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Digital Logic Design(CS-128T)

Lecture 05
Boolean Algebra

Batch 2021F
Boolean Algebra

• Boolean Constants
• these are ‘0’ (false) and ‘1’ (true)
• Boolean Variables
• variables X, Y etc. that can only take the vales ‘0’ or ‘1’
• Boolean Functions
• each of the logic functions (such as AND, OR and NOT) are
represented by symbols as described above
• Boolean Theorems
• a set of identities and laws – see text for details
Boolean identities

AND Function OR Function NOT function

00=0 0+0=0 0 1
01=0 0+1=1 1 0
10=0 1+0=1 AA
11=1 1+1=1
A0=0 A+0=A
0A=0 0+A=A
A1=A A+1=1
1A=A 1+A=1
A A  0 A  A 1
Boolean laws

Commutative law Absorption law

AB  BA A  AB  A
AB B A A( A  B )  A

Distributive law De Morgan’s law

A+BC=(A+B)(A+C) A B  AB
AB  A B

Associative law Note also

A(BC )  ( AB )C A  AB  A  B
A  (B  C )  ( A  B )  C A( A  B )  AB

Combinational Logic
• Digital systems may be divided into two broad
• combinational logic
• where the outputs are determined solely by the current states of
the inputs
• sequential logic
• where the outputs are determined not only by the current inputs
but also by the sequence of inputs that led to the current state

• In this lecture we will look at combinational logic

Implementing a function from a Boolean expression

Implement the function:

X  A  BC

Implementing a function from a Boolean expression

Implement the function

Y  AB  C D

Generating a Boolean expression from a logic diagram

Example (continued)
work progressively from the inputs to the output adding logic expressions to
the output of each gate in turn

Implementing a logic function from a
The operation of the Exclusive OR gate can be stated as:
“The output should be true if either of its inputs are true,
but not if both inputs are true.”
This can be rephrased as:
“The output is true if A OR B is true,
AND if A AND B are NOT true.”
We can write this in Boolean notation as

X  ( A  B)  ( AB )
Example (continued)
The logic function

can then be implemented as before

X  ( A  B)  ( AB )

Implementing a logic function from a truth
Implement the function of the following truth table

0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 – first write down a Boolean

0 1 0 0
expression for the output
– then implement as before
0 1 1 0
– in this case
1 0 0 0

1 0 1 1 X  A BC  ABC  ABC
1 1 0 1

1 1 1 0
Example (continued)

The logic function X A BC  A BC  AB C

can then be implemented as before

Simplification of Logic Expression

• In some cases it is possible to simplify logic expressions using the rules of

Boolean algebra

X  ABC  A BC  AC  A C can be simplified to X  BC  A

hence the following circuits are equivalent

What will be the circuits for the following

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Sir Syed University of Engg. & Tech.
Precedence of Operators
• Perform all inversions of single terms
• Perform all operations with parentheses
• Perform an AND operation before an OR operation
unless parentheses indicate otherwise
• If an expression has a bar over it, perform the expression
inside the expression first and then invert the result

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Computer Science & Information Technology Department
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Computer Science & Information Technology Department
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Computer Science & Information Technology Department
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Computer Science & Information Technology Department
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Computer Science & Information Technology Department
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Computer Science & Information Technology Department
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Simplify the circuit

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Another simplification

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Another simplification

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Simplification using
Boolean Algebra

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Simplification using
Boolean Algebra

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Sir Syed University of Engg. & Tech.
Simplification using
Boolean Algebra

Computer Science & Information Technology Department

Sir Syed University of Engg. & Tech.
Security light

During the day the

light sensor output is

Light 1
sensor 0
0 0
Relay Lamp

Body 0/1
heat The relay controls a
sensor separate circuit with the
lamp in it.
During the day the body
heat sensor can be either
high or low – the AND gate
will not be triggered. 35
Security light

When it is dark the light

sensor output is low.

Light 0
sensor 1
1 1
Relay Lamp

Body 1
heat The AND gate receives two
sensor high inputs and triggers the
relay which causes the lamp
When it is dark, if someone to switch on.
approaches the body heat
sensor is triggered and
becomes high 36
A night-time rain alarm

Light sensor During the day, the output from

1 0 the light sensor is always HIGH
(1) so the output from the NOT
gate is always LOW (0) and the
alarm is not switched on.

Moisture 0
sensor 0/1 Alarm

A night-time rain alarm.

Light sensor In darkness the output from the

0 1 light sensor is LOW (0). This
means that the output from the
NOT switch is HIGH (1). If rain
falls on the moisture sensor then
its output becomes HIGH (1). The
AND gate receives two HIGH
inputs, so the alarm is switched
Moisture 1
sensor 1 Alarm

Minterm and Maxterm

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Sir Syed University of Engg. & Tech.
Minterm and Maxterm

Computer Science & Information Technology Department

Sir Syed University of Engg. & Tech.

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