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Preview of an in-home personal training session most people think that to get into good

shape you have to go to a gym and workout everyday for a specific given amount of time not
only is this untrue but this method of becoming fitter can be time-consuming and more
importantly ineffective.

I specialized in designing and implementing efficient and safe in-home exercise plans for
those who are committed to improving their health and fitness.

Home training session. We are going to go through a full workout and kinda show you along
the entire thing so

1) Questions:
a) Would you say that you have any limitations, or you've had any injuries or anything over
the years that would prevent you from doing anything?.

I protect my lower back, I don't know if that wasn't really an injury, I'm a nurse I do a lot of
lifting, so I'm just really sensitive to hurting my lower back”

Okay so we will do our best to avoid setting that off, perhaps we can even work on the core
a little bit which can actually help alleviate some issues that go on the lower back.

b) What would you say your main goal is? Or just what fitness goals do you have that you're
trying to accomplish?

Lose fat on my back, hips, and under my arms.

She explained that to me already, we have already come up with a plan to accomplish some
of those goals. We're going to be doing fairly high repetitions, some metabolic work, and it's
going to be total body as well, so we're going to do a little bit of everything.

We're also writing down everything, we're going to have all sorts of information.
2) Warmup

• Frankenstein:
let's just get started with the warmup, we're going to do something called Frankenstein. We
don't have a ton of space in here right now so really we're thinking like probably four steps
down force those back.

Let's just knock that out a few times get everything moving perfect. Excellent.

• Lunges:
Do you have any knee issues at all? No? Okay, we're going to try a few lunges continuing
with our warmup, switching legs every time you get one for maybe two or three down and
that'll do, two or three back as well, excellent.

• Air squats:
Squat down raising the arms up as we go down. Her feet are already spread a little bit which
is perfect, good range of motion too.

• Arm circles:
10 forward, 10 the other direction, now you're good.

• Foam roller:
Have you ever used a foam roller before? Let me show you how this works. It kind of will
feel like a deep tissue massage, basically we're going to roll out a few areas of the body
before we really start using them fairly intensely.

Feel free to kind of hang out of that spot for a few seconds that feels tighter, for me is here,
and then I move up.

It works just like a massage more or less, kind of prized the muscle for lifting.

All of this stuff is also modifiable, she's already in pretty good shape, she works out, she
does her thing. To some people some of this stuff might not be appropriate for, so
everything is modifiable.
3) Actual training session:

a) ROUND 1:

• Squat overhead press

Ready to go our first exercise official exercise it's called the squat - overhead press.
We’re going to start out fairly light here, five pounds on each side. If this is too light we can
always increase the weight, if it's too heavy we can decrease it.

So the form, basically you're squatting down, looking straight ahead, keeping a flat back, feet
just spread out ever so slightly, coming down, coming up, pressing overhead avoiding the fan
and repeating, so you give it a shot.

Very good, I'm assuming you've done some sort of squats before right. You have good range
of motion, form is perfect I didn't even need to demonstrate looking good and I assume this
weight is probably on the light side for you, okay no problem.

• Inchworm:
The next exercise is called the inchworm These are kind of nasty we're getting some of the
tougher stuff out of the way first just while you're nice and fresh.

So basically you're going to be standing up nice and straight coming out to push-up position
and you'll be coming right back standing position give it a shot we're going to do a few of

Right now we're just kind of running through the basic versions of the move good but since
you are already in good shape we're probably going to have to bump up the intensity of
some of these, we'll find out, we'll figure it out.

That's the nice thing about all this stuff you can make it easy, you can make it moderately
challenging, you can make it very challenging. We could do a push-up at the end of each one
of these, we could do a window at the end of each one of these good these… These are
looking perfect though let's keep going with them and we need about five more of
these guys

We’re going to do things in a circuit today. Circuits of 3 exercises, and then rest. We do these
this exercise once, take a very short break, do another one. We will be coming back to that
once we knock out a few these other exercises

Of course we are recording down every exercise we do the number of reps the number of
sets I think this one can be our last one for right now just while we're showing this version of
the move perfect those we're good
Hamstring curls

so for our third exercise and we will take a little break after this let me just have you lie down
on the mat on your back this exercise is called the hamstring curl. You're going to be down
here, you're going to have both feet a little bit of lower leg heels on the ball arms out slightly
for balance from there you lift yourself up curl the ball in rinse and repeat.

Really what we're going after are these muscles back here that we already rolled out a little
bit let's have perfect that looks good so now you're lying down nice and flat good arms out a
little bit for balance curling that ball in.

It's gonna feel a little weird at first but you're doing it very well we're good perfect.

Is this for the booty? t definitely helps yeah I forgot to mention it earlier working on the
booty - hey nothing wrong with that, we got some lunges later that definitely helped out
with that. I find that lunges are the most effective booty builders toners whatever you want
to call.

You should feel this a little bit there but more right about there, your form is perfect so we
don't have any modifications or changes to make.

