Teaching English Online - ISE II - Writing

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English live class - online

ISE II – Reading and Writing

Focus on Writing
Mad Libs - Author for a day!

Familarising with /
Planning the writing
reviewing writing task
Writing an article

Warm up

d libs
Write down numbers 1-12 on a piece of paper (or on a word document)

1 – write a month of the year

2 – write a genre of writing
3 – write a number
4 – write a funny name for a story
5 – write a large number
6 – write a body part*
7 – write a day of the week
8 – write the type of natural disaster
9 – write the name of a place
10 – write a friend’s name
11 – write a random thing you can write with
12 – write an adjective
Warm up
Mad libs – Author for a day
It was ___________ (month of year). I had taken my time and written the longest
_____________ (genre of writing) ever! It took me _____________ (number) days
to complete it but I was really pleased with my work -“________________________”
(funny name for a story).
I had written so much that when I was done, it totaled _______ (large number) pages.
I wanted to print it off, but had run out of paper, so I printed it on my
______________ (body part*). I shared my work with everyone I could find on
_______________ (day of the week).
I had planned to send an electronic copy to publishing houseonce I had received
feedback from my friends, but as luck (or lack of it) would have it, a
_________________ (type of natural disaster) struck my home town and it destroyed
my computer. I ran to ______________ (name of place) to try and save what I had
written on my _________________(previous body part mentioned*), but I was
sweating and the ink began to run. _________________ (A friend’s name) grabbed a
___________ (random thing you can write with) and copied what I had written. Man,
that was one _______________ (adjective) day!
Warm up
Mad libs – Author for a day
It was ___________ (month of year). I had taken my time and written the longest
_____________ (genre of writing) ever! It took me _____________ (number) days
to complete it but I was really pleased with my work - “________________________”
(funny name for a story).
I had written so much that when I was done, it totaled _______ (large number) pages.
I wanted to print it off, but had run out of paper, so I printed it on my
______________ (body part*). I shared my work with everyone I could find on
_______________ (day of the week).
I had planned to send an electronic copy to a publishing house once I had received
feedback from my friends, but as luck (or lack of it) would have it, a
_________________ (type of natural disaster) struck my home town and it destroyed
my computer. I ran to ______________ (name of place) to try and save what I had
written on my _________________(previous body part mentioned*), but I was
sweating and the ink began to run. _________________ (A friend’s name) grabbed a
___________ (random thing you can write with) and copied what I had written. Man,
that was one _______________ (adjective) day!

How many ISE II Writing genres can you name?


ISE II Writing genres

 Descriptive essay
 Discursive essay
 Argumentative essay
 Article (magazine or online)
 Informal email
 Informal letter
 Formal email
 Formal letter
 Review
 Report

Your teacher will ask your group to
brainstorm characteristics of two types of
writing genres.

You will have 5 minutes to discuss:

1. Who is the target reader?
2. What is the format to be used and
how should the writing be organised?
3. What type of language should be
Name the genre:
Name the genre:


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused panic all over the world, shutting
down schools and forcing governments to enforce rules which has
caused a flurry of reactions from inhabitants across the globe. What
is Covid 19, and how will it affect us in the future?

Covid-19 is a newly discovered human coronavirus which was first

reported in Wuhan China in December 2019. The Coronavirus gets
its name from the latin word “Corona”, meaning “crown” which is
what it looks like under a microscope.

This particular strain of the coronavirus has forced people to change

the way they live. Teachers have rushed to learn how to take their
lessons online, while students follow their classes remotely (…)

In conclusion, (…)
Name the genre:

Dear Jenny,

Hope all is well with you. How have you been lately?

I have a bit of news. I finally quit my old job. As you know, I was really fed
up with working for XX company because it was no longer challenging. You
know me; if I’m not learning new tricks, I get easily bored and feel the need
to move on.

I’m now teaching Americans how to make pasta in California and it suits me
to a tee. I teach 5 lessons a day, and one with small children too, which is
really rewarding. Can you believe it?

I also have some other amazing news- I’m getting married. His name is Dave
and he was one of my first ever “students”. It was love at first sight for both
of us (or rather, love at first “pasta dish”). We will be getting married in
September, and I really hope you can come and celebrate with us. Save the

Name the genre:

“Back together”
Central theatre, Plymouth

What happens when two school friends meet up twenty years after
they last saw each other? In “Back together” by Alana Shapiro, the
answer is a lot of fun and a few tears.

“Back together” stars Alan Taylor as Dave and Maureen Lipton as

Debbie. Best friends at school in the 1980s, they meet up again by
chance in 2009. (….)

This is not an easy play to put on, as we see Dave and Debbia as
they were in the 1980s and then again in 2008. (…)

This is an entertaining and thought-provoking play that would appeal

to most teenagers and adults. If you get a chance to see it, don’t
miss it!
Name the genre:
Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you as I recently received a letter from you informing me that

the insurance premium for my car is going to increase from next month.

As you will be aware if you check my records, I have held my insurance with
your company for nearly seven years now. During this time, I have never
had an accident and never had any reason to make a claim on my insurance.

I understand that at times prices need to be increased. However, this

increase you are suggesting will result in a 20% increase in the amount I pay
each month, a rate I feel is too much.

I would therefore like you to write back to me and explain why such an
increase has been proposed. If you are unable to justify it to my satisfaction,
then I am afraid that I will have no other option but to move my insurance to
another company.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,
Name the genre:
Physical education in schools

Due to an ever growing population of overweight people, which puts a

strain on the health care system, the best way to tackle the problem of
deteriorating public health in relation to weight is to introduce more sport
and exercise in schools.

