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Rapid development in renewable energy technologies like solar
energy, hidrogen energy, this development makes it more
sustainable to produce energy. These are some of the most
significant developments in this field:

Marine Energy: Marine energy is the energy that produced by the waves, tidal events and
sea winds. Especailly places that are not linked to the mainland are highly dependent on
expensive energy resources. Because of this, marine energy has a lot of potential.
Bioenergy: Bioenergy is the energy that produced by biological materials
like straws, fertilizers, sugar canes etc. And it also has a lot of potential
considering that we as humans produce a lot of bio waste.
One of the biggest problems about renewable energy is to
store it. But in recent years there have been a lot of
development about this field. Innovative technologies like
Lithium-ion battery, hydrogen energy storages are being
researched and implemented. These developments, makes it
easier and cheper to store renewable energy.
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear energy is made by splitting the cores of the uranium,
plutonium and radium atoms. They dont cause air pollution and the water
they use dont harm the environment but because of the radiation they spread
they still have their own dangers.
Fusion Energy: It doesnt produce any waste and it is a really reliable, clean
energy source. Scientists are researching fusion energy for over 40 years but
they didnt got the results they wanted. Most predictions say that they will be
more common the next 30-40 years.
One of the technologies most positive effects on environment is
electric vehicles. Electric cars and autonomous transportation
methods builds a greener future by decreasing the carbon

Energy Storagen and Electric Vehcles: Finding new and cheaper ways to store
energy also decreases the prices of electric car batteries. In the future electric
cars predicted to be more accesible since fossil fuels will rise up and cost of
producing electric vehicles will be cheaper.
Thank You For Listening

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