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Islamiyat 2058

Major teachings in the Hadiths of the Prophet

Ali Imran
19/05/2024 Prepared by Ali Imran 1
Hadith 16
The believers are like a single man; if his
Hadith 16 eye is affected, he is affected, and if his
head is affected, he is all affected.

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Hadith 16
• describe their teachings about what Muslims
Hadith 16 believe;
• explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action.

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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• Islam joins true believers in brotherhood by their
common faith. This hadith focusses on how a true
believer should feel the pain and suffering of their
Hadith 16 brothers/sisters and come to their aid. The hadith
draws comparisons to the human body and teaches
believers that just as the head is the command
centre and thus vital to humans brotherhood is
essential to all believers.

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Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into
• The suffering of a Muslim at all levels, in the family, in the
community, in the country or even in the world should be
felt by all other Muslims because Islam has joined all
Muslims in brotherhood.
• Muslims should do everything in their power to aid their
Hadith 16 Muslim brothers at national and international level e.g.
donating generously to the Syrian refugees, adopting an
orphan child, giving asylum to their brothers from war torn
countries is the responsibility of all Muslims.
• Examples of how by actions at local and international levels
Muslim can practise the teaching of this Hadith will indicate
a higher level of response.
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Hadith 17
Hadith 17 Modesty produces nothing but good.

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Hadith 17
• describe their teachings about what Muslims
Hadith 17 believe;
• explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action.

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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• This Hadith’s teaching stresses the virtues of modesty,
as it creates a morally pious and respectful society. In
Islam, modesty is of both body and mind. By being
modest a believer will not just seek to promote his/her
Hadith 17 own self-interest, will not engage in anti-social
activities and will be ashamed if he/she does
something wrong.
• The core teaching of this Hadith is that modesty is an
invaluable trait of Muslims that keeps them rooted in
the path of God.
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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• Modesty helps to create a morally pious and respectful
society as by being modest, a believer does not seek to
Hadith 17 promote his/her position or rights but works towards
the creation of a peaceful society. The Prophet (pbuh)
makes it a condition of faith that one considers others
in the same way as one considers oneself.

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Explain how Muslims can put these
teachings into action:
• A Muslim’s speech, dress, attitude towards life must
not be ostentatious.
• They must remain humble.
Hadith 17 • A Muslim must stay away from everything that
would be displeasing to God.
Modesty is also a shield against immorality and
candidates could say that it can be practised by
lowering one’s gaze in the presence of the opposite
gender and by not being overly familiar with them.
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Explain how Muslims can put these
teachings into action:
• Modesty can be practised today by taking the
moderate/middle path. A Muslim’s dress,
mannerisms, attitude towards life must not be
extravagant or ostentatious, but instead be simple
Hadith 17 and humble.
• By acknowledging God as the Master and the giver
of all blessings, a Muslim can practice modesty as it
is a trait of a humble person.
• Other examples of modesty, . . . .
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Hadith 18
He who has in his heart as much faith as a
grain of mustard seed will not enter hell,
Hadith 18 and he who has in his heart as much pride
as a grain of mustard seed will not enter

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Hadith 18
• describe their teachings about what Muslims
Hadith 18 believe;
• explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action.

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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• The teaching of this Hadith confirms what is indicated by
the text of the Qur’an that all those who affirm the
oneness of God will enter Paradise, initially or later on,
unlike the obedient believer who is free of any major sin
and will enter Paradise without being exposed to hell fire.
Hadith 18 • Pride on the contrary is linked with arrogance, a trait
which led Iblis to be expelled from Paradise and one that
Muslims should shun. In this Hadith, the clear teaching is
that everything a person has is God given, and that a
Muslim should be grateful to God for the blessings given
and avoid pride lest he/she be led astray.
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Explain how Muslims can put these
teachings into action:
• Remaining firm in his/her faith and avoiding pride
are ways in which the teachings of this Hadith can
be practised.
• The Prophet (pbuh) remained humble even after the
Hadith 18 conquest of Makka. Iblis, on account of his pride,
disobeyed his Creator and was subsequently expelled
from Paradise. Hence Muslims should always make
sure that there is no place for pride in their hearts.
• Quotes from the Qur’an and other Hadiths could be
given here.
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Hadith 19
Hadith 19 The world is the believer’s prison and the
unbeliever’s paradise.

