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Course Title: Thesis/Project

Optimizing Performance and Cost: Balancing Functionality and

Affordability in a Mechanical Ventilator for Developing Countries.

Supervised By Presented By
Kazi Zannatul Ferdwushee Madhab Singh
Lecturer Roll:1815012
Department of Biomedical Engineering Year:4th Term:2nd
KUET, Khulna Department of Biomedical Engineering
KUET, Khulna

Date: 19th February, 2024


Motivation Validation
Related Work Result
Objective Future Plan

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Motivation 3

 Chronic respiratory problem: a persistent

condition impacting the lungs and
 7.4% of the world's population, live with
chronic-respiratory failure conditions.
(Burney et al 2021)
 Mechancial Ventilation -most common Fig. 1:Respiratory Failure solution using
Mechanical Ventilator
and effective method

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Related work (1/2) 4

 Evolution of from open loop to closed loop control methods Aim: Alleviating clinician
burden and improving patient care (T.P. Laubschar 1994)
 Three lung models developed for Respiratory Parameter Control (T.P. Laubschar 1996)
 Monitoring Respiration Rate and Tidal Volume with PSIMV Utilization of Pressure
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (PSIMV) (R. L. Chatburn et al 2003)
 Innovative Oxygen and Air Blending lung-ventilator prototype for blending and delivery
Enhancing oxygen delivery precision (H. Luepschen et al 2009)

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Related work (2/2) 5

A. Darwood et al designed a portable and low-cost mechanical ventilator which was
published as “The design and evaluation of a novel low-cost portable ventilator” in
Leonardo Acho et al designed a Low-Cost, Open-Source Mechanical Ventilator with
Pulmonary Monitoring for COVID-19 Patients in 2020, published in Actuators vol 9.
Omor Flor et al designed a low-cost emergency mechanical ventilator which is designed with
affordable materials and a design procedure called SURKAN mechanical ventilator in 2020
Abdellah El-Hadj et al designed and simulated a stepper motor based on one-directional
pusher rod mechanical ventilator which is published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals in 2021.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Objectives 6

 Optimizing mechanical and fluid-flow parameters,

 Developing, simulating, and executing a high-performance, affordable portable

mechanical ventilator

 Support patients suffering from chronic respiratory failure.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (1/18) 7

Create Simulink model, CAD designing Validated by motion CFD based on Previous step
evaluate output. in Solidworks study & and mechanical properties simulation data

Implement the Figuring out the

Biopac transducer logs volume, device based on
0 optimized parameters
pressure, airflow rate the simulation

Validate results using

MATLAB interface

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (4/19) 8

Fig 2:Simulink Model of Mechanical ventilator with lung

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Methodology (3/19) 9

Table 1:Simulink model development blocks Table 2: Selected Values For Mechanical Ventilator

Package used : Simscape Parameter Value

SL Name of the Block Specification Tidal Volume 6-8 ml/kg PBV

1 Volumetric supply 2L Rate 2-16 BPM, for ARDS UP TO 35
2 Humidifier 98% BPM
PEEP 5-10 cmH2O
3 Inspiratory tube 0.01m,laminar FiO2 Adjusted to obtain SpO2>90%
fraction 64
Inspiration 40-60 L/min
4 Check valve (1/2) 1e-4 m^2 internal Flow
passage area
Trigger 2 L/min
6 Lung model same as human Flow

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (7/19) 10

(d) Pusher Rod

(c) Support Base
(b) Attacher Bracket

(a) Main Support

(e) Shaft (f) T8 nut (g) Rotor Rod

Fig.3 : Different Parts of CAD design in

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (6/19) 11

Table 3 : CAD Design Specification

Software used : Soliworks
SL Name of the Part Material
1 Main Support Steel

2 Attacher Bracket Steel

3 Base Steel
4 Pusher rod Steel
5 Spring rod Steel

6 Shaft Steel
Fig 4:CAD Assemble Model.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (9/19) 12

Table 4:Mechanical properties simulation study

Software :Solidworks Simulation
SL Topic Specification Function
1 Simulation type Static Static mechanical analysis
2 Simulation Subject Ambu bag under load Exclude whole assembly
3 Simulation Topic Von Mises Stress,URES Identical for proper fluid flow profile
4 Fixtures advisor Fixed geometry Mechanical reference
5 Load Pressure on the surface 2000 N/m^2
6 Connection Component interactions --
7 Material Sillicon rubber Better mechanical properties and

