance to means (HYPERMIN), linear spectral
unmixing (HYPERUNMIX), orthogonal subspace projection
(HYPEROSP), and absorption area analysis
Maximum Likelihood

The maximum likelihood classifier calculates for each class the

probability of the cell belonging to that class given its attribute
values. Each pixel is assigned to the class that has the
highest probability (that is, the maximum likelihood).
Final Output (Image Classification)
Unsupervised Classification

Unsupervised classification reverses the supervised

classification process. It is not completely without human

Spectral classes are grouped first, based solely on the

numerical information in the data, and are then matched by
the analyst to information classes (if possible).

Programs, called clustering algorithms, are used to

determine the natural (statistical) groupings or structures in the
Unsupervised Classification
Supervised vs. Unsupervised Classification
Supervised vs. Unsupervised Classification
Object-Oriented Segment-Based Classification (OOSBC)

These pixel- based procedures analyze the spectral

properties of every pixel within the area of interest,
without taking into account the spatial or contextual
information related to the pixel of interest.

OOSBC analyzes both the spectral and

spatial/contextual properties of pixels and use a
segmentation process and iterative learning algorithm
to achieve a semi-automatic classification. It considers –
shape, size, color, texture, shadow, site, association
and pattern.
Object-Oriented Segment-Based Classification (OOSBC)
Thank You All, QUESTIONS?


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