Sajid Ali

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“To kill a Mocking Bird”
(Comparison with a movie)

Submitted to
Ma’am Maryam Jawaid
Submitted by
Sajid Ali
Department: B.S English (Evening)
Batch: 2024
Date: 22/04/2024
The Novel itself, To kill a Mocking Bird portrays, Injustice, social inequality and Racism. The movie I am comparing with it namely Heavens fall.

Heavens fall is a 2006 American filmed, based on Scottsboro boys incident of 1931. Two young women accuse nine black youths of rape in the segregated South. A tragic true story began
in the spring of 1931 when nine black men were pulled off an Alabama fright train and accused of raping two young white women. The nine men were quickly tried and sentenced to the
electric chair. News of their convictions spread, forcing an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. New York attorney Sam Leibowitz traveled to Alabama in 1933 during segregation to
defend the nine young men-setting in motion a legal battle that ultimately changed the lives of everyone involved as well as the course of American jurisprudence.

This is a powerful true story and it is well told in this gripping drama which is endued with a powerful performance by Timothy Hutton, who plays New York attorney Sam Leibowitz. He
travels to Alabama in 1933 to defend nine black men who are falsely accused of rape. The odds are huge against Leibowitz winning the case despite his solid record in winning capital cases.
But he has to contend with racism and prejudice, pretty big opponents to overcome. This became as the Scottsboro case. The story unfolds and we begin to learn of the unreliable testimony
of the two main witness and of the jury selection, which includes no blacks and is a joke in how it is put together. Yet Leibowitz hammers away at the inconsistencies of the witnesses and
their testimonies, and puts together a decidedly solid case in defending Haywood Patterson and the others.
The novel , To kill a Mocking Bird’ and the Movie both shares same feats and attributes, the south part of America where Racism cruelty, inequality and inhuman behavior towards
black community and dark history of white Americans. In the movie, the scenario in the end, the main quotation from the jury, As the jury find the defendant guilty as charged fix the
punishment of death in the electric chair. In these modern times we see protest under the banner ‘Black lives matter’ in so called America, the land of freedom. Both the Novel and
Movie itself shares same aspects and similarities, the so called America, the way say that “America is the land of freedom” but the hypocrisy of the white Racist Americans, their
justice, is just the example of ”favoritism” the jury in the novel and the jury in the movie both are racist and dishonest with their conscience and duty.

The question arises, why there is racism and inequality in America, because most of the black were brought as slaves from Africa by many Europeans elites then they found America, the
previous name of United States of America was ‘United Colonies” black African were brought for slavery and for labor and to build Infrastructure for the elites who colonized these parts
of the land for their own comforts and luxuries of life, so the elites if they gave black people their equal rights, who would do their work and give them comforts of the lives, this is the
system they say ‘ America is the land of freedom’ which is not the truth entirely. Even Muhammad Ali boxer, was also troubled by this racism and he refused to be a part of ‘Vietnam
war’ and thus he rejected the idea of slavery and stood for the rights of black Americans, the tittle he was known for ‘ The greatest boxer’ of all time, and his name Muhammad Ali,
was placed on the wall of fame, hall of fame wall of all stars in United States of America, truly a person of vision, thought and freedom.

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