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What is mindfulness?
• Why might we need mindfulness in our daily
•Mindfulness is the psychological process
of bringing one's attention to
experiences occurring in the present
moment, which can be developed
through the practice of meditation and
other training.
Mindfulness in daily life
• Being more mindful of the moment we are in –
bringing attention to your daily life activities. What is
happening around you? What is your posture life?
What can you see, smell, hear?
• Being more aware of any negative thinking
• Using breathing techniques if you’re feeling stressed.
• Having a more curious attitude towards life.
• Being less judgemental about our thoughts and
Technique: Body scan
• Pay attention to each part of your body: starting
from the top of your head all the way down to
the tip of your toes.
• Can you feel your feet touching the ground?
• Can you feel your legs on the chair?
Technique: Belly Breathing
• Ask the pupils to put their hands on their bellies
and see whether it is moving.
• Can they feel their bellies breathing?
Technique: Balancing
• Balance on one foot
• Pay attention to all the muscles that are helping
you balance
• What happens when you begin to tip to one
• What is your natural reaction?

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