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Chapter 2

Facility Management
Facility Management
Facility Managers
 A facility manager’s most important
constituents are the customers and employees.
 Facility managers must report to numerous
 A. Politicians,
 B. Independent parties
What is Facility Management?
 Managing sport and public assembly facilities
is often referred to as facility management,
and the people who perform the task/duties are
called facility managers.
 The art and science of managing a facility to
help meet the facility’s objectives, goals, and
What is Facility Management?
 Facility management entails a broad array of
disciplines including, but not limited to:

 Planning:
What is Facility Management?
 Designing
What is Facility Management?
 Leasing:
What is Facility Management?
 Space Planning:
What is Facility Management?
 Project Management:
What is Facility Management?
 Capital Management
What is Facility Management?
 Construction Management:
What is Facility Management?
 Property Management:
What is Facility Management?
 Facility Marketing
What is Facility Management?
 Building and Operation Management:
What is Facility Management?
 Planning:
What is Facility Management?
 A significant focus for facility management is
to make sure an existing facility runs smoothly
and safe for its intended purpose.
 Parking lots
 Bleachers
 Walkways
 Elevators & Escalators
Facility Management
 Summary
 Facility management entails every aspect of
making sure a building is operating efficiently
in terms of safety, revenue production, tenant
satisfaction, and preventive maintenance.
The Facility Manager
 Is the person responsible for coordinating all
the employees and entities involved in the
facility to ensure that they work on behalf of
the facility and help meet its short and long
term goals and objectives.
The Facility Manager
 In a small facility, the facility owner may be
the manager and can be responsible for
opening and closing the facility as well as
painting the walls and cleaning the rest rooms.
The Facility Manager
 For a large facility may have several hundred
full – and part-time employees handling
everything, from cleanup crews to ushers and
ticket takers.
 Because of the diverse duties each facility
manager faces, facility management can be
considered both an art and a science.
According to the International Facility Management
Association (IFMA), facility managers are the critical element
to implement any facility management plan and they need to
understand and appreciate several distinct functions including:
 planning-both long and short-term;
 financial forecasting;
 property acquisition and disposal;
 specifying work responsibility and space utilization;
 architectural and engineering planning and management;
 managing all phases of construction and renovation work;
 managing maintenance systems and protocols;
 managing all operations from administrative functions to
security protocols.
Management and Organization
 Planning all facility activities
 Organizing all personnel in appropriate departments
that optimize effectiveness
 Develop short intermediate and short terms plans
 Develop an inventory of available space and manage
that space
 Have a strong appreciation and understanding of
building design/planning, architectural design,
engineering design, code/zoning compliance
 Managing furniture and equipment for such area as
concessions, locker rooms, and press box
Management and Organization
 Focus significant effort on budgeting, accounting,
and economic forecasting
 Managing construction projects or moving from one
area of facility to another
 Spend significant time on operations, maintenance,
and repairs
 9/11, deal with security and life safety concerns
 Supervise general administrative department

