Geo Rayyan

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Name: Rayyan Zahid Class: P1 B
Roll No. 1
 Geography needs maps to study. As Geography is the study of the world and landscapes so we need maps to tell us
where the parts of the world to identify where we or this place is. A common maps is by paper (Figure 1). Another
map telling the model and every place in the world (continents and water) is called a globe (Figure 2)

 A map tell us
where to go ant
what this place
is about. It can
also tell us about
the distance in a
short cm of
paper with

Figure 1: Map of a community. Figure 2: A globe

 A scale tells distances in the map and can be displayed in three ways

 Scale Line: In figure 3 we can see a scale that tells us how long a distance is in a map by measuring it like an
actual ruler.

Figure 3: A scale line like a ruler telling how long a distance is.
 In Words: In figure 4 the distances are told in words. I
cm to 8km (written 1cm = 8km) means that where 1cm
is that is 8km long.

 Ratio: In figure 5 1:10 000 doesn’t mean that 1cm = 10 Figure 4: A tiny map telling us the scale in
000m. It tells 1:10 000cm. 100cm = 1m so it means that words. 1cm to 8km (1cm = 8km).
with this ratio in a map with tell us that 1cm to 100m (1cm
= 100m).

Figure 5: A ratio
telling 1:10 000cm.
 In figure 6 the directions are viewed. Another word of direction is orientation.
 Here are the first four directions: N for North
S for South E for East W for West
 Here are the next four:
NE for North West SE for
South East SW for South West NW for North West
 And now for the final eight:
 NNE for North North East ENE for East North East ESE for
East South East SSE for South South East SSW for South
South West WSW for West South West WNW for West North West
NNW for North North West
 Directions in a map tells us where a place is.

Figure 6: The cardinal directions.

Sometimes we use symbol for telling what a place means. Figure 7 shows some
examples. In a map definitions are given telling what a symbol means like in figure 7
known as legends. Letters can also be used abbreviated, like Mos for Mosque and
Shp for shop.

Figure 7: A legend telling what each symbol means.

 Symbols just have one big disadvantage which is that they can’t show the
height of lands. We can use spot heights(▲). It tells us how much a place is
above sea level. Figure 8 is an example.

Figure 8:
A figure with
spot heights.
The most accurate way to show height and shape of different lands is through
counter lines. They join up places of same heights above sea level.
 All places with the contour line are the same level. Like if every place is in 20
meters counter line will be 20 meter above sea level.
 The height difference between a counter line is the same.
An example of a counter map is in Figure 9. A disadvantage of counter lines is
that it’s hard to imagine how it actually looks like in reality

Figure 9:
A counter map.
 We can also use colors like the map in figure 10. They can tell us about how
much height above see should it be. A legend can tell what each colour means

Figure 10: A relief

map of Pakistan.

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