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Foundation Power Company Daharki


17th May 2024, from 09:00 hrs. to 15:00 hrs.

Target Value for ACT 2024

This test aims to demonstrate the Annual

Power Purchase Capacity Test (ACT) per PPA Article VIII, Section
Agreement: 8.4, following the Commercial Operation Date.
During each Demonstration Period, the ACT will
Schedule-1 be conducted to determine the Tested Capacity
Annex- 6 of the Complex. The Net Power Output will be
measured at the interconnection point (Tariff
Meter) and corrected to the following reference
a) Ambient Air Temperature: 27°C
b) Relative Humidity: 52%
c) Barometric Pressure: 1.0047 bar

Target Value to be
14th Year achieved:
Agreement of 168.211 MW
The test will be considered successful if, after
correcting for the reference conditions—
Ambient Air Temperature (27°C), Relative
Humidity (52%), and Barometric Pressure
(1.0047 bar)—the Net Output matches the
criteria specified in the attached 'Output
Degradation Factor' table. Either party may
reject the test within 24 hours, per PPA Section
Executive Summary – ACT 2024

The measured average Net Power Output will be corrected

Average Net Output (of 6 hrs. for ACT)
with reference operating conditions according to correction
at: curves, the corrected Net Power Output will be determined
as follows:
Main Meter – 152.153 MW
Backup Meter – 152.387 MW
PC Corrected Net Power Output
PM Measured Net Power Output
Ambient Conditions:
Avg Temperature – 43.54 oC OCF = yt * yp * yh
Avg Pressure – 999.67 mbar yt Corrected Ambient Temperature
yp Corrected Ambient Pressure
Avg Humidity – 18.01 % yh Corrected Ambient Humidity

The average value of six (6) hours of measured Net Power

Corrected Net Output – 168.568 MW Output will be corrected and taken as the final
@ Reference Conditions determination of ACT value.
Note: The interpolation formula will determine the
correction factor for the relative humidity.
Main Meter Reading – ACT 2024

Reading Line-1 Reading Line-2 Difference

Time Total Net
Export Import Export Import Energy-
Export Export
(MWh) (MWh) (MWh) (MWh) Import
(MWh) (MWh)
9:00 814,354.24 7,624.48 981,678.56 469,382.36

10:00 814,512.24 7,624.48 981,679.24 469,383.76 158.680 1.400 157.280

11:00 814,669.40 7,624.48 981,680.44 469,386.84 158.360 3.080 155.280

12:00 814,818.00 7,624.48 981,684.68 469,386.88 152.840 0.040 152.800

13:00 814,961.96 7,624.48 981,690.40 469,386.88 149.680 - 149.680

14:00 815,110.28 7,624.48 981,691.32 469,387.40 149.240 0.520 148.720

15:00 815,263.04 7,624.48 981,691.32 469,391.00 152.760 3.600 149.160

Average Net Output 152.153 MW

Main Meter
Main Meter Reading – ACT 2024

Net Export (MWh) = Total Export – System Energy Import

Total Export (MWh) = (Line-1 Export @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-1 Export @ 09:00 hrs.) +
(Line-2 Export @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-2 Export @ 09:00 hrs.)
System Energy Import (MWh) = (Line-1 Import @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-1 Import @ 09:00 hrs.) +
(Line-2 Import @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-2 Import @ 09:00 hrs.)
At 1000 hrs.:
Total Export = (814,512.24 - 814,354.24) + (981,679.24 - 981,678.56 ) = 158.68 MW
System Energy Import = (7,624.48 - 7,624.48 ) + (469,383.76 - 469,382.36) = 1.4 MW
Net Export = 158.68 – 1.4 = 157.28 MW

Similarly, six readings of Net Export are taken at one-hour intervals, and the average of these
readings is calculated. This average is then used to determine the Net Power Corrected.
Backup Meter Reading – ACT 2024

Reading Line-1 Reading Line-2 Difference

Total System Net
Time Export Import Export Import Energy-
Export Export
(MWh) (MWh) (MWh) (MWh) Import
(MWh) (MWh)

