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Answer the following questions and write
about you
1. Who are your parents?
My parents are FERNANDO and LIDIA
2. How old are you?
I am TWELVE years old
3. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are: watch tv and video games
4. What is your daily routine?
My daily routine
In the morning I get up , I get dressed, brush my teeth, have breakfast ,
In the afternoon, I have lunch,study,play games
In the evening,have dinner,have a shower,go to bed
5. Who are your Friends?
My Friends are:Kristel and clara .
6. What do you do on weekends?
On weekends I sleep until late, then I brush my teeth, have breakfasf
7. What is your favorite part of the day? Why?
my favorite part of the day is “the afternoon” play games and wacth tv
My personal information
• Hello, I am cecia and this is my personal information:
• My parents are FERNANDO and LIDIA
I am TWELVE years old
My hobbies are: watch tv and video games
My daily routine, In the morning I get up , I get dressed, brush my
teeth, have breakfast .
In the afternoon, I have lunch,study,play games.
In the evening,have dinner,have a shower,go to bed
Finally, I go to bed at five to one
my favorite part of the day is “the afternoon” play games and wacth tv

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