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Hadith 19
• describe their teachings about what Muslims
Hadith 19 believe;
• explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action.

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Describe their teachings about what Muslims
• This hadith is telling Muslims that in this world they have to live
their lives bearing in mind what has been allowed to them and
what is forbidden. And though at times they might find it
restricting it is for their benefit.
• However, those who do not believe in the One God and the Day
Hadith 19 of Judgment live as they please and to them the charms of this
world may seem like paradise.
• This world is temporary and if one lives one’s life in a God
conscious manner and righteously, they will have everlasting joy
in the akhira.
• The focus of this hadith is on individual conduct and how
Muslims should always be mindful of their accountability to God.
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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• This hadith is related to individual conduct and
draws attention to how true believers resist the
temptations of this world and endeavour to follow
the righteous path, even if it is not the easy one.
Hadith 19 • Reference to this world being an unbeliever’s
paradise could be explained by saying that those
who do not believe in the one God or the Day of
Judgment live for the present without fear of
accountability, so may not live a life prescribed by
19/05/2024 Prepared by Ali Imran 19
Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into
• Living a God-conscious life, keeping away from the forbidden,
practising the Pillars of Islam remembering one’s accountability
to the Creator and taking all action with that accountability in
mind is how this Hadith‘s teaching can be practised.
• Islam does impose certain restrictions on its followers and
Hadith 19 expects obedience from the believers for which they are
rewarded with paradise.
• Those who do not believe in the One God or Judgment Day can
partake from the pleasures of this world as they choose for
they don’t fear their accountability before God.
• This Hadith reminds believers to act righteously and remember
this world is temporary.
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Explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action:
• By following the path prescribed by God and His
Prophet (pbuh) and remembering one’s accountability
before God and thus walking on the path of
righteousness is one way of putting the teaching of this
hadith into action.
Hadith 19 • Examples of resisting temptations from the Prophet’s
life, e.g. when the Makkans offered him wealth and the
hand of the fairest maiden in return for not preaching
Islam, he refused.
• Examples from their own lives in response to this
answer could also be given.
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Hadith 20
God does not look at your forms and your
Hadith 20 possessions, but he looks at your hearts
and your deeds.

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Hadith 20
• describe their teachings about what Muslims
Hadith 20 believe;
• explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action.

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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• In this Hadith the teaching given is that the
connection between God and His servant is through
righteousness (taqwa), so whoever has more taqwa
is closer to God.
Hadith 20 • Hence a true believer is never proud of his wealth,
beauty or children etc. All good actions must be
done out of sincerity and the motive behind these
acts should be to seek the pleasure of God as on
the Day of Judgment the intentions will be tested
along with outward actions and rewarded.
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Describe their teachings about what
Muslims believe;
• Sincerity in one’s intentions and actions is what is
rewarded by God. Muslims must at all times
endeavour to be sincere, be it in the performance of
a Pillar of Islam or helping another human being.
Hadith 20 All that one has, wealth, fame, position even good
looks are God given so He is not impressed by
them, God in fact rewards Muslims for the sincerity
of their actions, it is not even the success of an
action but the intention behind it which is rewarded
by Him.
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Explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action:
• Every action of a Muslim must be sincere. Good
intention should be the backbone of every endeavour.
• If advice is given to someone it should be honest and
for the betterment of the one it is given to.
Hadith 20 • If charity is given it should be to help the needy not
to feel good about oneself or gain recognition as a
• Muslims must strive to do their best with sincere
intentions i.e. the intention must always be to please
God and do the right thing.
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Explain how Muslims can put these
teachings into action:
• A Muslim’s action must be based on sincerity.
Therefore, when giving charity the amount is not
important but the intention behind it is i.e. when
Hadith 20 charity is given it should be to help the needy and
not to gain a good reputation as a generous person.
• Candidates can with the help of examples say how
Muslims must strive to do the best they can with the
intention of pleasing God.

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Class Work
Select one Hadith from 16, 17 and 18 and:
Hadith • describe their teachings about what Muslims
16, 17 & 18 believe;
• explain how Muslims can put these teachings
into action.

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