Spiritual Self 02

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Spiritual is defined as relating to or affecting the human
spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
Thus, spirituality talks about meaning and purpose that go
beyond the physical realities of life. One should ask himself
or herself “what meaning do I put in my life”. Another
aspect of spirituality is focused on a person’s connections to
different aspects of his or her existence: to other people, to
nature, and to sacredness and divinity.

Religiosity is about believing in a God or group of Gods and

consciously adheres to the beliefs of his/her religion.
Rebecca Stein (2011) defines religion “as a set of cultural
beliefs and practices that usually includes some or all of basic
An individual lives in a society where there are many
practice of religion. The choice of religious belief lies within
the spiritual self. Although the choice may be influenced by
the society and its culture. Our practice of a religion can
contribute to our spirituality.

1. Belief – generalized system of ideas and values.

2. Rituals – repeated gestures or activities such as prayers
and mantras.
3. Spiritual Experience – feeling of immediate connection
with a higher being.
4. Unique social forms of community – unite in one single
community called church.
There are different religions with different beliefs and
practices. Some of the major world religions are Buddhism,
Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
A. Buddhism
It teaches that life is unsatisfactory. When experience is
unsatisfying, we tend to crave pleasant experiences and avoid
disappointing ones. Our habits tie us into a reactive cycle of
craving and aversion. Buddha taught that a way to break this
cycle is to practice ethics and meditation, and to cultivate
wisdom, which is a deep understanding and acceptance of things
as they are.
B. Christianity
Christians believe that God became fully present in the
world in the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Christians
believe that Jesus Christ’s dying on the cross, made Him
a sacrifice to reconcile all humanity with their Creator.
C. Hinduism
The term “Hinduism” was coined as recently as the 19th century
to cover a wide range of ancient creeds, textual traditions, and
religious groups. Hinduism is best
understood as a complete way of life, a path of sanctification,
and discipline that leads to a higher level of consciousness.
Hindus revere a body of texts as sacred scriptures known as the
D. Islam
Islam is an Arabic word which means willing submission to
God. The root of the word Islam comes from a word
meaning peace and Muslims believe it is the way of peace as
laid down in the Quran or Koran. The Arabic word Allah
means one God.
E. Judaism
The Jewish people believe themselves to be descended from a
Semitic tribe that originated in the land of Canaan in the Middle
East. Jews believes of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior.
Study and interpretation of the Torah is an integral part of Jewish
life. Jewish food laws are highly complicated, prohibiting certain
animals and shellfish.
Religious beliefs, rituals, practices, and customs are all part
of the expression of the spiritual self.
1. How do you view your life at the moment? Is it good or
bad? Why?
2. What makes your life meaningful?

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