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March 8,2024

Grade 7 Lesson
First Period Activity
Word Spelling
1.Ask the students to spell the given words on
the next slide.
2. After checking let the students read each
word together, in a group and individually
1.Intelligent: Having the capacity for understanding,
learning, and reasoning.
2.Shortcoming: A fault or defect; a weakness in
character or ability.
3.Praiseworthy: Deserving admiration or approval;
4.Disrespect: Lack of respect or courtesy; rudeness or
5.High-headed: Having a proud or arrogant attitude;
haughty or conceited.
6.Admiration: Respect and warm approval towards
someone; a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval.
7.Delusion: A false belief or opinion, especially one held
despite evidence to the contrary.
8.Dejected: Feeling sad, disappointed, or disheartened;
depressed in spirits.
9.Apologize: To express regret for a mistake or
wrongdoing; to offer an apology.
10.Humble: Modest or unassuming in attitude or
behavior; not arrogant or prideful.
Word Scramble
• Divide the class into teams.
• Display one word scramble card at a time and give
teams a few minutes to unscramble the word and write
down the correct spelling.
• The team with the most correct spellings at the end of
the game wins.
1. gentineill 1. Intelligent
2. mghsinorcto 2. Shortcoming
3. erhyprasotw 3. Praiseworthy
4. tdseserctp 4. Disrespect
5. hdhed-gihi 5. High-headed
6. taoindmira 6. Admiration
7. oelnsdul 7. Delusion
8. deectjed 8. Dejected
9. logiepzoa 9. Apologize
10. umlebh 10. Humble
Second Period
Respect Begets Respect
(Sana Saman)
Once there lived an intelligent boy named
Aman. He always got the highest marks in
every subject in his class. However, he had a
shortcoming — he never respected his
parents, friends, classmates, or elders in
general. He considered himself the king of his
class. He was very rude with everyone and
used to make fun of those who got less marks
than him.
. “My dear, it is praiseworthy that you get good marks
and the first position, but why do you disrespect your
elders? It is very bad to be a rude person, no one will
like and respect you in return and this can harm you
and your career,” advised his father.
Aman replied with pride, “Being the first is everything
is enough to make everyone respect me. I am the one
who deserves respect, I do not want to give respect.”
His father tried to explain, “Until you will not give
respect to others, how will they give respect to you? It
is rightly said, ‘Give respect, take respect’.”
“Dad, I do not believe in such things,” replied
Aman. He did not bother to reflect on what
his father said to him.
Aman soon noticed that in his class, no one
wanted to sit with him, even his friends
started to ignore him. Aman just laughed at
this and said, “Today, you don’t want to sit
with me, but whenever you will not
understand anything, then I know you will
come to me to solve the question for you.”
The others did not react much to this and
continued to ignore him.
A. week passed, but none of his classmates agreed to sit with
him or talk to him. Aman had started to get a bit concerned
about this cold treatment he was getting, but he tried not to
show it. He continued to act in a high-headed manner and
ignored his classmates. He tried to console himself with the
thought that being a good student, he had the respect of his
But soon he got to know that it was all his delusion that he
had the admiration and respect of his teachers. At the end of
the school year, his classmate Ikram (who got the second
position in the class) was selected as the best performer of the
year. Aman was completely shocked and could not believe it.
“Sir, why have you selected Ikram as the best performer of
. class? In each weekly and monthly test, I have scored the
highest marks, so I deserved to be respected and selected as
the best performer of the class!” Aman asked his class
teacher rather rudely.
His teacher replied, “My dear, getting the first position doesn’t
make a person the best student of the class. I have observed
everything in the class. Though you always score the highest
marks, you don’t respect anyone nor do you have very good
terms with your classmates and teachers. A best performer is
best in all ways, his conduct is exemplary, his effort is
extraordinary and then come his marks.”
Hearing this, Aman was on the verge of tears.
. dear, I know who is the best. Ikram used to
support his classmates, he gave respect to his
classmates and as a reward he received respect
in return. But you failed to respect anyone, even
your elders,” his teacher explained.
When Aman arrived home that day, he looked
very sad and dejected. His father saw him and
realised something was wrong and asked, “What
happened to you? You are looking upset.”
Aman narrated the whole story to his father.
. dear, I used to tell you that if you will not respect
others, then you will never gain respect. So give
respect and receive respect,” his father reminded him.
The whole the night, Aman could not sleep as he was
thinking about his teacher’s and father’s words.
The next morning, he went to his father and said,
“Dad, I promise that I will start respecting my elders,
friends and classmates, and will always be polite and
kind to them. I now understand that no one likes those
who are proud.”
In the school that day, the first thing Aman did was to
apologise to his class teacher and classmates for the
disrespect he had always showed them and promised that he
would never do so again. They were all delighted to see the
change in him. His class teacher was also glad to see Aman
speaking so sweetly and humbly to others.

All the classmates hugged him and said, “Welcome back

Aman, we would love to be your friend again.”

Aman excitedly replied, “I am so happy and I love you all too!

From today our friendship will never break!”

Retell the story to the class.

Third Period Activity
1. What was Aman's major shortcoming despite his academic
2. Explain why Aman's classmates and friends started to
ignore him over time.
3. How did Aman's lack of respect for others ultimately affect
his relationships and reputation within his school community?
4. Reflect on the teacher's explanation for why Aman was not
selected as the best performer despite his high marks. How
does this relate to the theme of respect and behavior?
5. Do you think Aman's change in behavior at the end of the
story was genuine, or was he simply trying to regain his
popularity? Justify your answer with evidence from the text.
4th Period Activity
• What is the moral or lesson of the story
“ The Helpful Fisher and the Lovely
• "On your half-sheet of paper, reflect on
the lesson you believe the story is
trying to teach you.
• Share your own interpretations and

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