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Chapter 6


Identify several factors

that are considered in
Analyze curriculum
evaluating curriculum
evaluation models.
in the Philippine
What is curriculum evaluation?

Evaluation is concerned
with giving value or
making judgements.
What is curriculum evaluation?

It is a process of delineating, obtaining,

and providing information useful for
making decisions and judgements
about curricula. (Davis, 1980)
What is curriculum evaluation?

The process of examining the

goals, rationale, and structure
of any curriculum. (Marsh, 2004)
What is curriculum evaluation?

The process of assessing the merit

and worth of a program of studies,
a course, or a field of study. (Print,
What is curriculum evaluation?

The means of determining

whether the program is meeting
its goals (Bruce TUCKMAN, 1985)
What is curriculum evaluation?

The process of making objective

judgement to a curriculum-its philosophy,
goals and objectives, contents, learning
experience, and evaluation.
Purposes of Curriculum
Essential in providing feedback to learners. Provides useful information in
helping students improve their performance and helps teachers identify strengths
and weaknesses.

Helpful in determining how well learners have achieved the objectives of the
curriculum. Describes whether the students learned or mastered the desired
outcomes and objectives of the curriculum.

To improve curriculum. Serves as basis for improving curriculum

and for suggesting innovations to improve learning.
Importance of curriculum evaluation to administrators and teachers

Helps in making decisions about improving teaching and learning processes.

Helps in shaping academic policies.

Guides in initiating curricular changes and innovations.

Ensures quality of any curricular program.

Helps school aligns its curriculum to different curriculum sources and influences.

Determines the level of success of the school’s vision and mission.

Some instruments for Test results
curriculum evaluation in the
classroom Anecdotal records


Interview guides

Observation guides

Personality inventories

Rating scales

IQ tests

Interest inventories
evaluation at the
school or school Opinion polls Surveys
system level

Standard Result of
evaluation district or
instruments national tests
Models of curriculum evaluation: Provus discrepancy Evaluation Model

• Determining program standards

• Determining program performance


• Comparing performance with standards


• Determining whether a discrepancy exists between performance

4 and standards

It is called discrepancy model because it compares performance with standards to determine whether there is
discrepancy between the two.
Tyler Model of Curriculum Evaluation: Ralph Tyler, 1950

Establishment of goals and objectives

Classification of the objectives

Definition of the objectives in behavioral terms

Identification of situations in which achievement of objectives could be shown

Selection of criterion of measurement procedures

Collection of data about pupil performance

Comparison of findings with the stated objectives

Stufflebeam’s CIPP MODEL

Context Input Process Product

Stufflebeam’s CIPP Evaluation Model

Stufflebeam’s CIPP Evaluation Model

Context evaluation – provides a strong rationale for determining

curriculum objectives. It describes the environment and determines the
different needs of the society, school and students.

Input evaluation – provides information for determining how

resources are utilized to achieve curriculum objectives.

Process evaluation – provides periodic feedback while curriculum is

being implemented.

Product evaluation – aims to gather, interpret, and appraise

curricular attainments not just the end of an implementation of a
Stake’s Congruency-
Contingency Evaluation 1. Antecedents – include data on students
and teachers, the curriculum to be
Model (Robert Stake, 1975) evaluated, and the community context.

Congruency refers to the degree of 2. Transactions – include time allotment,

sequence of steps, social climate, and
alignment between what was communication flow.
desired and what was actually
3. Outcomes – encompass student’s learning
Contingency refers to the
in the form of understandings, skills, and
relationship between one variable values or attitudes, as well as the effects of
to the other. the curriculum on the teachers, students, and
the school.

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