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Presentation Topic: Different dimensions of banking and financial

institutions in the field of service delivery. Challenges and effective

measures to combat this problem

Submitted To: Presented by: Rakib Hossain

Dr. Musleh Uddin Ahmed Roll: 49
Professor 6th semester 3rd year
Department of Public Administration.
University of Dhaka.

Bank is an institution that deals in money and its substitutes and provides other money-related services.

A financial institution (FI) is a company engaged in the business of dealing with financial and monetary
transactions such as deposits, loans, investments, and currency exchange.

Banking and financial institutions are crucial for economic development. They mobilise savings, facilitate capital
formation, provide credit access, promote trade, offer efficient payment systems, ensure financial inclusion, and
maintain stability through regulation. These factors contribute to growth, job creation, poverty reduction, and
overall development in the country.
Why banking and financial institutions face challenges in service
delivery in Bangladesh?

Limited Financial Inclusion

• Lack of access to banking services in remote areas.
• Low literacy rates and limited financial awareness.
• Insufficient banking infrastructure.

Technological Barriers
• Inadequate technology adoption by banking institutions.
• Limited availability of digital payment systems.
• Poor internet connectivity in some regions.
Regulatory Environment

Complex Regulatory Framework

• Stringent regulations and compliance requirements.
• Lack of coordination among regulatory bodies.
• Cumbersome procedures for obtaining licenses and approvals.

Lack of Effective Governance

• Weak corporate governance practices.
• Insufficient transparency and accountability.
• Inadequate risk management frameworks.
Capacity Constraints

Skilled Workforce Shortage

• Limited availability of skilled banking professionals.
• Brain drain of talent to other countries.
• Insufficient training and development opportunities.

Inadequate Infrastructure
• Insufficient physical infrastructure.
• Inadequate data centers and IT systems.
• Limited availability of reliable electricity and power backup.
Measures to Combat the Challenges

1. Enhancing Financial Inclusion

• Expanding banking services in rural areas.
• Promoting financial literacy and awareness campaigns.
• Encouraging partnerships with microfinance institutions.

Technological Advancement
• Encouraging digital banking services and fintech solutions.
• Improving internet infrastructure and connectivity.
• Providing incentives for technological adoption.
Regulatory Reforms

Streamlining Regulations
• Simplifying regulatory procedures and documentation.
• Establishing a centralized regulatory body for better coordination.
• Encouraging self-regulation and industry best practices.

Strengthening Governance
• Enforcing strict corporate governance guidelines.
Promoting transparency and accountability through regular audits.
• Enhancing risk management frameworks and internal controls.
Capacity Building

Skill Development Programs

• Investing in banking education and training programs.
• Collaborating with educational institutions to develop industry-specific courses.
• Offering competitive incentives to retain talent.

Infrastructure Development
• Expanding physical infrastructure, including branches and ATMs.
• Investing in robust IT systems and data centers.
• Ensuring reliable power supply and backup facilities.

Addressing the challenges faced by banking and financial institutions in service delivery in Bangladesh is crucial
for economic growth and financial inclusion. By working together, the government, regulators, and industry
players can create an environment that promotes financial literacy, expands banking infrastructure, bridges the
digital divide, and strengthens cybersecurity measures. This collaborative effort will foster a more inclusive and
resilient financial sector, leading to sustainable economic development and improved living standards for the
people of Bangladesh.
Thank you

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