9:00 716,238.00 10,261.32 985,571.60 470,196.92

10:00 716,396.04 10,261.32 985,572.32 470,198.40 158.760 1.480 157.280

11:00 716,553.44 10,261.32 985,573.56 470,201.40 158.640 3.000 155.640

12:00 716,702.28 10,261.32 985,577.72 470,201.40 153.000 - 153.000

13:00 716,846.36 10,261.32 985,583.40 470,201.40 149.760 - 149.760

14:00 716,994.72 10,261.32 985,584.32 470,201.92 149.280 0.520 148.760

15:00 717,148.24 10,261.32 985,584.32 470,205.56 153.520 3.640 149.880

Average Net Output 152.387 MW

Backup Meter
Backup Meter Reading – ACT 2024

Net Export (MWh) = Total Export – System Energy Import

Total Export (MWh) = (Line-1 Export @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-1 Export @ 09:00 hrs.) +
(Line-2 Export @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-2 Export @ 09:00 hrs.)
System Energy Import (MWh) = (Line-1 Import @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-1 Import @ 09:00 hrs.) +
(Line-2 Import @ 10:00 hrs. – Line-2 Import @ 09:00 hrs.)
At 1000 hrs.:
Total Export = (716,396.04 - 716,238.00) + (985,572.32 - 985,571.60) = 158.76 MW
System Energy Import = (10,261.32 - 10,261.32 ) + (470,198.40 - 470,196.92 ) = 1.48 MW
Net Export = 158.76 – 1.48 = 157.28 MW

Similarly, six readings of Net Export are taken at one-hour intervals, and the average of these
readings is calculated. However, this value is not used to calculate Net Power Corrected, as we
use the main meter reading instead.
Ambient Conditions – ACT 2024

Ambient Air Relative Humidity

Temperature Correction Factor: Time Ambient Pressure (mbar)
Temperature (oC) (%)
yt = - 0.0000002697100002*x3 - 9:00 1,001.50 36.60 29.00
9:15 1,001.50 37.50 26.70
0.000028817329184*x2 - 9:30 1,001.40 38.60 25.00
0.003118601339256*x + 9:45 1,001.30 39.20 23.50
10:00 1,001.20 40.40 22.90
1.110096394574 10:15 1,001.10 40.60 22.50
Here, x = 43.54 oC 10:30 1,001.10 41.40 21.90
10:45 1,000.90 42.30 20.90
11:00 1,000.70 42.20 20.00
11:15 1,000.60 43.20 19.70
Pressure Correction Factor: 11:30 1,000.30 44.30 18.30
11:45 1,000.10 44.00 17.00
yp= - 0.091158475303018*x2 + 12:00 1,000.00 44.10 17.40
1.19237943937158*x - 12:15 999.70 44.60 15.20
12:30 999.50 44.90 15.60
0.105966244075041 12:45 999.20 45.40 14.40
Here, x = 999.67 mbar = 999.67/1000 13:00 999.00 45.60 14.70
13:15 998.80 45.50 13.80
13:30 998.50 46.60 13.30
13:45 998.20 46.60 13.60
14:00 997.90 46.10 14.40
14:15 997.60 46.60 12.70
14:30 997.40 47.40 12.70
14:45 997.30 47.00 12.20
15:00 997.00 47.70 12.90

999.67 43.54 18.01
Amb Conditions
Ambient Conditions – ACT 2024
Humidity Correction Factor: Ambient Air Relative Humidity
Time Ambient Pressure (mbar)
Temperature (oC) (%)
At 15 oC 9:00 1,001.50 36.60 29.00
yh= - 0.001184197983896*x + 2 9:15 1,001.50 37.50 26.70
9:30 1,001.40 38.60 25.00
0.000102528197267*x + 1.00026689247227 9:45 1,001.30 39.20 23.50
10:00 1,001.20 40.40 22.90
At 27 oC 10:15 1,001.10 40.60 22.50
10:30 1,001.10 41.40 21.90
yh= - 0.005963789149234*x2 - 10:45 1,000.90 42.30 20.90
0.001065501479793*x + 1.00216666935545 11:00 1,000.70 42.20 20.00
11:15 1,000.60 43.20 19.70
11:30 1,000.30 44.30 18.30
At 30 oC 11:45 1,000.10 44.00 17.00
12:00 1,000.00 44.10 17.40
yh= - 0.007211769018120*x2 - 12:15 999.70 44.60 15.20
0.003136103844945*x + 1.00358083634187 12:30 999.50 44.90 15.60
12:45 999.20 45.40 14.40
13:00 999.00 45.60 14.70
At 40 oC 13:15 998.80 45.50 13.80
yh= - 0.007639285048960*x2 – 13:30 998.50 46.60 13.30
13:45 998.20 46.60 13.60
0.018216088481829*x + 1.01153802868779 14:00 997.90 46.10 14.40
14:15 997.60 46.60 12.70
14:30 997.40 47.40 12.70
At 50 oC 14:45 997.30 47.00 12.20
yh= 0.000851991994061*x2 – 15:00 997.00 47.70 12.90
0.048190343392719*x + 1.02482859992902 Average
999.67 43.54 18.01

