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Chapter 5

• Identify different
curriculum workers.
• Analyze different levels of
curriculum implementation
in the Philippine context.
• Discuss the factors to
consider in implementing
Who are these personnel
educational personnel?
Incoming and outgoing SDS
Incoming and outgoing ARD
Curriculum implementation – focuses on the
actual implementation of the curriculum from the
national level to the local school context.

What is curriculum
It describes the dynamics of how various
curriculum workers strive to do their functions
in order to attain educational goals, programs, and
policies set by the country, region, division,
district, and down to the local level.
Who are the curriculum workers?

Principals – chief
academic and Curriculum consultants
Teachers - implementers
administrative officer of – those with rich
of the curriculum. They
the school. By They experience on doing
prepare lesson plans, unit
check lesson plans curriculum projects,
plans, syllabi,
developed by each curriculum planning,
instructional materials,
teacher, prepare the school curriculum development
select methods and
calendar, supervise and curriculum
strategies, assess students
instruction, prepare school evaluation.
Who are the curriculum workers?

District Supervisors – Education supervisors –
Superintendents– Chief
responsible for assigned to specific
academic officer in the
supervising the subject areas in basic
division. They supervise
implementation of the education. They help the
the implementation of
curriculum in the district district office of the
DepEd curriculum,
level. They ensure that the DepEd in supervising the
programs and projects in
curriculum is implementation of PPAs
the division level both
implemented. for each subject area
public and private.
Who are the curriculum workers?

Education Program Technical Panels and

Specialists – work at the Committees– professors
Regional Directors–
national level or at the and individual experts
manage the programs and
central offices of the from different disciplines
projects of the Department
CHED and DepEd. They and fields that assist the
of Education in the
assist them in the CHED in developing the
regional level.
development of curriculum & formulating
curriculum policies. the curriculum policies
Levels of Curriculum Implementation

Although the regional, division,

district, and school levels are
Philippine follows a centralized empowered to plan, monitor, and
system of curriculum development evaluate programs, projects, and
and implementation. plans, the central office of the
DepEd still does most of the policies
and curriculum development work.
Levels of Curriculum Implementation at Basic
Education Level

National Level Division Level

Local School
District Level
National level  Formulates national educational policies
 Formulates national basic education plan
 Promulgates national educational standards
 Monitors and assesses national learning
 Undertakes national educational research and
 Enhances the employment status, professional
competence, welfare and working conditions of
all personnel of the Department
 Enhances the total development of learners
through local and national programs and
Regional level
 Defines regional educational policy framework
 Develops regional educational plan and
 Monitors, evaluates and assesses regional
learning outcomes
 Undertakes regional research projects
 Undertakes national educational research and
 Ensures strict compliance with the prescribed
national criteria
 Coordinates educational processes to the
national level
 Determines organizational components of
division and districts
Division level
 Develops and implements division education
development plans
 Plans and manages effective & efficient use of
all personnel
 Hires, places and evaluates all division
 Monitors the utilization of funds
 Ensures the compliance of quality standards for
basic education programs
 Promotes awareness of and adherence by all
schools and learning centers to accreditation
 Supervises the operations of all public and
private schools and learning centers
District level
• Headed by the Public Schools District
Supervisor (PSDS)
• Provides professional and instructional
advice and support to the school heads and
teachers/facilitators of schools and learning
centers in the district or cluster.
• Conducts curricula supervision.
• Coordinates district processes to the
division level
Introduces research and innovations in school level

Administers and manages all personnel, physical, and

fiscal resources of the school

School Level Recommends the staffing complement of the school based

on its needs.

Establishes school and community networks.

Facilitates school operations

Commission on Higher Education
(National Level)

Higher Education
Institution (HEIs)
Commission on Higher Education
(Regional Level)

Higher Education Institutions

(Colleges and Universities)
Things to consider in Curriculum Implementation

Government Requirements
School Philosophy, Vision, Mission, and Core Values
Learning Environment
Needs and Demands of the Society
Needs of the Students
Faculty Expertise
The Changing Nature of Knowledge

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