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The architectural introduction of a casino is a blend of psychology, art, and business, designed to create an environment of excitement and possibility.
The moment a person steps into a casino, every element, from the lighting to the layout, is designed to make them feel a certain way. The grand entrance
ways, the occasional 'big win' bell, and even the air they breathe are often infused with subtle scents to make them feel relaxed and happy. Good casino
architecture also prioritizes comfort and aesthetics, with comfortable seating, high-quality materials, and genuinely impressive visual displays
contributing to an enjoyable experience. The design of a casino is not limited to the physical space; time and space architectural design trends are also
important for enhancing employee and customer safety, as well as attracting more people and increasing casino profits. The evolution of casino
architectural design has seen the combination of the natural and built environment to create space, with the construction evolving in terms of aesthetics
and functionality.
• The aim of taking Casino Development for a thesis topic is to explore the design and development of a space that
caters to the needs of the gaming industry. This includes understanding the social and economic factors that drive
the industry, analyzing the needs of the players and the casino, and creating innovative designs that enhance the
user experience. The topic also encompasses the use of technology, sustainability, and the potential for creating a
unique identity for the casino. The need for this topic lies in the potential to contribute to the development of
valuable and sustainable spaces that address current urban challenges and improve the overall quality of the
built environment

Psychology, art, and Comfort and aesthetics Safety and security Marketing and promotion Digital transformation

• Psychology, art, and business: Understanding the blend of psychology, art, and business that goes into casino
architecture, including lighting, layout, and sound, can help create an environment of excitement and possibility
• Comfort and aesthetics: Prioritizing comfort and aesthetics, with comfortable seating, high-quality materials, and
impressive visual displays, can contribute to an enjoyable experience
• Safety and security: Ensuring safety and security measures are in place, such as fire safety and intrusion prevention,
can help protect employees and customers
• Marketing and promotion: Developing sound marketing strategies, including attracting, capturing, and inducing
customers to return, can help achieve the casino's goals
• Digital transformation: Embracing digital transformation, including user interface design and virtual reality casinos,
can offer immersive experiences and contribute to the evolution of casino architecture


A functional design can promote skill, economy, conveniences, and comforts; a non-functional design can
impede activities of all types, detract from quality of care, and raise costs to intolerable levels."...Maternity
health care units play a big role in the population growth of a country. The unconfined population growth in
India has led to an increase in the demand for health care units in the urban and rural areas. Our population
faces a crises of such healthcare units and hence this topic has been chosen to address the growing burden of
maternal morbidity and consequent mortality among women in developing countries. A maternity hospital
project has been proposed in an effort to resolve the underlying causes of high maternal deaths by improving
maternal health interventions. One of the most pertinent issues that require research focus is that of the
provision of skilled birth attendance and effects on maternal health outcomes. This proposed hospital envisions
at effective tackling of various challenges with respect to improving the quantity and quality of care provided to
women before, during and after pregnancy. Various studies conducted across the world has led us to believe
that the exploration of the spatial qualities that play a vital role in affecting the health of a patient. The results
obtained highlight the key elements which are absent in a hospital edifice and our much required for healing. In
a country like ours where the neonatility, malnutrition and death due to high percentage of expecting mothers
to be suffering from anaemia, the need of maternity and child care unit for the growing population becomes
rather significant and proposing an efficient, fully equipped maternity home that combats all the current issues
faced becomes even more important.

In India about 2.6 crore children are born each year. About 12.7 lakh die before they reach their
birth. More than 50 per cent of these children die from preventable or treatable infections such as
pneumonia Data shows that 25 per cent of deliveries still take place at home. Only two of 10 home
deliveries are conducted by a trained birth attendant, with low birthweight, infection and birth
asphyxia accounting for 35 per cent, 33 per cent and 20 per cent of new born deaths, the adverse
condition of mothers and children needs to be paid heat to. Mothers and newborns need hygienic
and safe delivery practices for a < better future growth and development.
• According to Census 2011 information
the location code or village code of
Mau village is 453883. Mau village is
located in Gwalior tehsil of Gwalior
district in Madhya Pradesh, India. It is
situated 15km away from Gwalior,
which is both district & sub-district
headquarter of Mau village.


AREA – 24,562.9sm 6 acre

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