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The Best Ethical Hackers in the World

• Introduction:
• Ethical hacking is the practice of testing a computer system,
network, or web application to identify security vulnerabilities and
weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious hackers. In recent
years, ethical hacking has become an important tool for
organizations to protect their networks and data from malicious
attacks. In this presentation, we will explore some of the best ethical
hackers in the world.
Famous Ethical Hackers
1: Kevin Mitnick : Kevin
Mitnick is one of the most
famous ethical hackers in the
world. He is known for his
exploits in the early days of
hacking, when he able to gain
access to various computer
systems and networks,
including those belonging to
the US Department of
Famous Ethical hacking
2: Jhon Draper: Jhon Draper
also known as “Captain
Crunch”, is an American
computer programmer and
hacker. He is best known for
his work in the early days of
phone phreaking, which
allowed him to make free
long-distance calls.
Famous Ethical Hackers
3: Kevin Poulsen: Kevin
Poulsen is an American
computer security
consultant and hacker.
He is best known for his
work in the late 1980s
and early 1990s, when
he was able to gain
access to numerous
computer systems and
Famous Ethical Hacking
4: Gary McKInnon: Gary
McKinnon is a British
computer hacker who gained
access to hundreds of US
government computers in
2001 and 2002. He was
responsible for the “biggest
military hack of all time”,
which resulted in the
shutdown of numerous
computers systems networks.
• These ethical hackers have made a significant contribution to the cybersecurity
field by helping organization identify potential security threats and
vulnerabilities. They have also helped to raise public awareness of the
importance of protecting computer systems and networks from malicious

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