Lecture Seven-Induction and Training

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Induction Or Orientation
 Plannedintroduction of employees to
their jobs, their co – workers and the

 Orientationalso called Induction, is

designed to provide a new employee with
the information he or she needs to
function comfortably and effectively in
the organisation.
Objectives of Induction
 To help new comer overcome his natural
shyness and nervousness in meeting new
people in the environment.
 To develop among the newcomers a
sense of belonging and loyalty to the
 To develop a close and cordial
relationship between newcomers and the
old employees and their supervisor.
Objectives (contd.)
 To ensure that the newcomers do not
form negative or false impression and
attitude towards the organisation or
the job because first impression is the
last impression.
 To give newcomers necessary
information such as leave rules, rest
period, locker room etc.
Advantages of Formal Induction
 Helps in build up a two way channel of
communication between management and
 Proper induction facilitates informal
relations and teamwork among
 Effective induction helps to integrate
the new employees into the organisation
and to develop the sense of belonging.
Types of Induction Programme
 Formal
 Informal
 Individual
 collective
Contents of Induction Programme
 History and operation of company
 Products and services of company
 Policies and procedures of company
 Grievance procedure
 Benefit and services for employees
 Opportunities for training and
development, promotion, transfer etc.

 Placement refers to the allocation of

people to jobs. It includes initial
assignment of new employees and
promotion, transfer, or demotion of
present employees.
Placement Problems
 Difficulty with the placement is that
we tend to look at the individual but
not at the job.

 Job in this context may be classified

into three categories.
4. Independent
5. Sequential
6. Pooled
Training & Development

 Training is an attempt to improve

current or future employee
performance by increasing an employees
ability to perform through learning,
usually by changing the employee’s
attitude or increasing his or her skills
and knowledge.
 Training refers to the process of
imparting specific skills. (Employees)

 Development refers to learning

opportunities designed to help
employees grow. (Executive)

 Education is theoretical learning in

 The need for training and development
is determined by the employee’s
performance deficiency computed as

Training & Development need = Standard

Performance – Actual Performance
Difference between T & Edu
 Training -:
1. Application base,
2.Job Experience,
3. Specific Task,
4. Narrow Perspective.

 Education -:
1.Theoretical Orientation,
2. Classroom learning,
3. General Concepts,
4. Broad Perspective.
Inputs in T & D

 Skills
 Education
 Development
 Ethics
 AttitudinalChanges
 Decision making and Problem solving
T & D as a source of Competitive

T & D offer competitive advantage to a

firm by removing performance
deficiencies, making staff stay long,
minimising accidents, Scrap & damage
and meeting future employees needs.
Training Program

Need Assessment

Establish Training Objectives

Designing Training & Development Program

Implementation of Training Program

Training Process
 Need Assessment -: Diagnoses the present
problems & future challenges to be met
through training and development.

 Need Assessment Methods -: As follows

 Group Assessment –
5. Org goals & objectives.
6. Personnel skill inventories
7. Exit interviews
8. Customers Satisfaction data
Training process
 Individual Analysis -:
2. Performance Appraisal
3. Interviews
4. Questionnaires
5. Attitude Surveys.

 Issues in need assessment -:

8. Org Support
9. Org Analysis
10. Task and KSA analysis
11. Person Analysis
Training Process
 Deriving an instructional objectives -:
It help to know the inputs for the training
program and as well as for the measures of
success that would help assess effectiveness
of the training program.
 Designing training & development program -:

1. Who are the trainees?

2. Who are the trainers?
3. Methods & techniques?
4. Level of training?
5. Learning principles?
6. Where to conduct the program?
Training process
 Implementation of training program

 Evaluation
Types of training
 On the job -: Skill imparted
2. Job instruction Job Knowledge
3. Apprentice training --------,,-------
4. Internship --------,,-------
5. Job rotation broadens
6. Coaching / Mentoring Practical job skills
to enkance career growth
Coach / Mentoring
 Development approach : formal / informal
 One – to – one learning : Mentor-protégé relationship
 Mentor – internal member or external
 Coach – generally the immediate boss
 AT&T, IBM and Kodak……. but…..
 Coaching on decline – lean firms
 Role : coaching, challenging assignments, personal support,
encourage +ve visibility, counselling & role modelling
 Mentoring for Women & minorities – to fight out the glass
 Problems :
 Managers do not have the time for mentoring
 Some new hires – argumentative or uninterested
 Personality conflict
 Reverse Mentoring : GE ; Bill Gates & Warren Buffet
Types of training
 Off the job -:
2. Lecture
3. Simulation
i. Business games
ii. In Basket Exercises
iii. Case Study
iv. Role playing
v. Vestibule
4. Behaviour Modelling
5. Laboratory training / Sensitity Training / T-
6. E-Learning
i. Distance Learning : Video Conferencing
ii. Computer Based training (CBT)
iii. Virtual reality
1. Corporate Universities – 2000 in US :
GM, Mc.Donald’s, Disney, Motorala, gE,
 India : Univ & Colleges -Nirma
University, Dhirubhai Ambani’s, ISB
Hyderabad, Narsimonji Inst. Mgt. Edu.
, BITS , Sportking Inst. Of fashion
Training Cost Reduction
 LearnShare- a consortium of non-competing
 GM, Motorola, Reynolds Metals 3 Universities and
 The consortioum can deliver learning material
anywhere on earth instantly & with less cost than
if they were to act alone…. Synergy … cooperation
…..amongst non-competitors.
 Teachingthru’ Interactive satellite
Broadcasts : GM – 1400 employees ;
Wholesaler Integrated Learning program –
32000 distributors target.
You are a top manager. Your Sr. Vice President
sends you this message :
“Be in the boardroom in 10 minutes. The CEO is
out on his boat, a storm has knocked out all
communications. Worse, there has been a
massive fire in the call Centre in Bangalore.
We could lose billions……….”

The board has given senior staff members

emergency powers. You’ve been called for
help. What will you do?

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