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Lesson goal

To improve students’understanding of bullying, the harm of

bullying, and strategies for responding to bullying.

Students will learn:

• What bullying is and crimes associated with bullying
• Harm that results from bullying
• What teens can do if they are being bullied
• What teens can do if they know someone being bullied
What is bullying?
Bullying is commonly defined as intentional, repeated
harmful acts, words, or other behavior, such as name
calling, threatening, and/or shunning, committed by one
or more children against another.
• The harmful acts or words are intentional.
• The acts or words are repeated.
• The acts are harmful and they can include a range of
acts, words, and other behaviors.
• The acts are committed by one or more persons
against another.
• Bullying may be physical, verbal, or emotional in
What is bullying? cont.

• Physical bullying includes punching, poking, strangling,

hair pulling, beating, biting, and excessive tickling.

• Verbal bullying includes such acts as hurtful name

calling, teasing, and gossip.

• Emotional bullying includes behaviors such as rejecting,

extorting, humiliating, blackmailing, rating/ranking of
personal characteristics, manipulating friendships,
isolating, ostracizing, and peer pressure.
Cyberbullying, sometimes referred to as electronic bullying,
can involve:
sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or
posting sensitive, private information about another
pretending to be someone else in order to make that
person look bad
intentionally excluding someone from an online group
Cyberbullying can be done using social media, e-mail, instant
messaging, text or digital imaging messages sent on cell
phones, web pages, blogs, and chat rooms.

Bullying and criminal behavior

The definition of bullying in the Code of Virginia is “any
aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm,
intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived
power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and
victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional
trauma. ‘Bullying’ includes cyber bullying. ‘Bullying’ does not
include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer
conflict.” (Code of Virginia § 22.1-276.01)
Bullying and criminal behavior,
Bullying is not considered a crime in the Code of Virginia.
However, the acts that are most often associated with
bullying are criminal offenses, including:

Threat Assault and Battery

Harassment Robbery
Extortion Hazing
Criminal acts associated with
These criminal acts are most often associated with bullying:

• Threat: A communication that threatens to kill or do bodily

injury to a person or any member of his or her family and
places the person in reasonable fear of death or bodily
• Harassment: To repeatedly annoy or attack a person or
group in such a way as to cause anxiety or fear for safety.
Several different types of harassment are against Virginia
• Extortion: Obtaining property from another person by
using or threatening to use violence or other criminal
means to cause harm to a person, their reputation, or their

Criminal acts, cont.

• Assault and battery: Physical, harmful contact.
• Robbery: The taking, with intent to steal, of the personal
property of another, from his or her person or in his or her
presence, against his or her will, by violence or
• Hazing: To recklessly or intentionally endanger the health
or safety of a student or to inflict bodily injury on a student
in connection with admission into a group.

Harm from bullying

Bullying has often been dismissed as a normal part of
growing up. That isn’t the case. Bullying and the harm that it
causes are seriously underestimated.

Bullying is a big deal.


Harm from bullying, cont.

Effects on the victim:
• Grades may suffer because attention is drawn away from
• Fear may lead to absenteeism, truancy, or dropping out.

• If the problem persists, victims sometimes feel compelled

to take drastic measures, such as vengeance in the form
of fighting back, bringing a weapon to school, or even

Harm from bullying, cont.

Effects on bystanders:
• May be afraid to associate with the victim for fear of
lowering their own status or for fear of retribution from the
bully and becoming victims themselves.
• May fear reporting bullying incidents because they do not
want to be called a “snitch.”
• May experience feelings of guilt or helplessness for not
standing up to the bully on behalf of their classmate.
Harm from bullying, cont.

Effects on the bullies themselves:

• Studies have found that bullying in childhood may be an
early sign of the development of violent tendencies,
delinquency, and criminality.
• One study found that boys identified as bullies in middle
school were four times as likely as their non-bullying
classmates to have three or more criminal convictions
by age 24.
Review and recap

You have learned:

• Although bullying itself is not considered a crime, it often
involves criminal behavior.
• Bullying is harmful to everyone involved – not just the person
being bullied.
• There are strategies you can use if either you or someone you
know is being bullied.

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