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In the Past
The media are used for something that we want to express with other people,
in ancient times what they used to be used are like
Smoke signals were a very ancient means used to contact someone who was far away or to notify
the location of the emitter.

Cornet: This sound instrument also made it possible to overcome distances. In general, the sound
was used to call someone or warn that some problem or danger was occurring. In the past, instead
of this musical instrument, a horn was used for the same purpose.

Stone: Before the invention of paper, the support that was used to overcome the passage of time
when formulating a message was stone. On it, and with other stones, signs and symbols could be
captured. Due to their weight, the distances were an obstacle that they were unable to overcome
and their content could only be interpreted by those who knew the signs used.
plant of thePaper:
same This
name support
and was
was used for
written writing
with ink onmessages,
it. it was made from an aquatic
leg, with In this case, the sender used one or more pigeons
a letter inside. The pigeons were able to cross long distancesto which heand placed
tube in one
to its
In this case, a message was written on a piecetheof letters.
paper, placed in an envelope and the
Bottle:office was in charge of organizing and sending
threw itSailors
into theused
sea,this option
hoping thattosomeone
ask for help: they
on the placed
shore woulda message inside
find it and a bottle
notify and
the authorities.
Currently, communication is dominated by applications and social networks, and in the future, any communication will be totally
digital, controlling all points of human life. To communicate today, WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter are used. Therefore, at a
business level, it is very important to be active on social networks and integrate into the digital world. The main objectives of the
vast majority of companies is that social networks are used to put the consumer in the foreground and improve their experience.
In the future
In the future, communication will be unique, since it will be used
in a way in which you will not even end up using a phone to call
people, now you will only use a possible hologram, social
networks will possibly reach the point where You will not need
the internet to be able to use social networks, in addition to the
fact that you will no longer need or use face-to-face

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