Chemistry: The Central, Useful and Creative Science

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The central, useful and creative

What is chemistry?
• To understand
– the properties of substances
– and the changes
• 金,木 , 水 , 土 , 火
What do chemist do?
• To understand the natural world
– Curiosity about natural substances
– … extract the colors from flowers… learned the
detailed chemical structures of these natural
• To create new substances and new ways to
perform chemical changes
– … charcoal … soap… discoveries by accident
…create new chemical substances by design…
Early history related to chemistry
• When copper and tin were heated
together… Bronze Age… 3600 B.C.,  
• Egyptians made glass as early as 1400
B.C. by heating some natural minerals

• Modern chemistry is devoted to

understanding the chemical structures
and properties of natural chemicals and
of chemicals created by building on
what nature has supplied.
Why do chemists call their
discipline the “central science”?
• Chemistry touches many other
scientific fields.
• E.g. agriculture, electronics,
biology, medicine, environmental
science, computer science,
engineering, geology, physics,
metallurgy, and mineralogy,
among many others.
Chemists will ask…
• Why do the substances of the world
differ in their properties?
• How can we control and most
effectively utilize these properties?
• Answers to the chemists' questions
allow us to create new medicines, make
new materials for shelter and clothing
and transportation, invent new ways to
improve and protect our food supply,
and improve our lives in many other
ways as well.
What makes chemistry the
“useful science” and the “creative
• Explore the natural world and find useful
chemical substances not known before.
• Chemists devise ways to synthesize the
newly discovered compounds.
• Antibiotics, hormones,…, design of new
molecules based on chemical principles.
What are some fundamental
principles of chemistry?
• Molecules are atoms of various elements
links in well-defined ways.
• There are more than 100 elements in the
periodic table.
• The chemical bondings
• Energy states and
• Rate of chemical reaction
Chemistry is high quality science
• Analyticaland Quantitative
• Methods: emipirical and experimental
The job market in 2006
• Analytical chemistry 17.1%
• Medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry 10.9%
• Organic chemistry 10.8%
• Chemical education 7.3%
• Polymer chemistry 7.3%
• Chemists who do interdisciplinary
work related to medicine,
polymers, and materials science
are finding plenty of opportunities.
What employers look for
• One out of 100 applicants

• Technical mastery
• Presentations and communication skills
• Leadership
• Ability to collaborate and work in teams
• Creativity
• Problem-solving ability
• Passion for helping people and patience
Chemistry Contents for the AL
1. Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry
2. Electronic Structure of Atoms and the
Periodic Table
3. Energetics
4. Bonding and Structure
5. Chemical Kinetics
6. Chemical Equilibrium
1. Periodic Properties of the Elements in the
Periodic Table
2. The s-Block Elements
3. The p-Block Elements
4. The d-Block Elements
5. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
6. Chemistry of the Organic Compounds
1. Chemistry in Action
1. Atomic Structure
• Structure of an atom?
• How to measure things at atomic scale?
– Mole concept – ideal gas
– Molecular formula
• Chemical equations and stoichiometry
– Titration
– Volume of gases
– Concentration units
2. Electronic structure of atoms
• Discovery of quantum mechanics
• Atomic orbitals (s-, p-, d-orbitals)
– Wave nature of electrons
• Electron(ic) configurations
• Elements are grouped in the Periodic Table
according to their electron configurations
3. Energetics
• Understanding the process (physical or chemical)
– will it occur?
• The driving force for chemical reactions – energy
going downhill (∆H).
• Change of Entropy (∆S) as a measure of natural
tendency – randomness and spontaneity – of a
• Combining both energy factor and entropy factor
– The change of Gibbs free energy (∆G)
4. Bonding and Structure
• Lewis structure of molecules – Octet rules
• Solid (crystals), liquid and gases
– Ionic solid, metallic solid,
– non-polar and polar liquid or gases
• Intermolecular forces
– Van der Waal’s forces
– Dipole-interactions
– Hydrogen bonding
– Electro-static interactions
5. Chemical Kinetics
• How reactions happen?
• The rate of changes in concentration
• Interpretation of rate at molecular level
– Collision of molecules
– Distribution of molecular kinetic energy
– Energy profile of reaction
• Catalysis
6. Chemical equilibrium
• Dynamic nature of equilibrium
• The equilibrium constant
• Factors that change the chemical
• Acid/Base equilibrium and buffer action
• Solubility
• Redox equilibrium
7. Elements in s-, p-Block
• From hydrogen to argon – elemental
properties – atomic radii, EN, etc.
• From lithium to chlorine – oxides – reaction
with water, acid and alkalis
• s1 and s2 electronic configuration
• p1 to p5 configuration
• D-block elements – scandium to zinc
7. Elements in d-Block
• Transition metals
– More than one oxidation state
– Colorful