This will be the last, let's take a short break, I'm going to write that down you grab some
water grabbing a clipboard okay is that you know

What it was at the area that you were feeling it? Was it in the correct muscle? That is exactly
what we want good okay

When we roll back through those three moves, which is what we're about to do, we are
going to increase the weight for the first one.
Today we're just going to go up five pounds, that still might be light for you but that's okay,
we don't necessarily need to you know go absolutely crazy with these

the form though is going to be the same you did it perfectly the first time by the way
squatting down coming up pressing overhead and repeating.
This is a total body exercise you are going to get some serious cardio benefits one way or the
other and good and that's kind of the theme throughout this entire workout actually. We
just need about four more I should do the trick for us here good last to calm them right up

some people absolutely hate it when you tell them how many reps they have and this last
one and let me steal those guys from you excellent job okay quick sip of water if you want it
which I would recommend because the inchworms are coming back and this time we're
going to modify somewhat anyways so the first time when we did we just did good old-
fashioned regular inchworms you're coming out you're coming right back to standing this
time or inch warming out we're do want to push up coming back and then the next time

We're taking another another break we'll take a you know really just as long as you need and
then we'll move on with some different exercises here I'm done with those three, we still got
some fun stuff to do here.

Romanian twists

um let's see what we got we can start this round off this is a crazy one I warn you it looks
very strange hey but it's an effective exercise for kind of targeting the obliques here okay we
actually have a few of those today um we'll just get this one out of the way while you're still
nice and fresh because it's it's an awkward exercise okay so we got a dumbbell we got our
ball it's called the Romanian twist you'll find that these Eastern European

Walking alternating dumbbell lunges

Stability ball rollouts
Single leg static bridge
Bent dumbbell rows
Russian twist
Boar core exercise
Half boat

Stability ball transfer

Stability ball plank

PNF hamstring stretch

to keep this video for being over an hour long the rest of it is condensed so you can see
examples of different exercises that I teach and demonstrate in in-home sessions it is
important to remember that all the exercises done in this video are highly modifiable

it is easy to make these exercises easier as well as more challenging when appropriate.

Any home-based workout that I design will also greatly vary based on a client's goals the last
thing is shown in this video our PMF stretches that I include in every workout highly
recommend that you check these out as well
1) Assessment
Preguntamos todo lo referido a temas físicos. Lesiones, dolencias, etc.
Antes de nuestra sesión de entrenamiento y calentamiento, volver a preguntar estas cosas
para asegurarnos, y evaluar que modificar si la persona tiene alguna molestia en el día.

2) Calentamiento – Funciones del mismo

Debe prepararnos para el entrenamiento que estamos apunto de hacer, y es el momento

para trabajar en solucionar problemas

Ejemplo: Persona encorvada hacia adelante (gran cantidad de clientes). Queremos estirar el
lado frontal de su cuerpo, sabemos que tiene algo de upper lower cross syndrome, por ende
vamos a estirar el pecho, flexores de cadera y cuádriceps

Dinámicos: Arm circles

Chest stretch / unilateral o bilateral – 15 a 20 segundos por brazo.
Quad stretch 15 a 20 segundos por pierna

A muchos no les gustan los estiramientos estáticos antes de los levantamientos porque
creen que los va a hacer mas débiles, pero para objetivos estéticos, y en casos donde no
queremos lesionarnos, no importa si momentáneamente nos volvemos un poco mas débiles
Si queres hacer mas dinámicos porque el cliente los prefiere, está bien.

3) Small talk durante el calentamiento

Un poco de charla con tu cliente, mientras que no se alargue o interfiera con el

entrenamiento no es algo malo.
Ayuda a construir rapport, que se sienta en confianza, que no soy un robot. Periódicamente
hacerle preguntas random durante el entrenamiento, como estuvo su día, etc.


4) Formato de sesión de entrenamiento

Las sesiones de entrenamiento usualmente duran 45 minutos, es la zona dorada.

Encuentro que 30 minutos es muy poco, y 60 es demasiado.

• Calentamiento: 5 minutos
• Entrenamiento: 35 minutos. En esta sesión usamos 2 sets, pero más esta bien.
• Vuelta a la calma / Estiramientos: 5 minutos. Ayuda a que los clientes se sientan mejor y
ofrecemos un servicio mas completo, por lo que trabajaran con vos mas tiempo.

y ordenado el trabajo y los tiempos de la sesión, y se ve profesional. Los detalles cuentan.

5) Orden de ejercicios de sesión de entrenamiento

Si es principiante, ordenaremos los ejercicios primero tren inferior, después superior,
después inferior, para así permitir mayor descanso entre series de cada grupo y completen
la sesión con mayor facilidad.

Si el cliente esta razonablemente en forma podré colocar mis ejercicios de tren superior y
tren inferior juntos en superset, para ayudar a que el entrenamiento sea mas desafiante o
para también ahorrar tiempo, o para fatigar al musculo.

EJEMPLO DE SESION – CIRCUITOS triserie o supersets

Una buena forma de trabajar es hacer todos los movimientos en supersets o sets de 2.
Podes utilizar el peso corporal, mancuernas y bandas de resistencia en caso de no tener
poleas o equipo piola. No necesitas casi nada, podes hacer de todo, y ejercicios compuestos.