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (10/19) 13

Mathematical modeling: FEM

FEM:Finite Element Method
Meshing Criteria :
1.Mesh type : Physics Controlled
2.Mesh Size : Fine
3.Vertex point :410
4.Iteration size :114
[M] and [K] represent the mass and
stiffness matrices of the system,
respectively. The vector {f} represents the
external forces acting on the system.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (11/19) 14

Mathematical modeling:Von Mises Stress

𝜎 𝑣=
√ 𝑥𝑥 𝑦𝑦 𝑦𝑦 𝑧𝑧 𝑧𝑧 𝑥𝑥
( 𝜎 − 𝜎 ) +
( 𝜎 − 𝜎 ) + (
𝜎 − 𝜎 ) +6 ( 𝜎 2
+ 𝜎 2
𝑦𝑧 + 𝜎 𝑥𝑧 )

Mathematical modeling:Equivalent strain

𝜀𝑒𝑞=ln ( √ 1+2𝜀 𝑥 𝑥+2𝜀 𝑦𝑦 +2𝜀𝑧𝑧 ) +ln ( √1+2𝜀𝑥 𝑦 +2𝜀 𝑦 𝑧 +2𝜀𝑥𝑧 )

Mathematical modeling:URES Deformation
 σ is the stress tensor,
 D is the elasticity matrix,
 ε is the strain tensor.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Methodology (12/19) 15

Table 5:CFD simulation study specification

Software :Solidworks Flow Simulation
SL Topic Specification Function
1 Simulation type Fluid Flow :external External Fluid Flow
2 Simulation Subject Ambu bag under load with existing and Comparing the fluid flow
proposed condition profile
3 Simulation Topic Flow velocity,Fluid Evaluation of physiological
Temperature,Density,Vorticity,Pressure compitability
4 Condition Including cavities.temp:293 K ,wall: subjecting all holes
5 Flow direction Z axis 0 m/s^2 initial
6 Gravity Y axis -9.81 m/s^2
7 External load Static,on the ambu bag 2000 pa

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (13/19) 16

Mathematical modeling:CFD
Mathematical modeling:CFD 4. Vorticity Equation:
1. Continuity Equation: ω=∇×v
5. Mach Number (Ma) Equation :
2.Momentum Equation (Navier- Ma=∣v∣​/c
Stokes Equation): where ∣v∣ is the magnitude of the
ρ(∂t/∂v​+(v⋅∇)v)=−∇p+μ∇2v+ρg velocity vector, and c is the speed of
sound in the fluid.
3.Energy Equation (if solving for
temperature distribution): **all the symbol means the
ρcp​(∂t∂T​+(v⋅∇)T)=∇⋅(k∇T)+ρH traditional meaning .

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (14/19) 17

Table 6 : Electrical hardware specification

SL Component Name Fucntion Specification

1 Arduino Nano Microcontroller 5 volt ,14 pin ,50mA
2 Motor Driver L298N Double H Bridge ,
3 Steeper Motor NEMA 17 1.8° full step 0.9° half-step, 12V at
400 mA, 30 ohms
4 Adapter Variable 0-24 volt ,2A
5 Data cable Code uploader For Arduino nano
6 Cable Jumper wire Locally brought

Programming interface : Arduino editor

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (15/19) 18

Table 8:Rotational Specification

Figure 21: Machine Control Flowchart
Topic Rating

Motor Torque 35 Nm

BPM 12

RPM 24

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (16/19) 19

Electric Component Part by Part

(a) Arduino Nano & Data cable (b) NEMA 17 Stepper motor (c) Jumper wire

(c) L298N motor driver (d)Variable Adapter

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (17/19) 20


Ambu bag compressed Ambu bag uncompressed

Figure 21:Implemented and integrated hardware

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (18/19) 21

Data Extraction from Implemented Device

Respiratory SSL1A Airflow

Ventilator ambu bag MP36
ventilator filter Transducer


I=ρc(∂t/∂T​)+k (∂x^2/∂^2T)​+Q

Here V is the velocity of the airflow, I is the current​

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Methodology (19/19) 22

Data Extraction from Implemented Device

Inlet Filter
Figure 22:Implemented Device
Transducer Outlet holder
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Result :Von mises Stress 23