• Metal complexes in d-block

– Ligands – monodentate H2O, NH3, Cl-.
– Ligands – bidentate NH2CH2CH2NH2
11. Fundamentals of Organic
• Carbon chemistry
• Bonding and structure for carbon atom
– s and p orbitals: sp, sp2, sp3
– Stereochemical structures, isomerism
– Delocalization
• Functional groups – depends on the
bonding and what hetero-atoms are
11.4 Isomerism
• Structural
• Stereo-
– Geometrical: butenedioci acid
– Enantiomeric: one chiral center
11.5 Organic acid and organic
• Strength of acidity and basicity
• pKa and pKb

• Ethanol and ethanoic acid

• Chloroethanoic acid
• Ethanamine and phenylamine
11.6 Reaction mechanism
• Bond breaking is the first step in most of
the organic reactions
• Bond heterolysis – generate electrophile
and nucleophile
• Bond homolysis – generate radicals

• Conventions for writing reaction

12. Chemistry of organic
• Alkanes and radical substitution
– Combusion and global warming
• Radical substitution and stability of carbon
radicals – mono-chlorination or bromination
12 Chemistry of Organic
• Alkenes and electrophilic addition
– Hydrogenation
– Conjugation of two C=C
• Addition of HCl
– Regioselectivity
– Markovnikov’s rule
– Stability of carbocations
• Addition of X2 (Cl or Br)
• Hydration
12. Chemistry of Organic
• Benzene and electrophilic substitution
• Aromaticity in benzene
• Monohalogenation of benzene – reaction
• Nitration, sulfonation, halogenation and
12. Chemistry of Organic
• Alkyl Halides and nucleophilic substitution
by hydroxide ion:
– 2-chloro-2-methylpropane
• SN1 and SN2 reaction mechanism and
reaction rates
• Stereochemistry related to SN reactions
12. Chemistry of Organic
• Carbonyl compounds and nucleophilic
• Aldehydes and ketones – essential oils from
• Mechanism – addition of HCN
• Identify carbonyls with 2,4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine: addition and
12. Chemistry of Organic
• Carboxylic acids
• Acidity
• Mechanism of Nucleophilic addition and
substitution of acyl chloride
• Dehydration of amide
• Hydrolysis of ester, aminolysis of ester
12. Chemistry of Organic
• Redox reactions in organic chemistry
• Using acidified KMnO4 – alkyl benzene
• Using alkaline KMnO4 – alkene
• Autooxidation of oil and fats
12. Chemistry of Organic
• Structural determination
– Detect functional groups with chemical test
– Use of reported physical and chemical
• Use of modern instrumental methods
– IR: infrared
– MS: Mass spectroscopy
13. Chemistry in action
• Plastics Polymers from nature: DNA,
protein, polysaccharides
– Synthetic polymers: PE, PP, PS, PVC, PTFE,
PMMA – addition of C=C
– Polyamide and polyesters – condensation of
acid and amino / acid and alcohol functional
13. Chemistry in action
• Drugs
– Aspirin and cis-platin
– Lead discovery
– Modified molecular structures
– Formulation
– Safety and clinical trial
– Marketing and approved and Government
13. Chemistry in action
• Green chemistry – principles

• Decaffeination using supercritical carbon

• Use of H2O2 in the presence of manganese
based catalyst as bleaching agent

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