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Submission Template


• Submissions for the Imagine Cup Junior 2024 global challenge
should be in this PowerPoint template and can only be received
in English language.
• Submissions must not include any individual Team Member’s
personal data.
• Submissions must be received on the Imagine Cup Junior
platform by 11:59 P.M. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on May 8,
• By submitting an Entry, you agree that your Entry complies with
the Rules and Regulations.

Imagine Cup Junior Submission

Submitting institution/school: Imagine High School
Student team name: Clean Sky
The idea in a sentence: An AI accessed through a website that searches transport and environmental
data to help people find and book the lowest carbon emission travel option available.
Number of team members: 4
Age range of team members: 13-15
AI for Good initiative (select one from: Earth/Accessibility/Cultural Heritage/Humanitarian Action/Health): AI for Earth
Team video link (required): add your video link (Flipgrid, OneDrive, YouTube, or similar)

Item Slide
Submission Title Slide 1
Team videos should be no longer than two (2) minutes in duration that pitches the Team’s Entry and includes the Team’s name and
country or state, the “AI for Good” category chosen, the Problem the Team intended to solve, the Team’s Concept; and the
takeaways that the Team Members learned from their involvement in the Contest. Except for image or audio and video recordings,
the video must not include any additional personally identifying information about any individuals appearing in the Video (e.g. no
nametags or mention of “Hi, my name is Rosa.”). Provide permission and access to your video for anyone with the link.

The Problem 2-3

What problem is your project/concept solving? Use this slide to explain the problem clearly and identify the AI for Good category it
is part of (Earth, Accessibility, Cultural Heritage, Humanitarian Action, Health). Try to be specific about the problem you are solving. For example,
rather than writing 'climate change' perhaps write something more specific like 'emissions from airplanes'. What research have you
undertaken to identify this as a problem and how is it impacting the world or your community? Consider using statistics here or
detailing why the problem is such an issue.


Item Slide
The Concept 4-5
What is your AI for Good concept? This is your chance to tell us exactly what your AI does. Use these slides to creatively show the (or one slide
judges what your AI looks like, what it does, and how people will use. To score well here consider using drawings, demonstrations, if preferred)
or even recording an animation or video!

Use of Artificial Intelligence 6

It is important that you describe how your concept is AI and what kind of AI is leveraged (traditional rule-based or generative AI).
The easiest way to do this is to explain which cognitive services you have used, and which APIs you have brought into the design of
your concept.

Impact 7
How will your concept solve the problem that you identified? What is the potential impact of the concept? Detail here how it may
change lives or the environment, and the scale at which it might do this.


Item Slide
Ethics 8
How have you considered ethics in the creation of your project? Identify how your concept aligns to each of the Microsoft ethics
principles – Fairness/Reliability and Safety, Privacy, & Security, Inclusiveness, Transparency and Accountability. E.g. “We believe our
AI idea is fair/inclusive/reliable & safe/transparent/private & secure and accountable because...”.

Cybersecurity 9
How have you planned to reduce cybersecurity risks to your AI? Explain what features or considerations your team made to ensure
your AI and its users are as safe as possible.

Sources (optional slide) 10

Any time you drew on ideas, summarized information, mentioned data, a reference, or gave examples that you found in a source
and used within your submission, please list it on this slide
Imagine Cup Junior Submission
Submitting institution/school: Imagine High School
Student team name: Clean Sky
The idea in a sentence: An AI accessed through a website that searches transport and environmental
data to help people find and book the lowest carbon emission travel option available.
Number of team members: 4
Age range of team members: 13-15
AI for Good initiative (select one from: Earth/Accessibility/Cultural Heritage/Humanitarian Action/Health): AI for Earth
The Problem


Pollution is caused throughout the

world, it’s a problem that kills many
beings every year. Pollution has polluted
the environment for many centuries .
The Problem
The major types of pollution are;

• Air Pollution
• Water Pollution
• Soil Pollution
• Noise pollution
• Light pollution
• Thermal Pollution
• Radioactive Pollution
• Plastic Pollution
Your AI Concept
“ My AI Concept “

Public Awareness and Engagement:

AI can be used to develop interactive platforms and mobile apps that provide real-
time pollution data, health risks, and tips for reducing personal exposure. These tools
can empower individuals to make informed decisions and advocate for cleaner

Behavioral Change:
By leveraging AI algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences, these platforms can tailor
messaging and interventions to effectively promote behavior change. Gamification techniques,
incentives, and social networking features can further motivate individuals to adopt environmentally
friendly habits and participate in collective action.
Global Collaboration and Solidarity:
Foster international collaboration and knowledge sharing in the ethical use of AI for pollution mitigation and
environmental protection. Recognize that pollution is a global issue that requires collective action and
cooperation across borders.

Monitoring and Logging:

Monitor AI systems, network traffic, and user activities to detect suspicious behavior, unauthorized access
attempts, and security incidents in real-time. Maintain detailed logs of system events, user interactions, and
data access activities for forensic analysis, compliance reporting, and incident response.
Sources (optional slide) (Any time you drew on ideas, summarized
information, mentioned data, a reference, or gave examples that you found in a
source and used within your submission, please list it on this slide)

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