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Terms and Concepts
serles of declslons lnvolved ln dellverlng Lhe
promoLlonal message Lo Lhe prospecLlve
purchasers and/or users of Lhe producL or
Terms and Concepts
@he medla plan ls Lhe gulde for medla selecLlon
lL requlres developmenL of speclflc med|a
ob[ect|ves and speclflc med|a strategy
(plan of acLlon) deslgned Lo aLLaln Lhese
Terms and Concepts
general caLegory of avallable dellvery sysLems
speclflc carrler wlLhln a medlum caLegory
Terms and Concepts
a measure of Lhe number of dlfferenL
audlence members exposed aL leasL once Lo a
medla vehlcle ln a glven perlod of Llme
poLenLlal audlence LhaL mlghL recelve Lhe
message Lhrough a vehlcle
Terms and Concepts
number of Llmes Lhe recelver ls exposed Lo
Lhe medla vehlcle ln a speclfled perlod
,ed|a |an
deLermlnes Lhe besL way Lo geL Lhe
adverLlser's message Lo Lhe markeL
goal Lo flnd LhaL comblnaLlon of medla LhaL
enables markeLer Lo communlcaLe Lhe
message ln Lhe mosL effecLlve manner Lo Lhe
largesL number of poLenLlal cusLomers aL Lhe
lowesL cosL
,ed|a |an Act|v|t|es
1he S|tuat|on
1he S|tuat|on
1he ,arket|ng
Strategy |an
1he ,arket|ng
Strategy |an
1he Creat|ve
Strategy |an
1he Creat|ve
Strategy |an
Sett|ng ,ed|a Cb[ect|ves Sett|ng ,ed|a Cb[ect|ves
Determ|n|ng ,ed|a Strategy Determ|n|ng ,ed|a Strategy
Se|ect|ng ,ed|a W|th|n C|asses Se|ect|ng ,ed|a W|th|n C|asses
Se|ect|ng 8road ,ed|a C|asses Se|ect|ng 8road ,ed|a C|asses
,ed|a Use Dec|s|ons
,ed|a Use Dec|s|ons
,ed|a Use Dec|s|ons
,ed|a Use Dec|s|ons
,ed|a Use Dec|s|ons
other med|a
,ed|a Use Dec|s|ons
other med|a
rob|ems |n ,ed|a |ann|ng
W lnsufflclenL lnformaLlon
W lnconslsLenL @ermlnologles
W @lme ressures
W ulfflculLy Measurlng LffecLlveness
Deve|op|ng the ,ed|a |an
W MarkeL Analysls
W LsLabllshmenL of Medla Cb[ecLlves
W Medla SLraLegy and lmplemenLaLlon
W LvaluaLlon and lollowup
,arket Ana|ys|s and 1arget ,arket
W @o whom shall we adverLlse (who ls Lhe LargeL
W WhaL lnLernal and exLernal facLors may
lnfluence Lhe medla plan?
W Where (geographlcally) and when should we
focus our efforLs
1o Whom Sha|| We Advert|se?
W @he medla planner may work wlLh Lhe cllenL accounL
represenLaLlve markeLlng deparLmenL and creaLlve
dlrecLors Lo declde whlch speclflc groups Lo go afLer
W some wlll requlre prlmary research whereas oLhers
wlll be avallable from publlshed (secondary) sources
W S|mmons ,arket kesearch 8ureau (S,k8)
provldes secondary lnformaLlon
W ,ed|a kesearch Inc (,kI)
provlde llfesLyle lnformaLlon and medla usage
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe populaLlon
1o Whom Sha|| We Advert|se?
ls consldered a good lndlcaLor of Lhe poLenLlal of Lhe
@hls number ls derlved from Lhe formula
W Index ercentage of users |n a demograph|c segment x 100
ercentage of opu|at|on |n the same segment
r|nc|pa| Users of V|deogames ,kI keport
usL because Lhe |ndex for a parLlcular segmenL
of Lhe populaLlon |s very h|gh LhaL
doesn't a|ways mean |t |s an
attract|vesegment to target
ow |gh Ind|ces Can 8e ,|s|ead|ng
What Interna| and Lxterna| Iactors are
W Interna| Iactors may lnvolve Lhe slze of Lhe medla
budgeL managerlal and admlnlsLraLlve capablllLles or Lhe
organlzaLlon of Lhe agency
W Lxterna| Iactors may lnclude Lhe economy (Lhe rlslng
cosLs of Lhe medla) changes ln Lechnology (Lhe avallablllLy of
new medla) compeLlLlve facLors and Lhe llke
Where to romote?
