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 Abstract
 Introduction
 Literature Survey
 Problem Statement
 Objectives
 Proposed Methodology with Block Diagrams
 Implementation process (h/w - s/w)
 Results and Discussions(experimentation, simulation)
 Advantages / Applications
 Conclusion
 References.
 Science is a field developing in a rapid phase in order to create the technology which can make human
life easier.
 Nowadays, many innovations and inventions are made in the field of defence to reduce the loss of
human lives. One such invention is Camouflage Robot that plays a vital role in reducing the damages
that occur during disasters.
 This robot is designed to work on the principle of Chameleon's camouflaging technique which is one of
the most natural and primitive methods for avoiding detection.
 The main objective of this paper is to implement a multi-functional army robot consisting of various
sensors. The proposed system consists of a a colour sensor which is a part of camouflaging feature.
 In the proposed model cloud based IOT interface with Blynk app and Wi-Fi module are used for
retrieving, storing and recovering information to increase the range of communication.
 Military activities are considered the most hazardous area in which to operate. Together with other
applications such as online surveillance, land mine detection, the camouflage robot is the solution to
reduce loss of human life by replacing it during such operations.
 The robot essentially comprises of a vehicle mounted with various sensors and has two capabilities, one is which
catches monitors live data in war feilds or border areas and distinguishes shading in like manner as a piece of
covering highlight and in this way the other one capability is the observation.
 As a substitution pattern we've utilized remote handset WIFI to expand the scope of correspondence among
transmitter and beneficiary. The advancement of the robot is remotely controlled through mobile phone.
 Since human life is typically more valuable, the proposed robot is routinely the substitution of warriors in war
domains. It is animated by creatures like chameleon.
 The camouflage robot furthermore can be utilized in star lodgings, strip malls, enhancements showrooms,
movement aides, and rescue bunches during catastrophes.
 On the other hand, at places like where there are routinely perils from intruders or mental oppressors ,This
Army robot is more efficient compared to the soldiers.
 Robots are enhanced to be robust and sturdier giving the guarantee of success in the risk prone environment. The
main aim of the paper is to implement a Camouflaged technology based Wireless multifunctional Army Robot
which can be controlled through smart phone using IOT Module.
 This framework comprises of a portable, Internet-controlled robot that has camera mounted and a PIR sensor to
identify living bodies. Clients will have the option to control the robot by means of web, along these lines giving
robot remote control.
 The proposed system consists of a a colour sensor which is a part of camouflaging feature. In the proposed model
cloud based IOT interface with Blynk app and Wi-Fi module are used for retrieving, storing and recovering
information to increase the range of communication.
 Military activities are considered the most hazardous area in which to operate. Together with other applications such
as online surveillance, land mine detection, the camouflage robot is the solution to reduce loss of human life by
replacing it during such operations.
 The proposed framework comprises of observation , disguise RGB's, and metal item identifying PIR sensor. Also the
system is capable of operating in different terrains .
 Through this the robot detect and monitor all on going situations based on invader detection, metal detection etc.
SL.N Name of author Title Work done

1. Skanda H N, Smitha S IOT BASED CAMOUFLAGE ARMY Science is a field developing in a rapid phase in order to create the
Karanth, Suvijith S, Swathi K ROBOT technology which can make human life easier. Nowadays, many
S,Dr. P N Sudha Journal of innovations and inventions are made in the field of defence to reduce
Applied Science and the loss of human lives. One such invention is Camouflage Robot that
Computations ,Bangalore, plays a vital role in reducing the damages that occur during disasters.
India ,Volume VI, Issue V, This robot is designed to work on the principle of Chameleon's
May/2019 camouflaging technique which is one of the most natural and
primitive methods for avoiding detection. The main objective of this
paper is to implement a multi-functional army robot consisting of
various sensors.

2. Nuthan M R Pavan Kumar Camouflage Technique Based Science is a fast-paced area evolving, producing the technologies that
Perspectives in Multifunctional Army Robot will make life easier for human beings. ROBOT is one such
Communication, Embedded- invention. Robot means a computer programmable for performing
Systems and Signal-Processing complex series of acts. Military activities are considered the most
(PiCES) – An International hazardous area in which to operate. Together with other applications
Journal ISSN: 2566-932X, Vol. such as online surveillance, land mine detection, the camouflage
4, Issue 7, October 2020 robot is the solution to reduce loss of human life by replacing it
during such operations.The proposed framework comprises of
observation camera, disguise RGB's, and metal item identifying PIR
sensor. Through this camera the robot detects the shade of the
encompassing zone and changes its shading to mix.
3. Rashmi Hegde1* , G. T. Camouflage Technique Based These days, numerous costs are made inside the field of
Raju2 ,International Journal of Multifunctional Army Robot safeguard in receiving crude safety efforts to monitor the
Research in Engineering, Science fringe from the trespassers. Some military associations take the
and Management Volume-3, Issue-9, help of robot inside the hazard inclined regions which are not
September-2020 that powerful when done by armed force men. These Army
robots are restricting with the camera, sensors, locator and
video screen. The principle goal of our framework is to ask
covered including some extra parameters like Wi- Fi module
for continuous information prepared by the camera at the video
screen and PIR sensor to follow the interlopers. Hence, the
proposed framework utilizing Wi-Fi decreases mistakes at
guard and keeps the state secure from the enemy.

