Group 1: Task Presentation

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Task Presentation
XI Pemasaran 1
Group name
1. Arum Fitriana Noerhillah Sungkar ( 05 )
2. Desandra Adhwa Fadilah (7)
3. Fatima Tuszahra (10)
4. Febrina Dilla Fransisca (11)
5. Karinna (17)
6. Melani Wijayanti (23)
7. Mella Gisca Fadilah (24)
8. Rosyana (31)
9. Sindi Faulia (33)
Describing Things

Describing things is describing

things in English. describing
objects is basically compiling
a simple phrase from the
information it has.
Materials is the origin or material
used to make things

Table ( Meja ) - Made of wood

Wood is a raw material obtained

from the processing of trees in
the forest Eraser ( Penghapus ) - Made of rubber

Rubber is a hydrocarbon polymer

formed from a milky emulsion
obtained from plant sap and is also
produced synthetically
resulting from the
combination of yellow
and blue, and the

complement of

•Blue (Biru)
Blue is the color of the
• color is a certain spectrum sky because blue light
is scattered most by
contained in perfect light melecules in the

• There are several examples, as

Form is a meeting point between space
and mass. For example:

• Oval • Round
• Triangular • Square
• Rectangular • Diamond
Size is the height, width, and short
length of the object.
For example, we can see in the
video, a tall and large suitcase, then
a backpack, then a small and short
women's Sling bag.
the definition of function according to
the complete Indonesian dictionary
(2008) is the use of a thing, usebility
and work performed for example: shoes
=> function: to protect and comfort the
human foot.
We can see an example. The first, carrying a lot of things
Will make it heavy. The two, waitresses were carrying trays
of bread that looked average. And the last, is a thread with a
light weight.
Texture is the touch value on a surface, whether it is real or
apparent. For example:
• Rough ( kasar )
• Smooth ( halus )
• Hard ( keras )
• Soft ( lembut )
Price is an exchange rate that can be equated with
money or other goods for the benefits derived from an
item or service for a person or group at a ceritain time
and place. The term price is used to assign a financial
value to a product or service.
For example, we buy things like iPhones that are
expensive and pencils are cheap
Age is describing the age of an
object. For example:
• Old (lama)
• New (baru)
opinion means an opinion about the object
for example:
•Nice (bagus)
•Adorable (menggemaskan)
•Strange (aneh)
•Sophisticated (canggih)
•Significant (penting)
•Ugly (jelek)

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