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Biomas do Brasil




ERICK ROCHA LOPES Rios da Amazônia

KEVEN DE LIMA SAMPAIO Povos ribeirinhos


Entre no contexto
Entre no contexto
A Amazônia é um bioma de vital importância,
abrangendo 6,9 milhões de km² e estendendo-
se por nove países:
Localização do Amazonas
Venezuela Guiana

Colombia Suriname

Guiana Francesa


Anaconda (1997) - Trailer Legendado
Anaconda (1997) - Trailer Legendado -
Fauna e Flora
Fauna e Flora
A fauna e a flora da Floresta Amazônica são
verdadeiramente notáveis por sua diversidade.
Esta vasta floresta tropical, considerada a
maior do mundo, abriga muitas espécies
Zona Equatorial

 Cortada pela linha do

 Clima quente e úmido;
 Temperatura media 27,9°.
Chuvas torrenciais são eventos
meteorológicos caracterizados por uma
grande quantidade de água caindo
rapidamente em um curto período de
tempo. Essas chuvas podem levar a
Período de maior precipitação (chuva):
• A estação chuvosa geralmente começa no início
de dezembro.
• A maior parte do ano, cerca de nove meses, é
marcada por chuvas.
Período de menor precipitação (seco):
• Os meses mais secos geralmente são julho,
agosto, setembro e, às vezes, se estendem
até outubro.
• Apenas três meses são considerados secos.
Rios voadores
Rios da
O rio Amazonas, localizado na
América do Sul, é o maior rio em
vazão de água da Terra e o
segundo mais extenso do mundo,
após o Rio Nilo. Com 6 992,06
quilômetros, percorre o norte da
América do Sul, a floresta
amazônica e deságua no Oceano
Os rios Negro e Solimões são dois
importantes rios da região
amazônica no Brasil. Eles se
encontram na cidade de Manaus, no
estado do Amazonas, em um
fenômeno conhecido como
"Encontro das Águas"
Povos ribeirinhos
Povos ribeirinhos

O termo povos ribeirinhos se refere às

pessoas que residem nas proximidades
dos rios. Eles são encontrados em
diversas partes do Brasil e possuem forte
vínculo com a natureza, tendo muitas
vezes a pesca artesanal como a principal
atividade de sobrevivência.
Major Amazon Basin exports
Animals of Amazon River

Mammals Birds Piranhas

Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
planet to the Sun and the and is the second planet actually a cold place. It’s
smallest of them all from the Sun full of iron oxide dust
Trees of Amazon River

Itahuba Caricari
Mars is actually a very Venus has extremely
cold place high temperatures

Tajibos Mandrilo
Jupiter doesn’t have a Saturn is a gas giant and
solid surface has several rings
Major Amazon Basin exports

Rubber Hardwoods Brazil nuts

Mars is actually a very Venus has extremely Neptune is the farthest
cold place high temperatures planet from the Sun

Rosewood Vegetable oils Jute

Mercury is the closest Saturn is a gas giant Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun with several rings planet of them all
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can make
the reader get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
Amazon river navigation

Mercury is the Despite being red,

closest planet to Mars is actually a
the Sun very cold place

Climate Tools Risks Duration Routes

Venus is the second Neptune is the Saturn is a gas
planet from the farthest planet from giant and has
Sun the Sun several rings
The vast
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an image
instead of a long text. Your
audience will appreciate it
Amount of cubic meters per second iIt empties into the Atlantic Ocean
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter's rotation period

The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s

386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
75% Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and the
smallest of them all

25% Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet
from the Sun
Rain data
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
right-click on it and select “Replace
Rain data
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
right-click on it and select
“Replace image”
Rain data
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
right-click on it and select
“Replace image”
Countries and the Amazon River
Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is
from the Sun a very cold place

Brazil Bolivia

Venezuela Ecuador
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet of them all
Amazon river floods

Hectares affected Total hectares Countries

2022 201 985 Brazil

2021 125 587 Peru

2020 102 236 Colombia

Rains on the Amazon River

Venus has very high

Saturn is a gas giant
with rings

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Our teachers

Sofia Hill Kaliyah Harris

You can speak a bit about this You can speak a bit about this
person here person here
Exercise 1: Match
Match each term with the arrow with the correct description

Brazil Source of the Amazon River

256 cubic meters Rain per year

Peru He named the Amazon River

Francisco de Orellana Birds that inhabit the Amazon River

1300 Country with more tributaries

Exercise 2: worksheet
Complete the banks with the concepts

The greatest river of South America, the the world’s largest river
Amazon is also ___________________ in
water volume and the area of its drainage
basin. Together with its tributaries the river 2,722,000 square miles
drains an area of _________________
(7,050,000 square kilometers)— roughly one third of the continent
___________ _________. It empties into
______________ at a rate of about
______________ (220,000 cubic meters) the Atlantic Ocean
per second
58 billion gallons
Exercise 3: True or false
Do you think this affirmation is true or it's false? Paint the
box of the one you think is the correct answer

Certain areas of the Amazon rainforest

receive 400 in. (1016 cm) of rain per year

True False
Exercise 4: Location
Fill in the text box with each country through which the
Amazon River passes and then color each country

Fill in with a country

Fill in with a country

Fill in with a country

Fill in with a country

Fill in with a country

Fill in with a country

Exercise 5: Select the correct answer
Paint one of the circles A,B or C with the answer you think it's correct.
Afterwards you can move the circles and see the correct answer below

A 361 million liters

How many liters of

water does the
B 75 million liters
Amazon River flow
into the ocean?

C 219 million liters

Exercise 6: Answer
Answer question about the Amazon River

1 In which continent is the

Amazon rainforest located? 2 The Amazon river spreads across
how many countries?

Write your answer here Write your answer here

3 The Amazon River flows into

which ocean? 4 Who was the first man to swim
the entire length?

Write your answer here Write your answer here

Exercise 7: Select the correct answer
Only one is correct. Paint with other color the one you think it's right. The
correct answer is below the yellow rectangle

1 A Slovenian athlete once swam

almost the entire length of the 2 The River boasts an impressive
seasonal fluctuation of up to…
Amazon River, in…
A 66 days A 85 meters
B 96 days B 15 meters

Clear this yellow box to find

Respuestas: 01. Athe
02. answers
B below it
THANKS! Do you have any questions?
+34 654 321 432

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and includes icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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