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 23:Comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed MV and (b)
proposed MV model Von Mises Stress

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :Von mises Stress 24

Majority: Higher Stress

Nodes 4000-8000: Lower
Comparison Curve Analysis

Fig 23: Stress Curve Comparison between traditional two side pressed MV
(blue) and proposed MV model (Red)

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :ESTRN 25

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 23:Comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed MV and (b)
proposed MV model equivalent strain

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :Von mises Stress 26

-3 ESTRN Comparison on the surface of ambu bag


1. Enhanced Strain Distribution
2. Improved Signal Connectivity

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Node Number

Fig 26 : ESTRN Comparison between traditional two side

pressed MV (blue) and proposed MV model (Red)

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :Von mises Stress 27

Strain energy for different nodes



1. Strain energy peak: 80 J

2. Periodic curve


30 3. Spatial load distribution



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Node number

Fig 27 :Equivalent Strain Energy curve for the

proposed model.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :URES deform 28

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 23:Comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed

MV and (b) proposed MV model URES Deformation

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :URES deform 29

Deformation Comparison on the surface of ambu bag

0.6 Node Deformation Analysis
Proposed Summary:
• Stepwise Straight Line
0.4 • Intermediate Node Deformation

• Majority Experiences Greater
0.2 • Nodes 4000 to 8000: Drastically
Linear Fall
• Nodes 8000 to 12000:
0 Comparatively Slower Linear
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Node Number Rise
Fig 26 : URES deformation Comparison between • Node 12000: 90 Degree Rise
traditional two side pressed MV (blue) and proposed MV
model (Red)
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Result :CFD: Flow velocity 30

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 30: Flow Velocity Comparison between (a) traditional two side
pressed MV and (b) proposed MV model

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :CFD: Fluid Density 31

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 31: Fluid Density comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed MV and
(b) proposed MV model

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :CFD:Relative humidity 32

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 32: Relative humidity comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed
MV and (b) proposed MV model

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result CFD: Fluid vorticity 33

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 33: Fluid vorticity comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed MV
and (b) proposed MV model along the z axis

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result CFD: Fluid Pressure 34

Existing Proposed

(a) (b)

Fig 34: Fluid pressure comparison between (a) traditional two side pressed MV
and (b) proposed MV model

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result CFD: Fluid Pressure 35

(a) (b)

Fig 35: Mass fraction of proposed MV model (a) Oxygen and (b) Nitrogen

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :CFD:Fluid Pressure 36




Pressure [Pa]


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09

Length [m]

Fig 36: Air Pressure Comparison of proposed MV model between Outlet (blue)
and Inlet (Red)

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :Implemented Device : Outlet pressure 37

Fig 37:Implemented MV Air Pressure (blue) Fig 38:FFT of outlet pressure curve
Comparison with normal case (orange) and simulated
result (red)

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :Implemented Device:air volume 38

Fig 39: Implemented MV Air Volume (blue) Comparison with normal

case (orange) and simulated result (red).

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result :Implemented Device:Air FLOW Rate 39

Fig 40: Implemented MV Air flow rate (blue) Comparison with normal case
(orange) and simulated result (red)
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Result:Integrated 40

Parameter Max Value extracted from

implemented device

Pressure 3 cmH2O

Volume 1.2 L /breathe

Airflow Rate 12.6 L/min

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Result:Accuracy 41

Analysis Accuracy with respected to Accuracy with

name ideal result respected to
simulated result

Pressure 95.32 97.21


Volume 92.12 95.61


Airflow 94.09 96.31


Average 93.84 96.37

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Conclusion 42

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Reference 43

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19,” IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 1067, no. 1, p. 012143, Feb. 2021, doi:

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Reference 44

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Department of Biomedical Engineering

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