LIT 2 Kinds of Character

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1. Major or Central Characters
 They are vital to the development and resolution of the
The plot and the resolution of conflict revolves around these
2. Minor characters
 They serve to complement the major characters and help
move the plot events forward.
3. Hanging or Dynamic Character

Plays role that develops and changes during the events in the
The character may change positively or negatively depending
on the need of the story.
Example: Ethan in the movie Hello Love, Goodbye.
4. Static or Flat Character
 Someone who does not change over time, his/her
personality does not transform or evolve.
Example: Lucy in the movie the Chronicles of Narnia
It can be anything from a supporter of the main character to
a partner of the antagonist and may change its direction its
direction from positive to negative or negative to positive.
5. Round character
This character develops itself and rather becomes complex
as the story progresses as he or she doesn’t stick to the limited
You can call this character a main or major character or also a
dynamic character due to the changes and development in the
Example: Cardo
6. Stock Character
This type of character is of no much value in a story.
They just take the space of the story but doesn’t have any
impact on the plot.
They just make fun and comments something.
Sometimes they are stereotype.
Examples: Extra characters: the band in the movie: Titanic
7. Confidante Character
A protagonist’s character virtue often get highlighted the
help of a confidante character.
This type of character in whom the main character can trust
on and it ultimately helps develop his heroic characteristics.
 A story often must have this character in order to support
the development of the main character.
Example: Old man/woman, “ermitanyo”
8. Foil
A character whose personal qualities contrast with another
Example: Ethan’s brother in the movie Hello Love, Goodbye.
9. Symbolic Character
Any major or minor character whose very existence
represents some major ideas or aspect of society.
Example: Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia, represents Jesus
Christ who acts as a Savior to the lost kids.
10. Evil character or villain
He/she acts actively with more intensity to harm the
This character does everything to create a life-threatening
situations for the hero in the story.
Example: Salida in the movie Sahaya.

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