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Summary of

the epic


Submitted By:
Jyla C. Dolor
9 - Cassiopeia
The story starts in the land of Herot
where the Danes are celebrating for
the new completion of the hall
which was built by Hrothgar, their
king. On that night, Grendel
attacked again killing and eating
Danish warriors.
Fortunately, a young Geat warrior named Beowulf travels to Herot to
help them from the rampages of that demon named Grendel.
Beowulf offers to fight Grendel himself to returned the favor given by
Hrothgar to his father.

But Unferth seems angered by Beowulf presence so he mock Beowulf

for its losing in a swim race battle. After trading of results, Hrothgar
snap them back and tells everyone to be ready for the celebration that
will happen tonight.
The night has come, the Danes celebrated. They chant and chant the name of
Beowulf when Grendel comes crashing through killing Geats left and right until
Beowulf comes into the battle, in all his nakedness. Beowulf fight against Grendel
without using any weapon except for his strength. They continued fighting until
Beowulf notices that Grendel reacts painfully to loud noises. He promptly jumps
onto Grendel's back and hammers at the beast's sensitive earpads, which causes
the monster extreme pain. As Grendel tries to retreat, his arm is caught in some
chains, and Beowulf grabs hold, preventing Grendel from escaping just as the
monster goes out the big main door. Grendel's arm is pinned between the door and
the doorjamb, and Beowulf, after victoriously announcing his name to the
monster, rips off Grendel's arm. Then Grendel goes back to his cave.
Hrothgar is holding another
celebration in honor of Beowulf. Unfortunately, Grendel
Unferth apologizes for doubting has an overprotective
him, The King gives Beowulf a mother who decides to
golden horn, the standard of the
Danish kingdom, as part of his
avenge her son. While
reward. The horn is in the shape of all the warriors are
a dragon, with a red jewel at the sleeping off the party,
neck, and Hrothgar makes an off- she attacks Heorot Hall.
hand remark about how hitting the
neck is the only way to kill a
Beowulf tries to run her through with Unferth's
sword, but it just passes through her like shes a
ghost. She comes up to him and tempts him with
the promise of a kingdom and eternal glory, only if
he lay with her and give her another son to replace
the one he took.

Marching back into Heorot, Beowulf tossed

Grendel's head at the Kings feet. Beowulf claims
that he not only made sure Grendel is dead, but
killed his mother, too. He claims he lost the horn
while fighting her, and left Unferth's sword in her
body to make sure that she stayed dead .
Hrothgar, has no heirs, everything he has, including the kingship and
Wealthow, will go to Beowulf when he dies. Hrothgar throws another
party, then asks Beowulf for a private word.

Beowulf became the king. One night, Unferth comes to the King with a
slave in tow. The slave holds out his hands to reveal Hrothgar's golden
horn, which was found on the shore not too far from Grendel's cave.
Beowulf is freaked out, as he realizes that this means that the deal with
Grendel's mother is no longer in effect, and that trouble is sure to follow.
Sure enough, one of the kingdoms outlying villages is attacked by a
dragon one night, and almost all are killed
Beowulf fights again the dragon, hi son
but unfortunately, he is too old to fight
so after fighting against the dragon he
died. Beowulf is given a viking like
funeral placed on a boat.

Wiglaf, which is the new king of Heort

sees the mother of Grendel. As the two
gaze at each other, we are left to
wonder whether Wiglaf resisted her, or
if he gave in just as Hrothgar and
Beowulf did, and thus started the cycle
of the curse all over again.

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