W relaLes Lo geographlc conslderaLlon
Us|ng Ind|ces to Determ|ne Where to
1 Survey of 8uy|ng ower Index
2 8rand Deve|opment Index (8DI)
3 Category Deve|opment |ndex (CDI)
Survey of 8uy|ng ower Index
publlshed annually by Sales MarkeLlng
ManagemenL magazlne
conducLed for every ma[or meLropollLan markeL
and ls based on Lhe number of facLors lncludlng
populaLlon effecLlve buylng lncome and reLall
sales ln Lhe area
8rand Deve|opment Index (8DI)
W deLermlne Lhe sales poLenLlal for LhaL brand ln
LhaL markeL area
W 8ul ercenLage of brand LoLal sales ln Lhe markeL x 100
ercenLage of LoLal populaLlon ln Lhe markeL
Category Deve|opment |ndex (CDI)
W provldes lnformaLlon on Lhe poLenLlal for
developmenL of Lhe LoLal producL caLegory
raLher Lhan speclflc brands
W Cul ercenLage of producL caLegory LoLal sales ln Lhe markeL x 100
ercenLage of LoLal populaLlon ln Lhe markeL
Us|ng 8DI AND CDI Ind|ces
Establish media objectives
Medla lannlng AcLlvlLles
Develop and implement
media strategy
Select media classes
Select media within classes
1 LsLabllshlng Medla Cb[ecLlves
@argeL markeL CommunlcaLlon goals
1 LsLabllshlng Medla Cb[ecLlves
Lxamples of medla ob[ecLlves
W @o reach 30 of Lhe LargeL audlence aL leasL 4
Llmes over Lhe 3monLh perlod
W 23 of Lhe LargeL audlence wlll form a
preference for a new brand ln Lhe flrsL monLh
of Lhe brand launch
Establish media objectives
Medla lannlng AcLlvlLles
Develop and implement
media strategy
Select media classes
Select media within classes
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
CrlLerla ln developlng and lmplemenLlng medla sLraLegy
W @he Medla Mlx
W @argeL MarkeL Coverage
W Ceographlc Coverage
W Schedullng
W 8each vs lrequency
W CreaLlve aspecLs and mood
W llexlblllLy
W 8udgeL conslderaLlons
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
Medla Mlx
W Cb[ecLlves soughL
W CharacLerlsLlcs of Lhe producL or servlce
W Slze of Lhe budgeL
W lndlvldual preferences
,ed|a Advantages D|sadvantages
@elevlslon Mass coverage
Plgh reach
lmapcL of slghL sound and
Plgh presLlge
ALLenLlon geLLlng
Low selecLlvlLy
ShorL message llfe
Plgh producLlon cosL
8adlo Low coverageLow cosL
Plgh frequency
WellsegmenLed audlences
Audlo only
Low aLLenLlon geLLlng
Magazlne SegmenLaLlon poLenLlal
MulLlple readers
Long lead Llme for ad
vlsual only
newspapers Plgh coverage
Low cosL
ShorL lead Llme for placlng
8eader conLrols exposure
Can be used for coupons
ShorL llfe
Low aLLenLlon geLLlng
oor producLlon quallLy
,ed|a Advantages D|sadvantages
CuLdoor LocaLlon speclflc
Plgh repeLlLlon
Laslly noLlced
ShorL exposure Llme
Local resLrlcLlons
ulrecL mall Plgh selecLlvlLy
8eader conLrols exposure
Plgh lnformaLlon conLenL
Plgh cosL/conLacL
oor lmage ([unk mall)
lnLerneL and lnLeracLlve
user selecLs producL
lnLeracLlve relaLlonshlp
ulrecL selllng poLenLlal
Plgh lnformaLlon conLenL
@echnology llmlLaLlons
LlmlLed reach
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
@argeL MarkeL Coverage
excludlng LargeL
@argeL MarkeL (18
40 year old
Medla Coverage
opulaLlon excludlng LargeL markeL
@argeL MarkeL (1840 year old women)
Medla Coverage
Medla Cverexposure
@argeL MarkeL Coverage
lull MarkeL Coverage Coverage Lxceedlng MarkeL
arLlal MarkeL Coverage
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
Ceographlc Coverage
W @he naLure of producLs and servlces are
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
2 uevelop and lmplemenL Lhe sLraLegy
8each vs lrequency
W Pow much reach ls necessary?
W Pow much frequency level ls needed?
W LsLabllshlng 8each and lrequency Cb[ecLlves
W uslng Cross 8aLlng olnLs
W ueLermlnlng LffecLlve 8each
number of households exposed Lo a broadcasL
medla schedule (reach) mulLlplled by Lhe number
of Llme Lhey are exposed (frequency)
CreaLlve AspecLs and Mood
W MarkeL CpporLunlLles
W MarkeL @hreaLs
W AvallablllLy of Medla
W Changes ln Medla and Medla vehlcles
8udgeL ConslderaLlons
W ueLermlnlng 8elaLlve CosLs of Medla
CosL per Lhousand (CM)
W CMCosL of ad space(absoluLe cosL)* 1000 /
CosL per raLlngs polnL (C8)
W C8 CosL of commerclal Llme/rogram 8aLlng
ually lnch raLe
8udgeL ConslderaLlons
W Scenarlo A CveresLlmaLlon of Lfflclency
@argeL MarkeL 1849
Magazlne ClrculaLlon 4000000
ClrculaLlon Lo LargeL markeL 63(2600000)
CosL per page $234000
CM(234000*1000)/$4000000 $383
CM (acLual LargeL audlence) (234000*1000)/2600000
8udgeL ConslderaLlons
W Scenarlo 8 underesLlmaLlon of Lfflclency
@argeL MarkeL All age groups male and female
Magazlne ClrculaLlon 4000000
CosL per page $234000
assalong raLe 3*(33 of households)
CM (based on readers per copy)
(234000*1000)/7960000 $9000
LvaluaLlon and lollowup
W Pow well dld Lhese sLraLegles achleve Lhe
medla ob[ecLlves?
W Pow well dld Lhls medla plan conLrlbuLe ln
aLLalnlng Lhe overall markeLlng ob[ecLlves?

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