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INTRODUCTION • Was established in 2009

Was founded by Ms. Thai Huong, bringing the

• Investment capital of 1.2 billion USD from
dream of Vietnamese milk to every family.
Bac A Bank

• Development goal to become the leading

manufacturer in Vietnam

• Truly natural - Aiming to produce clean,

fresh dairy products

• Rapid growth, reaching nearly 45%

market share of fresh milk industry in
Vietnam (2022)
Net Zero Orientation of TH True Milk

1 TA R G E T
E conomic development - Protect and improve
the environment

G reen economy and circular economy are
consistent directions for the sustainable
development of businesses.

B ringing clean milk to every home -

Pioneering in environmental protection w ith
practical actions.

Environmentally To reduce waste, cut

Will reduce friendly consumer production costs and
greenhouse gas solutions, spreading improve
emissions to near green lifestyle environmental
zero sustainability.
• Regularly evaluate progress toward
• Reduces the amount of gasoline
goals and make corrections as needed to
consumed at the factory. stay on track.
• Strategy to replace lighting in TH's • Performance reports to measure waste
farms and factories from incandescent reduction, sales and customer feedback
lights to LED lights.

1 2 3 4 5

• Apply solar power options to increase • Review financial accounts to accurately

Establish a group of experts to
electricity efficiency, reducing CO2 determine fixed and variable costs as well
closely follow innovations and
emissions. as profitability and break-even points.
green transformation to plan and
• Organize and participate in movements • Determine the feasibility of the approach
implement the orientation.
and activities to combat climate change so that the strategy can be properly
and improve the environment implemented.
TH True Milk's
expected benefits:
• Create an image close to • Protect the environment • Pioneering in NetZero
customers - a green, and contribute to the with preferential actions
environmentally friendly country's economy by and policies from the
brand and guide the dairy state for businesses to
cutting costs from
industry along the path of heat up the race towards
electricity usage into
''Clean products - Green ''NetZero''
clean energy activities.

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