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Monitoring and Evaluation of

Health Programs
Session II: The role of M&E in Program

For MPH Students

HU, School of PH
November, 2022
Session Objectives

 After completing this session, students are expected to be

able to:

 Describe program as a system of actions

 Discuss the role of M&E in the program system

 Describe different components of an M&E system

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The object of evaluation?
 Medicine deals with patients

 Education deals with students

 Zoology deals with animals

What is the object of evaluation?

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The object of evaluation cont…

 The object of evaluation could be:

 Students for student evaluation
 Products for product evaluation
 Staff for personnel evaluation
 Software for software evaluation

 The focus of this course is Program Evaluation

 Our object is “Program”
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What is a program?

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Two views to define a program
Systemic view Linear Rationalist view

Program as a complex Program as linearly connected

system of actions components
Socio - technical process
Technical process (Objectives -
Process (Structure - Process -
actions - results)
Continuous transformation of
form with changes in context
and time (changes in
Definite form, fixed in space and
structure, process and
Adjustment over time
finalities as a result of
interaction with a changing
Reflexive Non-reflexive
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Program as a system of actions

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Program as a system of actions

• System is a set of
interacting or
interdependent entities
forming an integrated


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Program as a system cont…
 Characteristics of systems
 Systems are abstractions of reality.

 Systems have structures defined by their parts and

relationships between them.

 The various parts of a system have functional as well as

structural relationships between each other.

 Systems have behavior, which involves inputs, processing

and outputs.
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Program as a system cont…
 From systemic view, Potvin, et al. defined a program as:

“systems of actions in which actors mobilize

knowledge, networks and resources in order to produce
some change”.

 She also argued that programs can only be represented and such
representations are necessarily partial and biased in order to
highlight specific features to support specific interests.
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The Program Space


Context Program

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The Program Space cont…
 Time
 Programs are dynamic systems that change themselves

through time
 Most programs reached their current status by evolution, not

just created at a point in time

E.g. PMTCT → PMTCT option “B” → PMTCT option
“B+” → PMTCT option “A” → ?

 Discussion question:
• How do you see priorities of the Ethiopian health policy in light of
time element?

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The Program Space cont…

 Context

 The environment in which programs exist

 Social, political, physical

 Form

 The structure, process and finalities of a program

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The Program Space cont…


Structure Program System


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The Program Form
 Structure
 Is the socio-technical network consisting of relations amongst
actors, knowledge and resources

 Defined by its elements and the relationship that exists between


 Includes a range of almost indefinite relationships between

different constituents which can be categorized into operationally
manageable artificial categories (eg. internal and external, strong
and weak, etc.)

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The Program Form cont…

 Process

 Series of activities that are linked to each other by their

intended finality/result.

 Involves activities that are performed by

 Actors
 Users

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The Program Form cont…

 Finality/Result

 Is the change that is expected following the

implementation of processes

 are operational ends of programs

 In reality, no result can be considered as a program’s

end result.

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What happens to these components of a program form
(structure, process and finalities) as the environment
changes through time?

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The program dynamics

 The form of a program changes from time to time as the

environment in which it exists changes.

 This dynamic nature of program forms is called program

reflexivity (Potvine).

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Program as a system of actions cont…



Structure Programming

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Program as a system of actions cont…



Structure Programming

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Program Reflexivity
 Transformation of program forms based on
information generated by the program

 Such changes are natural to programs

 But are they important to program implementers?

 What about to beneficiaries?
 Can program managers control the extent and direction of

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Program Reflexivity

 Systemization of this transformation process in order to align the

direction of change with the needs of program stakeholders is

what we call M&E system (Evaluation system for some


 Therefore, the role of M&E is guiding the transformation process

of programs/projects.

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The program dynamics

i t y
e f le

The role of M&E in program
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Program as a system of action



Program System Systemization


05/20/24 From Louise Potvin (adapted based on permission)

The role of M&E in program improvement
Program and M&E systems in the
program space

Program M&E System



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Program as a system cont…
 Implications of understanding program as a system of actions
changing its form with context and through time

 Organizations need to have a process to systematically guide

program/project transformation processes
 M&E system

 Deviations from program designs should not always be

considered as implementation failures as a dynamic program
transforms itself to fit in the changing environment.

 Evaluations should take the responsibility of assessing the

worth of deviations from initial “program” design

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Program and M&E cont…

Program M&E System



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Components of M&E Systems
 Like any other system, M&E systems have also dynamic
forms with three interrelated components changing with
context and through time.
 Structure: socio-technical network of people, knowledge and
resources for M&E

 Process: set of interrelated activities that lead into the

achievement of M&E results

 Finalities/Results: improved program functioning,

accountability and knowledge about interventions leading to
improved social conditions

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Structure of a M&E system
 Socio-technical network to enable implementation of
M&E activities possible and useful
 A complete M&E structure in the health sector requires:
 M&E unit in the organizational structure
 Expertise (M&E and programmatic)
 Budget for a costed M&E Plan
 Established inter and intra organizational networks of stakeholders
 A culture of informed decision making

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Processes in a M&E system
 Processes in a M&E system include:
 Routine data collection (HMIS)
 Performance Monitoring
 Data based quality improvement processes
 Surveillance and surveys
 Evaluations addressing priority questions
 Sharing M&E results / dissemination

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Finalities/Results of M&E Systems

 Intermediate results
 A culture of informed decision making
 Improved performance and quality of programs

 Longer term
 Improved social conditions

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Components cont…

An example from the World Bank

12 Components for HIV M&E

Read further at
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The role of M&E in program
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Further readings and references
(1) Carol H.Weiss. Understanding the program.
Evaluation. Second ed. Prentice Hall; 1997. p. 46-71.
(2) Louise Potvin and Sherri Bisset. There is More to
Methodology than Method. In Louise Ptvin and David
Mc Queen, editor. Health Promotion Evaluation
Practices in the Americas.
(3) GAMET HIV M&E library available at

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Class Activity

Develop components of M&E for TB prevention

and control program in Ethiopia

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Any Question?

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