When surveyed, facility mangers have

highlighted that maintenance in fact absorbs
the greatest amount of their time (17%)
followed by space management (14%), interior
design (11%), and budgeting and forecasting
 Customers
 promoters
 Tenants
 Ticket buyers
 Attending the event
 Make sure that people can attend events within
the facility in a safe and secure manner.
 Internal Constituents
 Boards/owners
 Employees
 Coworkers
 Interest in the facility
 Mission and meets its goals
 Motivating
 Decisions making
 External Constituents
 Bankers Executives
 Politicians Others/influence the facility
 Media
 The facility manager must reach beyond the
facility to those who can exert influence on the
Managerial Functions
 The overall ideal the facility wants to achieve;
it focuses on general terms such as
profitability, quality service, and workplace.
 It is impossible to plan without knowing what is to
be accomplished.
 It should states the end result envisioned by the
facility ‘s owner and encompasses the goals and
objectives critical for the facility’s success.
Managerial Functions
 Planning
 Focuses on setting goals and objectives and
then developing the plan to reach those goals
and objectives.
 Short and long terms goals
 What to do, when to do it and how to do it
 Blueprint for the future
Managerial Functions
 Planning
 Strategic plans –
 are designed to help achieve the highest-level
goals and objectives for the facility; that is why
they are often called master plan.
Managerial Functions
 Operational plans –
 Are more detailed and are used to help carry out
the strategic plans. Operational plans can include
single-use operational plans that may apply to a
one-time event.
Managerial Functions
 Functional plan –
 Focus on what operational plans are designed to
accomplish; marketing plan and safety plans are
Managerial Functions
 Contingency plan –
 Are plans that can be used if one of the other plans
fail and the facility has to pursue another strategy.
Managerial Functions
 Goals and Objectives
 Goals are a specific directive and objectives
focuses on how to reach a goal.
Managerial Functions
 Strategic goals –
 Are set by the highest-level managers and are
introduced to affect and empower the overall
facility for the log run.
 Often focus on broader aspect such as market
share, profitability, industry leader position, or
changes in the facility.
Managerial Functions
 Tactical goals –
 Are often introduced by midlevel managers and
focus on what needs to be accomplished to reach
the strategic goals.
Managerial Functions
 Operational goals –
 Are set by low-level managers and are more short-
Managerial Functions
 Management by Objective (MBO)
 Managers and employees can work together to
develop realistic and achievable objectives that
make both parties happy
Managerial Functions
 Short-Term Planning
 Typically cover less than one year and focus on
activities that may have a sense of emergency.
 Long –Term Planning
 Focus on long-term projections, which can be
influenced by political, geographical, and
economic trends.
Managerial Functions
 Business Plan
 Examines the product, marketing, legal,
financial, and general business outlook for a
 The road map for any facility that helps
identify the product and market as well as the
legal and financial outlook.
Managerial Functions
 Building load capacity
 How much weight the roof or rigging can support.
 Current economic conditions
 Demographic breakdown of expected fans
Managerial Functions
 Organizing
 Refer to a blend of human resource management and

 One of the most difficult tasks for a manager is to assign the

right person with the right skills and interests to a given job.
Organizational flowchart

Facility Owner(s)

Operation’s Professional services Marketing

The flowchart shows who reports to whom and what lines of

managerial/supervisory responsibility are.

Managerial Functions
 Implementing
 Refers to executing goals and objectives with
the appropriate personnel.


 Involves evaluating the results for individuals

who report to the manager and providing
appropriate feedback, whether positive or
Space Planning and Allocation
 Developing an inventory of available space
 Allocating available space

