Project Defense Final

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Group 2-Galileo Presents

Electric Converter
It is a type of machine used for converting

electrical power to different levels according to the needed energy the device that is connected to it requires. It uses the concepts of electric power conversion, Faradays Law of Electromagnetic Induction and Energy transformation.

Electric Power Conversion

In electrical engineering, power conversion has a more specific meaning, namely converting electric power from one form to another. This could be as simple as a transformer to change the voltage of AC power, but also includes far more complex systems. The term can also refer to a class of electrical machinery that is used to convert one frequency of electrical power into another frequency. Power conversion systems often incorporate redundancy and voltage regulation.

Working Design

Material Needed for Construction

4 Diodes
2Capacitors 1 resistor


1 Transformer
1 Switch Connecting Wires Soldering Lead and iron Electric Plug Alligator Clips

Construction Procedure
First, Connect the resistor, Capacitors, diodes and the

Transformer using the connecting wires. Then connect this to the switch. Then, create the wooden box that will serve as your container. Place the electrical converters main parts inside the wooden box. You may use a screw to tighten the converter. Connect the plug and the alligator clips to the converter. Afterwards, connect the clips to the load. Test the converter.

Manual Operating Procedure

1.)Connect the electric plug to the socket.

2.) Check if the indicator light works.

3.) Connect the alligator clips to the selected load. First the fan. 4.) Turn on the switch to the desired voltage. Check the work produced by the fan. 5.) You may increase the voltage as desired and as long as the load can take it. 6.) Turn of the Main Switch. 7.) Try connecting the alligator clips to the light bulb. Then turn on the switch of the light bulb. Turn on the Main switch to desired voltage and check the light produced by the light bulb. 8.) Turn of the Main switch again. 9.) Connect the alligator clips to the dynamo. This will create grater amount of wind. 10.) Do the same to the dynamo. (But be careful in leveling the voltage because some dynamos might not be able to take 12 volts.) 11.) You may also try connecting the Alligator clips to other devices.

Concepts in Physics
Faraday's law of induction is a basic law of electromagnetism

relating to the operating principles of transformers, inductors, and many types of electrical motors and generators. The law states that: The induced electromotive force or EMF in any closed circuit is equal to the time rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit. Or alternatively: The EMF generated is proportional to the rate at which flux is linked. Electromagnetic induction was discovered independently by Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry in 1831, however Faraday was the first to publish the results of his experiments. Expanding on Faradays work, James Clerk Maxwell formulated the law quantitatively. Traditionally, two different ways of changing the flux through a circuit are recognized. In the case of transformer EMF the idea is to alter the field itself, for example by changing the current originating the field (as in a transformer). In the case of motional EMF, the idea is to move all or part of the circuit through the magnetic field.

Converter may be used in different devices. It is used as a medium for devices to work. 2. The converter is efficient and is user-friendly because of the different insulations in the wires. 3. It may be a good substitute for the sources of devices that need small voltage of electricity but a lot of batteries to operate.

1. The converters materials are expensive

specially the transformer. 2. It is also difficult to construct specially the converter itself because of the wiring connections made. 3. It also need a socket where it can be connected to.


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