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de negocios
• Create a simple meeting agenda
• State the purpose of a meeting
• Give apologies and explanations for absence
• Propose an idea
• Give feedback on an idea
• Ask for clarifications / details
• Express agreement / disagreement
• Make recommendations
• Propose a plan of action
• Close a meeting
If you have to make a presentation or submit a report in Spanish, there are some key words you may need, including 'projector', 'handouts', 'data', 'information', etc. This lesson
gives you such vocabulary so you can succeed.

Oral Presentations and Written Reports

When you have to make an oral presentation or write a report on a given subject, the words you use are of paramount importance. The word choice can either make you look like
the professional you are or like someone who lacks a high level of knowledge.
The key words for presentations and reports in this lesson are here so you can appropriately use language for a stronger impression on your audience. The following vocabulary
serves you to make a presentación oral (preh-sehn-tah-see-OHN oh-RAHL), which means 'oral presentation' or to present an informe (een-FOHR-meh), which means 'report'.
We begin with sentences for the introduction and then move on to key words you may need. Finally, we learn sentences to end your presentation/report appropriately. Let's get

Introducing a Presentation or Report

A polite introduction engages people. Always begin with the respective standard greeting. This can be buenos días (booEH-nohs DEE-as) which is 'good morning' or buenas
tardes (booEH-nahs TAHR-dehs), which is 'good afternoon'.
The following phrase is the most common way to begin after the greeting:

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation

Gracias a todas las personas presentes por su GRAH-seeahs ah TOH-dahs lahs pehr-SOH-nas preh-SEHN-tehs pohr soo ah- Thanks to everyone who is present here for
asistencia. sees-TEN-seeah) attending
Next, you could state the title of your presentation and tell the audience how long the presentation will last. To do this, you say:

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation

ehl TEH-mah deh EHS-tah preh-sehn-tah-see-OHN ehs (title) ee boy The topic of this presentation is the importance of
El tema de esta presentación es (say title) y voy
ah toh-MAHR (time) deh soo tee-EHM-poh PAH-rah ehks-poh- (title) and I am going to take (time) of your time to
a tomar (say time) de su tiempo para exponer.
NEHR) present
For example, let's take a look at Mauricio's introduction:
El tema de esta presentación es la importancia de una siesta y voy a tomar 20 minutos de su tiempo para exponer. (The topic of this presentation is the importance of a nap and I
am going to take 20 minutes of your time to present.)
Vocabulario - Verbs
Asistir- to attend
Tratar con – to deal with
Recomendar – to recommend
Proponer – to propose
Resumir – to summarize
Empezar / Comenzar – to begin
Terminar – to end
Deber / Tener que – to have to (do something)
La agenda
Estamos todos aquí hoy para … We are all here today to ….

El propósito de esta reunión es… The purpose of this meeting is ...

◦ …analizar nuestro rendimiento – to analize our performance
◦ …estar al tanto con – to get up to date with …
◦ …discutir estrategias para … to discuss strategies for ….
Greetings and apologies
Gracias a todos por haber asistido – Thanks to everyone for attending

Lamentablemente, el Señor X no puede asistir a la reunión porque tuvo otro compromiso.

Unfortunately , Mr X is unable to attend the meeting because he had another commitment

Favor de aceptar las disculpas de la Señorita X…No puede asistir a la reunión porque está
de vacaciones.
Please accept apologies from Ms. X . She is unable to attend the meeting because she is on
Proposing an idea
Me gustaria proponer / recomendar….
I’d like to propose / recommend…

Podemos / Podriamos
We can / We could

¿Por que no + nosotros form of verb …?

Why don’t we…?
Give feedback on an idea
Me parece una buena idea, pero que hacemos con…?
It seems like a good idea, but what do we do about… ?

Estoy de acuerdo (con la idea) / Estoy a favor (de la idea)

I agree (with the idea)

No estoy de acuerdo (con la propuesta) / No estoy a favor (de la propuesta)

I disagree (with the proposal)
Asking for clarification
¿Puede explicar…? Can you explain?
¿Puede dar mas detalles? Can you give more details?
¿Que significa…? What does it mean?
No entiendo - I don’t understand
Making recommendations
Tenemos que + infinitive – We have to …
Podriamos…+ Infinitive – We could…
Necesitamos + Infinitive – We need to …
Closing a meeting
Gracias por haber tomado el tiempo de estar aqui
Thank you for taking the time to be here
Que tengan un buen dia, todos.
Have a nice day everyone
Vamos a reunirnos el ultimo viernes de este mes a las nueve de la manana para discutir
los resultados de la encuesta
We will meet on the last Friday of this month to discuss the results of the survey
La proxima reunion sera …
The next meeting will be…
Business meetings

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