Si realizas algún ejercicio con mancuernas en el piso como el floor press, nunca agarres las
mancuernas encima de la cabeza de alguien porque se te pueden caer y termina horrible.

Tren inferior:
Round 1: Superset squats + band walks

Tren inferior + tren superior

Round 2: Step ups + Floor press

Tren superior:
Dumbbell row. + reverse fly

La comunicación efectiva como entrenador se trata totalmente de hacer preguntas.

La sesión se trata sobre el cliente, no sobre vos.

Nutrición: Si quiere perder peso, idealmente hare que lleve un diario de sus comidas, para
asegurarte y tener garantía de que esta haciendo lo necesario con su alimentación.
Planes: Que harás el finde, como te estas sintiendo el día de hoy? ¿Te duele algo?

Estas son preguntas que voy a hacer usualmente al principio de la sesión si no es al principio.
Buena comunicación, logra que la persona hable sobre ella misma.

Definitivamente podes compartir detalles sobre lo que estas hacienda si alguna persona te
hace una pregunta, contesta normalmente, pero no hagas la sesión sobre vos, te están
pagando por tu tiempo por lo que deberías volver a dirigir la conversación hacia ellos.


Si quiero preguntarle algo al cliente, no voy a hacerlo en el medio de un ejercicio, esperare a

que termine en caso de que este teniendo dificultad para respirar.

Si no le esta costando el ejercicio podría preguntarle si tiene algún plan para el fin de
semana, cualquier boludez que me ayude a conocerlo mejor como persona y me interese.

La mitad de ser un buen entrenador, aparte de entrenarlos bien, es saber hablar con ellos.
Mi estrategia para interactuar con los clientes durante la sesión de entrenamiento es
hacerles preguntas, muchas preguntas, que la sesión sea enteramente sobre ellos.

Si alguien te habla durante la sesión de entrenamiento típicamente no vas a querer

interrumpir el entrenamiento de tu cliente por ello, asique le vas a dar tu información a la
persona y pedirle que vuelva a contactarse mas tarde.
Necesitas una para anotar todo lo que hagas y tenés que hacerlo mas difícil en el tiempo, no
es negociable.

Debemos ir registrando todo lo que realizamos en la sesión. Cuánto peso estuvimos

utilizando para cada ejercicio, cuántas repeticiones realizamos, cuántos sets realizamos.

Todo esto es importante, vamos a estar trabajando con este cliente durante un largo periodo
de tiempo, y vamos a tener que aplicar sobrecarga progresiva en sus entrenamientos para
seguir acercándonos hacia los objetivos establecidos.

Intenta lograr algunas repeticiones extra en caso de que tu cliente pueda y no esté tan
Pregunta: Que tan desafiante sentiste el ejercicio hacia el final? sentís que podrías haber
hecho alguna repetición mas?
En este caso podemos o darle un poco mas de peso o intentar hacer mas repeticiones.
Probablemente le de mas peso si ya viene haciendo 18 repeticiones porque se me va a
estirar a un numero ya muy elevado.


Vas a volver locos a tus clientes y no van a trabajar más con vos. Contra las últimas 3 o 4 en
voz alta nomas. Lo mismo con los ejercicios isométricos, conta sólo los ultimos segundos,
esto resuene molesta a tus clientes

Floor press
Por esta sesion vamos a hacer solo 2 ejercicios mas, pero esta fue mas corta

Overhead extension + plank

A lo largo de la sesión, especialmente si ves que la forma esta algo mal aunque sea algo
mínimo, o sentís que es un ejercicio donde no esta involucrando los grupos musculares
correctos, pregúntales donde están sintiendo el ejercicio mayormente.

Tambien deciles dinde queres que lo sientan, hace que contraigan esos musculos.
Vas aver que mucha gente es mala en conectar cin sus musculos del core y del gluteo, ya
que son musculos muy poco activos en la mayoria de personas.

Ejercicio final voy a hacer la plancha en este caso, típicamente haríamos mss cantidad de
ejercicios, asumiendonque tenemos suficiente tiempo en la sesión para permitirlo.

Aun tengo que realizar los estiramientos al final.

5) Estiramientos

Esta cliente sabemos que tiene problrmas.con sus flexores de cadera, por lo que vamos a
trabajar en estirarlos, y tambien un poco en estos mudculos posturales.

Hay muchos musculos que podes hacer con tus clientes y esto apoeta a darles una buena
experiencia en general que haga que quieran volver.

Que el cliente te avise cuando este sintiendo un buen estiramiento. Splicamos y

mantenemos por 15 a 20 segundos. Esto tambien depende de en que area necesite estirar

Si vemos algo raro en algun area que estiremos le preguntamos si le duele, como lo siente.
Le pedimos que respire profundo y vamos a o parar lo que estamos haciendo, o disminutir la
rpesion o estirsmiento a ver si así deja de doler

Vamos a tir termina do y ya asignando uns mueva fecha psra próxima sesión, y ahi le
preguntamos si se puede quedar un tiempo extra, y cuanto tiempo para hacer un poco de
cardio y maximizar la oxidación de grasas

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