First of all, issues surrounding weight problems are best solved by taking
a long term approach and introducing more sport and exercise in schools.
This will ensure that future generations will be healthier. (…)

Another positive outcome from having more sports lessons for children in
schools could be that children who develop an interest in exercise might
influence other members of their family and this could result in a longer
lasting effect. (…)

In conclusion, to deal with an increasing population of unfit, overweight

people, the easiest and most effective method would be to introduce sport
in schools, thus making a positive change in lifestyle.
Name the genre:

Hi Karen,

Sorry I haven’t been in touch much lately. I’ve been meaning to write to you
for ages, but I never seem to find the time with my work load.

How did your exams go? When will you know your results? I’m sure you did
brilliantly as always!

As for me, I’ll have been in the new job three months by the end of next
week so I’m feeling more settled in. At first I felt like I had no idea what I
was doing but now I realise it’s normal to feel that way. There was a lot to
learn – there still is actually – and I soon had to get used to the idea that I
can’t know everything. I used to work late a lot and at weekends but I’m
slowly getting into a normal routine.

We really need a good catch up! How does next month sound?

Anyway, I’d better get back to work. Hope to see you soon!

Name the genre:

The happiest days of your life?

School days should be a happy time in a young person’s life. What

can make people’s lives a misery during this time, then? In my
opinion, there is one word which answers this question – bullying.

Unfortunately, bullying is quite common in schools where I live. It

can affect students of any age, both boys and girls. A friend of mine
had a very negative experience at school last year… (…)

What can people do to stop this problem? Personally, I think

teachers need to be aware that bullying may be happening in their
classes and be very strict when they have a case of bullying.
Another thing teachers could do is…(…)

Bullying can be a nightmare, but there are things we can do to

prevent it. Hopefully, one day all students will be able to go to
school without fear of being bullied.
Name the genre:

Banning the use of mobile phones

Society has mixed feelings about the use of mobile phones in public places
like restaurants and cinemas. Whereas they were almost unknown twenty
years ago, these days they are part of everyone’s life, (…)

One of the strongest arguments in favour of banning mobile phones is the

annoyance they cause other people. Although audiences are always asked to
turn off their mobiles when they go to the cinema, you can be sure that the
film you are watching will be interrupted… (…)

On the other hand, there are a number of arguments against such a ban. It is
really difficult to stop users bringing their mobile phones into public places,
and therefore it would be virtually impossible to enforce any ban. (…)

It seems to me that a ban on mobile phones would be pointless. A way round

any ban will always be found. Nevertheless, their use should be discouraged
in places like restaurants, unless it is absolutely necessary. (…)

In conclusion (….)
Name the genre:
Dear colleagues,

We haven’t been able to have a social event for the past two years due to
our limited funds. This year, however, the company has agreed to support an
end-of-year party.

Firstly, we considered an office party held on the premises. The main

advantage of this would be that it avoids any need for people to make special
travel arrangements. On the other hand, the building doesn’t really have a
space that is suitable.

We then looked into having a meal out. There are a number of suitable
restaurants and hotels close to the office. One argument against this was
that sitting at table is not a very good way for us to mix and get to know
people from other departments.

Taking these points into consideration, we propose an office party for all
staff, to be held in the main reception area. (Date and time to be

Please let us know your opinion, preferably before the end of next week.
Thank you
Name the genre:

It is known that children aged 2-6 watch 4.5 hours

of TV a day (31.5 hours a week) and children aged 6-11 watch 4 hours a day
(28 hours a week).

Advantages Research has shown that children get a lot of information and
knowledge from watching TV. If children watch TV, they can get involved in a
fantastic world of adventure where they will learn and acquire comprehensive
knowledge about different topics such as wildlife on nature shows, the
alphabet or different songs that are so funny to children. Moreover parents
can share and spend time with their children in discussing about what are
good and bad TV programmes.

Disadvantages On the other hand, child psychologists believe there are

negative things too. They recommend that babies should not watch any TV
programmes. The first two years in a child’s life is an important time for the
brain and so we should avoid our children watching TV at that age. Too much
TV can be harmful both physically and mentally for babies and young
children. It is better for children to explore and interact with other children.

To sum up we have to be conscious about the effects that TV has in our daily
ISE Writing tasks - tips

*Refer to writing Task 3 – Reading into Writing

Breaking down the prompt

Write an article (150-180 words) for a travel

website describing something that is produced

in your country or local area. Explain how this

product is made, give your personal opinion of

it and discuss why it is important to buy local

* Sample prompt taken from Macmillan Education - Official ISE II Practice Tests - Reading & Writing
Breakout rooms

Now plan your article

Write an article (150-180 words) for a travel website

describing something that is produced in your country

or local area. Explain how this product is made, give

your personal opinion of it and discuss why it is

important to buy local products.

* Sample prompt taken from Macmillan Education - Official ISE II Practice Tests - Reading & Writing
ISE I: Conversation Task

Complete your article for homework

Share it with the class at (link)


I can recognise features of ISE II writing


I can identify key words and phrases in an

ISE II writing prompt

I can plan and structure an article for ISE II

Wrap up

Think of what you have covered in

today’s lesson.

When the teacher calls on you, say one

new thing you have learned about
writing genres or planning your writing.
Image credits

Online classroom - https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1585491

Writing hand -

Chat bubbles -

Homework image - https://


Man thinking -

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