4. Kiran Kumar K, 2 Harshitha S Camouflage Based Multifunctional Army In today's world, the Camouflage Robot is part of a vital role
Shetty, 3 Joanne S George, 4 Robot in rescuing missing people and infiltrating into enemy
Krithika P, and 5 Sunaina Kashyap territories. The robot also substitutes soldiers in war zones.
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 8, 2020 These are often designed to work in a hazardous climate. One
of the best features about this robot, to summarize it,
camouflaging i.e. The sensor detects the surrounding and
projects on the body of the system so that the robot remains
unobserved. Due to this feature, the robot cannot be easily
captured or seen by the enemy. Some military-like
organizations make use of robots in a safe and secure
environment compared to the military. The main aim of this
method is to encourage the object to conceal its presence in the
world. The main objective of this paper is to use the wireless
multi-purpose Army Robot predicated on Camouflage
5. International Journal of Computer CAMOUFLAGE TECHNIQUE BASED Nowadays, many expenses are made in the field of defense in
Science and Information Technology MULTIFUNCTIONAL ARMY ROBOT adopting primitive security measures to protect the border
Research ISSN 2348-120X (online) Vol. from the trespassers. Some military organizations take the help
8, Issue 2, pp: (26-32), Month: April - of robot in border areas of the country where the work done by
June 2020, Available at: the army persons are not much effective. These Army robots Page | 26 are confining with the camera, sensors, metal detector and
Research Publish Journals Mrs. video screen. The main objective of our system is to get
Chaithra, 2 Puneeth A, 3 Tejaswini N camouflaged including some additional parameters like wifi
R, 4Ramya R, 5 Swathi H S module for real time data processed by the camera at the video
screen and PIR sensor to trace the intruders. Thus the proposed
system using wifi reduces errors at defense and keeps the
nation secure from the foe.

6. P. Kavipriya1 , G. Jegan ,Proceedings Design of IOT Based Multifunctional In this modern era, huge capital of the country has been spent
of the International Conference on Camouflage Military Robot for the defence field to deploy primitive and high security
Artificial Intelligence and Smart measures and safeguard the border security forces from the
Systems (ICAIS-2021) IEEE Xplore trespassers. Some defence organizations utilizes robotics in the
Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; defence field and the efficiency of robots are very high when
ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7 compared to the human forces. Camouflage Robot plays a vital
role in saving human loses as well as the damages that occur
during disasters. Thus, it will gain more importance in the
upcoming era. The robot basically consists of a vehicle
mounted with one camera, which captures the images and
detects colour accordingly as a part of the camouflaging
7. Prashanth C R1, Deepika S2, Camouflage Surveillance Robot In Currently, the military federations are taking assistance of
Jagruth S3, Jalaja M4, Rachana S Defense Using Artificial Intelligence robots within the risk-prone areas which aren't effective when
L5 International Research Journal done by army men. In the proposed system the idea is based on
of Engineering and Technology the chameleon’s Camouflage technique. One of the most aims
(IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: is to implement an autonomous camouflaged technology-based
09 Issue: 05 | May 2022 wireless multifunctional robot that can be controlled through a
PC i.e., the camera captures the image and the robot will
change its color according to the surrounding ground hue
detected at the rear end. Camouflage robot plays a huge role in
saving human loses also the robot can serenely enter into the
enemy area and send information via camera to the controller.
 Soldier just deal with the Defense framework. Existing is sensor less catching framework dependent on raspberry
pi-based controllers. It can't screen definite movement without IR sensor.
 The existing systems suffered many problems like high cost to set up communication between robot and rescue
control unit, noisy wireless communication link between robot and control unit which ultimately stopped robot to
function etc.In these systems, distance is a limiting factor because the Bluetooth has a specified range that cannot
be increased.
 The main objective of our system is to get camouflaged including some additional parameters like wifi module
for real time data processing and sensors to trace the intruders and flexible with live data monitoring in
international border areas.
 To achieve these goals, we used a LED matrix (RGB) which can diffuse uniform colors. Initially, the robot can
camouflage itself in red, green and blue color.
 The idea of the Camouflage Robot is based on the chameleon’s camouflage techniques. The aim of the project is
to design, manufacture and operate a robot via PC, used as remote control device, a small mobile robot which
can duplicate the colors where it moves on, hence being camouflaged to the outside world.



