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M/s. Mariam Sayed Mohammed Syed Est.

During the last decade, we have substantially expanded our offerings to the
market. I therefore, enclose the details of our product offerings that can
provide multiple solutions for your requirements.

All critical products / components being offered through us come with

genuine Manufacturer’s warranty & and are tested to respective standards
governing the compliance norms. However, we place our customers’
requirements at the forefront and can customize offering to match your

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We welcome the opportunity to support your organization in your efforts to
provide quality products. We look forward to a close association and

document title]
interaction with you in this regard.

M/s. Mariam Syed Mohammed Syed Est has endeavored to establish a

business relationship that balances short-term gains with long term
considerations. We have been sensitive to customers’ requirements &
applicable regulatory requirements with vision to continual improvement. In
pursuit of achieving our set objectives and our responsibilities, we have
committed ourselves to these principles and have implemented Quality
Management System.

Please let me know how we could be of more help; me and my TEAM look
forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with your organization.

With personal regards,

Mariam Sayed Mohammed Sayed

Managing Director

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