 Managing existing space

 Forecasting the possible future demand for

Architectural/Engineering Planning
and Design
 All facets of building design and planning
 Architectural design of the building
 Engineering design of building systems
 Estimating construction costs
 Planning future maintenance needs
 Planning for disasters that might befall the facility
 Procuring all necessary code/zoning compliance
 Documenting all phases of the design and estimating process
 Planning for renovations and future construction projects
Workplace Planning, Allocation, and
 Workplace planning and design
 Furniture, equipment, and furnishing
specifications, acquisition, and management
 Analyzing maintenance needs and establishing
appropriate maintenance programs
 Planning concession, locker room, press box,
and related areas
 Art and memorabilia acquisition and
Budgeting, Accounting and
Economic Forecasting
 Budgeting for both the short and long-term
 Developing and implementing capital,
administrative, operations and maintenance
 Implementing appropriate accounting and
expense tracking systems
 Insuring economic justifications are accurate
and making any necessary changes
Real Estate Acquisition,
Management and Disposal
 Site selection, evaluation, and acquisition
 Facility purchase or leasing
 Facility or land sale/disposal
Construction Project Management
 Interviewing and hiring the right professionals,
construction and trade personnel
 Total project, construction, and procurement
 Preparation of “as built” documentation
Alteration, Renovation, and
Workplace Installations
 Alteration and renovation management
 Installing furniture, data communication
wiring, voice communication wiring, and
security related wiring and equipment
 Customizing and final touches
 Move management
Operations, Maintenance, and
 Exterior maintenance of the building envelope (shell), roof, and windows
 Implementing various maintenance systems such as preventive,
breakdown, cyclical, grounds, road, and custodial maintenance
 Pest and rodent control
 Crowd management and ticketing disputes
 Trash and recycling disposal
 Hazardous (chemicals, asbestos, air quality, PCBs, etc…) management and
 OSHA compliance and facility safety
 Energy management to reduce costs
 Inventory management and procurement
 Repair of system components
 Disaster recovery and prevention
Telecommunications and Other
Technology Management
 Maintaining wiring and equipment
 Providing appropriate ventilation and security
for computer rooms
 Network management and documentation
Security and Life-Safety
 Insuring code compliance on a continuous
 Operating the facility in a safe manner
 Crime prevention through environmental
design (CPTED)
 Preparing for disasters with mock drills
 Developing and implementing safety policies,
procedures and goals
General Administrative Services
 Food services for employees
 Mail and photocopy centers
 Transportation and vehicle/fleet maintenance
 On site gym/day care management
 Over the years Computer-Aided Facility Management
(CAFM) has grown to include any technology
platform that assist a facility manager in running a
facility. There are six primary areas where CAFM
has been applied and they are as follows:
 Space & Asset Management
 Capital Planning & Facility Condition Assessment
 Maintenance & Operations
 Real Estate & Property Management
 Support Technologies
Space & Asset Management
 Space and asset management focuses on occupancy
information, space planning, asset purchasing, maintaining,
and tracking, and move management. Space planning can
examine the future growth needs of a facility to help
determine how much additional space might be required. If
the current occupant utilizes 100 square feet per employee
and there are 100 employees then the utilized facility space
is 10,000 square feet (100 sq. ft. x 100 employees). If the
workforce is anticipated to grow 10 percent the next year the
occupant will need 11,000 square feet to house the current
employees and the anticipated 10 additional employees.
The CAFM program can examine the current floor space
and determine if additional space is available and where to
most efficiently and economically place the new employees.
 A CAD system is used to plan and design the
floor plan for the facility to optimize flow
and function. Through examining floor
plans and redesigning the workspace a
business can become more productive in the
same basic location. For example, if
inventory can be moved to a more assessable
location, it could save employee time and
potential wear/tear on a facility.
Capital Planning & Facility
Condition Assessment
 The capital planning and facility condition
assessment component tracks the current condition
of the facility and associated equipment to improve
the facility’s operation, maintenance, and
management. This component utilizes a life-cycle
costing plan for any needed maintenance and minor
repairs before neglect might cause a major repair.
The capital planning components helps identify
what facility components (i.e. the roof) or
equipment (i.e. facility vehicles) will need to be
replaced, when it will need to be replaced, and how
much it will cost to replace.
Maintenance & Operations
 The maintenance and operation component
of a CAFM program often incorporates a
Computer Maintenance Management System
(CMMS) since it can help track any
component of the facility that needs to be
fixed/maintained to more effectively utilize
maintenance personnel. Information
gathered through this process can be
incorporated into a spreadsheet to highlight
any inefficiencies or cost overruns.
Real Estate and Property Management

 The Real estate and property management

component of a CAFM program could help a
large company with multiple facilities. If the
company has multiple facilities including
some that are leased or if they in fact are
leasing some of their extra space this
component helps track all the space and how
it is being purchased, managed, and disposed
Support Technologies
 Support technologies utilizes various
computer applications to streamline the
entire facility management process or
integrate other CAFM components. This
category can include project management
and tracking, document management and
storage, accounting and finance functions,
and a host of other reports and functions that
can be pulled from other CAFM components

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