Amb Conditions
Net Power Corrected – ACT 2024
Main Tariff Meter Reading Relative
Amb Air Temp Amb Air Temp Amb Pressure
Time of (MWh) Humidity
Line-1 Line-2 Difference (oF) (oC) (mbar) (%)

09:00-10:00 157.280
10:00-11:00 155.280 Average value from
Difference from data Average value from Average value from
11:00-12:00 152.800 data sheet
sheet (attached) data sheet (attached) data sheet (attached)
12:00-13:00 149.680 (attached)
13:00-14:00 148.720
14:00-15:00 149.160
Average 152.153 43.54 999.67 18.01

Average Amb Air Temp (oC) 0.897449
43.54 0.003118601339256*x+1.110096394574
Average Amb Pressure
yp=-0.091158475303018*x2+1.19237943937158*x-0.105966244075041 0.994923
(mbar) 999.67
Average Relative Humidity
yh=-0.00763928504896*x2-0.018216088481829*x+1.01153802868779 1.010897
(%)* 18.01
Net Average Outpput (06
Overall correction factor = yt*yp*yh 0.902623
hrs) 152.153
Corrected Net Output @
Reference Conditions 168.568 MW

*Interpolation formula is applied

Net Power Corr
Net Power Corrected – ACT 2024

Net Average Output = (157.280 + 155.280 + 152.800 + 149.680 + 148.720 + 149.160 ) = 152.153 MWh
Avg Ambient Temp = 43.54 oC
Avg Ambient Press = 999.67 mbar
Avg Ambient Humidity = 18.01%

Temperature Correction Factor:

yt = - 0.0000002697100002*x3 - 0.000028817329184*x2 - 0.003118601339256*x + 1.110096394574
Where x = 43.54, we get
yt = 0.897449

Pressure Correction Factor:

yp= - 0.091158475303018*x2 + 1.19237943937158*x - 0.105966244075041
Where x = 999.67 mbar = 999.67/1000, we get
yp = 0.994923

Humidity Correction Factor:

Since temperature and humidity are inversely related, as temperature increases, humidity decreases. Therefore, to find the humidity
correction factor, an interpolation method is used. A specific set of formulas is designed for different temperatures to determine the
humidity factor. Then, interpolation is applied to find the humidity factor corresponding to the actual average ambient temperature.
Net Power Corrected – ACT 2024
Average Ambient Temperature = 43.54 oC **** If the temperature lies between
Average Ambient Humidity = 18.01% 15°C and 27°C, we’ll apply a correction
factor formula for these temperatures
and then use interpolation to find a
At 40 oC specific correction factor for the actual
yh= - 0.007639285048960*x2 – 0.018216088481829*x + 1.01153802868779 average ambient temperature within
Put x =18.01, we get yh = 1.0080 this range. The same applies to other
At 50 oC temperature ranges.

yh= 0.000851991994061*x2 – 0.048190343392719*x + 1.02482859992902

Put x =18.01, we get yh = 1.0162

Now, apply Interpolation formula to find the Humidity Correction factor against Ambient Temp, 43.54 oC:
(50 – 40)/((43.54 – 40) = (1.0162 – 1.0080)/(x – 1.0080)
40 1.0080
10 (x – 1.008) = 3.54 (41/5000)
10x = 0.029028 + 10.08 43.54 x
x = 1.0109 50 1.0162
Humidity correction factor, yh = 1.0109028
Overall Correction Factor OCF= yt * yp * yh =0.897449 * 0.994923 * 1.0109 = 0.902623

PC = PM/OCF = 152.153/0.902623

Pc = 168.568 MW Net Power Corrected

Revised Schedule 10 – ACT 2024

With Effect from 00:00 hrs.

18th May 2024
Target Achieved:
168.568 MW

After completion of ACT,

Schedule 10 of the Power
Purchase Agreement, is
revised and applied from the
next operating day.
Notification to NPCC – ACT 2024
Upon successful
completion of the
Annual Capacity
Test, NPCC is
informed via letter
Thank you

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