Consumer Rights: Jago Grahak Jago

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Consumer Rights


Consumer Rights
1. A social movement 2. A collective endeavor of consumers to protect their interest 3. to guarantee and ensure the legitimate rights of consumers

Consumer Rights
1. Consumer International, London

2. Center for Science and Environment, New Delhi 3. Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai

4. Consumer Education Center, Ahmedabad *



* (Publishes consumer magazine INSIGHT)

Consumer Rights
Basic Consumer Rights *
1. Right to satisfaction of basic needs 2. Right to safety 3. Right to be informed 4. Right to choose 5. Right to be heard 6. Right to redress 7. Right to consumer education 8. Right to a healthy environment
* (Consumer International)

Consumer Rights
Consumer Responsibilities
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use their power in the market to drive out abuses Encourage ethical practices Make specific complaint with proof and bill (no vagueness) Understand sellers view point also While asserting rights, not to inconvenience public

Consumer Rights
Utility of Consumerism

Producers and sellers consumers for granted




2. Producers will understand grievances, needs and wants


3. Producers can enlist the support of consumers to minimise imperfections on distribution front

4. Govt will become more responsive to consumer interests and prompt it to take necessary regulatory measures

Consumer Rights
UN Guidelines to Govts *
1. Physical Safety of goods and services offered
2. Promotion and Protection of Consumers economic interests 3. Quality Standards for goods and services 4. Distribution of Essential goods and services 5. Consumer Redressal Forums 6. Consumer Programs Education and Information

Consumer Rights
Plight of Indian Consumer
1. Short supply of essential goods & services 2. Lack of effective / workable competition 3. Unfamiliarity with product features 4. Lack of awareness of consumer rights 5. Time consuming judicial process 6. Consumerism not well organised 7. Poor service / product quality of many PSUs 8. Existing laws are not effectively enforced

Consumer Rights
Precautions against Fakes *
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Buy from reputed shops Check brand name, logo, carefully for discrepancies Be wary of unusually low priced products Return fakes - Do not use under any circumstances Retain the bill, packaging or photograph of a fake Write to the concerned original manufacturer


Inform consumer groups

Log on to and report the matter

* (Consumer Education and Research Society )

Consumer Rights
Central Laws - India

Essential Commodities Act

Prevention of Food Adulteration Act Prevention of Black-marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act Agricultural Products Grading and Marketing Act Standard Weights and Measures Act Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act Consumer Protection Act

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Consumer Rights
Central Laws - India

Indian Patents and Designs Act

10. Industries (Development and Regulation) Act 11. Sale of Goods Act

12. Indian Standard Institutes Certification Act

13. Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act

14. Packaged Commodities Order

15. Price and Stock Display Order

Consumer Rights
Consumer Protection Act, 1986
The objective of the Act is to provide for the better protection of the interests of the consumers and for that purpose to make provision for the establishment of consumer councils and authorities for the settlement of consumers disputes and for matters connected therewith

Consumer Rights
Consumer Protection Councils
1. Central Council headed by Union

Minister for Consumer Affairs to meet at least once in a year (policy framing)

2. State Council in each State headed by State Govt Minister for Consumer Affairs

Consumer Rights
Consumer Courts
1. District Forums in each District of every State District Judge Value (of goods or services including compensation) less than Rs. 20 lacs 2. State Commission in each State High Court Judge Value Rs. 20 100 lacs

3. National Commission Supreme Court Judge Value Rs. 1 crore and above

Consumer Rights
Filing of Complaints
1. By aggrieved Consumer 2. Group of Consumers 3. By any recognised Association 4. Central or State Govt. Consumer

Consumer Rights
Redressal by Consumer Courts
By ordering the Supplier : 1. To remove the defects or replace the goods 2. To refund the money to complainant(s) 3. To pay compensation to complainant(s) 4. To discontinue unfair trade practices

5. To withdraw / not to sell - hazardous goods

6. To provide for adequate costs to parties

Thats about CONSUMER RIGHTS for you.


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