 The main goal of the project is to design the robot and to control its operations using a Smart phone, used
as remote control device can reproduce the color accordingly with the ground surface where it will be
moving on, hence being camouflaged to the outside world.
 On the one hand, in order to achieve these goals, we used a LED matrix (RGB) which can diffuse uniform
colors, coupled to sensors that can precisely identify ground colors. Furthermore, to show the real time
data, toxic gas detection using gas sensor, Metal detection using proximity metal sensor, passive ultrasonic
sensor to detect the obstacles and human intruders, and to display the detected parameter in iot
 PIR sensor was high temperature and electronic device for which if any changes are there in the radiation
pattern and the device movement and change in the surrounding, it generates the electric charges, Metal
detector will detect the metal that was near to the device based on the eddy current losses that are
produced on high frequency according to that the signals of output change.
 Arduino will provide the commands and it processes the information from the sensor. The colour sensor
senses the colour of the surroundings and it changes the body colour of the robot and it moves based on
the commands that are provided from the BLYNK cloud tool.
 The Arduino will provide the commands to the dc motors that are used to drive the robot.
 Esp32 cam module will be monitored live in border survelliance areas ,to alert in case of any intruders.
 Arduino UNO
 Ultrasonic Sensor
 Metal Sensor
 Colour Sensor
 Gas Sensor
 Wi-Fi Module/Node MCU
 Battery/Power supply
 L293D Motor driver
 DC Motors


· The key purpose behind the Camouflage Robot is to reduce the death toll of military operations or terrorist
· The Camouflage Robot acts as a spy and should be sent to strategically important military bases for
surveillance and military purposes.
· The camouflage robot system provides a helping hand to our security forces in detection of intruders and
· Moreover, the camouflaging feature makes it difficult to detect the robot by naked human eye.

· They are used for reconnaissance, surveillance, sniper detection, neutralizing explosive devices, etc.
· Invader Detection in international borders.
· Ease to rescue soldiers in case of danger.
· Fire fighting robots.

The system proposed here consists of Arduino, LED, BLYNK cloud, sensors, Wi-Fi module, ultrasonic sensor, metal
detector, DC motor, gas sensor and they are arranged as shown in Above .
Metal detector will detect the metal that was near to the device based on the eddy current losses that are produced on
high frequency according to that the signals of output change.
Arduino will provide the commands and it processes the information from the sensor.
The colour sensor senses the colour of the surroundings and it changes the body colour of the robot and it moves
based on the commands that are provided from the BLYNK cloud tool.
The Arduino will provide the commands to the dc motors that are used to drive the robot.
The Proposed system uses a controlling the robot using BLYNK application in the android device. The
controllers of the BLYNK app are designed for managing the movements of the robot.
Esp32 camera will be used for live monitoring in border survelliance areas monitored based on wifi IP
Our project that camouflage robot changes the colour by using the colour sensor and utilizing the usage of
chameleon technique it also detects the gases that are present in the surroundings, by the use of BLYNK cloud
we can give the commands and the send the information to the nearest camp bases that are recognized.
 The system enacts and plays a crucial role of keeping eye on the war field areas and captures the

 As it is predicated on the Chameleons color changing effect, the robot changes its color consistent with
the encompassing environment and is hidden from the enemy’s insight.

 Robot to robot communication enables operation in out of coverage area. In addition, the disguising
highlight makes it hard to recognize the robot by exposed natural eye.

 In this way, in all the proposed framework gives some assistance to our security powers in location of
interlopers and live monitoring of invaders through specific camera modules.

 The robot can likewise be used in high height zones where human cannot endure in real time
[1].IOT BASED CAMOUFLAGE ARMY ROBOT Skanda H N, Smitha S Karanth, Suvijith S, Swathi K S,Dr. P N
Sudha Journal of Applied Science and Computations ,Bangalore, India ,Volume VI, Issue V, May/2019
[2].Camouflage Technique Based Multifunctional Army Robot Nuthan M R Pavan Kumar Perspectives in
Communication, Embedded-Systems and Signal-Processing (PiCES) – An International Journal ISSN: 2566-932X,
Vol. 4, Issue 7, October 2020
[3].Camouflage Technique Based Multifunctional Army Robot Rashmi Hegde1* , G. T. Raju2 ,International
Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-9, September-2020
[4].Camouflage Based Multifunctional Army Robot 1 Kiran Kumar K, 2 Harshitha S Shetty, 3 Joanne S George, 4
Krithika P, and 5 Sunaina Kashyap VOLUME 7, ISSUE 8, 2020
[5].International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research ISSN 2348-120X (online)
Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp: (26-32), Month: April - June 2020, Available at: Page | 26 Research
Puneeth A, 3 Tejaswini N R, 4Ramya R, 5 Swathi H S
[6].Design of IOT Based Multifunctional Camouflage Military Robot P. Kavipriya1 , G. Jegan ,Proceedings of the
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS-2021) IEEE Xplore Part Number:
CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
[7].Camouflage Surveillance Robot In Defense Using Artificial Intelligence Prashanth C R1, Deepika S2, Jagruth
S3, Jalaja M4, Rachana S L5 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-
0056 Volume: 09 Issue: 05 | May 2022

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