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5.1 Approaches, methods and tools

5.2 Lean thinking
5.3 Six sigma concepts
Approaches, methods and tools
Continuous improvement is a commonly used term in
most industries and the public sector. Linked to
organizational strategy, there is a specific structure, a
chosen approach, a methodology and a set of associated
tools. Figure 13.1 provides a general eight-stage structure
that can be applied to most organizations.
Approaches, methods and tools
Approaches, methods and tools
Stage 1: Leadership and a chain of top-down
goals, especially those related to delivering quality,
on-time products and services, are selected to drive
customer engagement. products and drive
performance improvement.
Approaches, methods and tools
Stage 2: setting up management infrastructure is essential.
Good program and system management will be essential,
as will communication with people internally and
externally about the meaning of the chosen approach and
even the 'brand'.
Approaches, methods and tools
Phase 3: requires the careful selection of a fact-based
improvement approach, hoping to deliver results quickly using
proven methods, backed by tools and database-based

This choice is based on the need to

improve the delivery of quality, on time
and cost
Approaches, methods and tools

Stage 4: are skilled improvisers - people, trained,

qualified and 'living in the organization', as opposed to being
part of a separate improvement task force belonging to a
some kind.
Approaches, methods and tools
Stage 5: Development of a widely shared culture
of continuous improvement, with a shared
commitment to continual improvements in
Approaches, methods and tools
Stage 6: of talent rotation refers to situations
where you have specifically trained improvement
task forces, and need to make sure they don't see
their role as a last resort. .
Approaches, methods and tools

Stage 7: is to make measurable improvements in

areas of production, operations or services

Rushing into this without the establishment of

the previous six stages usually results in
Approaches, methods and tools

Stage 8: Continuous improvement means

sustainable improvement over a lifetime.
Mạng di động ra đời (1979) ...
Tin nhắn SMS (1993) ...
Điện thoại màn hình cảm ứng (1993) ...
Điện thoại kết nối Internet (1996) ...
Điện thoại tích hợp email (1996) ...
Tích hợp GPS (1999) ...
Điện thoại chơi nhạc MP3 (2000)
Approaches, methods and tools
The approaches that reduce the wastage of time and reduce
variation to improve quality will be appropriate.
Approaches, methods and tools
Continuous improvement does mean sustained
improvements on a lifetime journey. In the short-term world
we live in this can be a challenge but do look around and
accept that truly great organizations have developed a
solid culture of doing the right things right every time. In a
rapidly changing world, the only way this can be achieved is
by having a culture of continually improving what is done
for all customers and other stakeholders.
Lean thinking
Lean thinking is a transformational framework that aims to
provide a new way to think about how to organize human
activities to deliver more benefits to society and value to
individuals while eliminating waste.
Lean thinking
The term “lean thinking” was coined by James P. Womack
and Daniel T. Jones
[1] to capture the essence of their in-depth study of Toyota's
fabled Toyota Production System.
[2] Lean thinking is a way of thinking about an activity and
seeing the waste inadvertently generated by the way the
process is organized.
Lean thinking
The aim of lean thinking is to create a lean culture, one that
sustains growth by aligning customer satisfaction with
employee satisfaction, and that offers innovative products
or services profitably while minimizing unnecessary over-
costs to customers, suppliers and the environment.
Lean thinking
The basic insight of lean thinking is that if you train every
person to identify wasted time and effort in their own job and
to better work together to improve processes by
eliminating such waste, the resulting culture (basic thinking,
mindset & assumptions) will deliver more value at less
expense while developing every employee's confidence,
competence and ability to work with others.
Six sigma concepts

Business improvement approach

that seeks to find and eliminate causes
of defects and errors in processes by
focusing on outputs that are critical
to customers.
The term Six Sigma is based on a
statistical measure that equates 3.4 or
fewer errors or defects per million
Six sigma concepts

Motorola pioneered the concept of Six Sigma.

The late Bill Smith, a reliability engineer is credited with
conceiving the idea of Six Sigma.

The primary tenet of Six Sigma, according to Motorola, is

"that leadership directly influences the quality of products."
Six sigma concepts

Contrasts between traditional TQM and

Six Sigma (SS) -
traditional TQM Six Sigma
TQM is based largely on worker SS is owned by business leader
empowerment and teams champions.
TQM is process based SS projects are truly cross-
TQM training is generally limited SS is more rigorous with
to simple improvements tools and advanced statistical methods.
TQM has little emphasis on SS requires verifiable return on
financial accountability investment and focus on bottom
Six sigma concepts
The Six Sigma method is focused on limiting fluctuation
within business processes and quality management of
process output by implementing problem-solving
statistical methods.
Business improvement approach that seeks to find and
eliminate causes of defects and errors in processes by
focusing on outputs that are critical to customers.

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