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Chapter 5

Real Time Operating Systems

Real time system
• A system is said to be Real Time if it is
required to complete it’s work & deliver it’s
services on time.
• Example – Flight Control System
– All tasks in that system must execute on time.
• Non Example – PC system
Types of real time systems
• Hard Real Time System
– Failure to meet deadlines is fatal
– example : Flight Control System
• Soft Real Time System
– Late completion of jobs is undesirable but not fatal.
– System performance degrades as more & more jobs miss
– Online Databases
Operating System
• Provides environment for executing programs

• Process abstraction for multitasking/concurrency

– Scheduling
• Hardware abstraction layer (device drivers)
• Filesystems
• Communication

• We will focus on concurrent, real-time issues

Cyclic Executive
• Advantages
– Simple implementation
– Low overhead
– Very predictable

• Disadvantages
– Can’t handle sporadic events
– Everything must operate in lockstep
– Code must be scheduled manually
• Some events can’t wait for next loop iteration
– Communication channels
– Transient events

• A solution: Cyclic executive plus interrupt routines

• Interrupt: environmental event that demands

– Example: “byte arrived” interrupt on serial channel

• Interrupt routine: piece of code executed in response

to an interrupt
Handling an Interrupt
1. Normal program
3. Processor state
saved 4. Interrupt routine runs
2. Interrupt

6. Processor state
5. Interrupt routine
7. Normal
Interrupt Service Routines
• Most interrupt routines:
• Copy peripheral data into a buffer
• Indicate to other code that data has arrived
• Acknowledge the interrupt (tell hardware)
• Longer reaction to interrupt performed
outside interrupt routine
– E.g., causes a process to start or resume running
Cyclic Executive Plus Interrupts
• Works fine for many signal processing applications

• 56001 has direct hardware support for this style

• Insanely cheap, predictable interrupt handler:

– When interrupt occurs, execute a single user-specified

– This typically copies peripheral data into a circular buffer
– No context switch, no environment save, no delay
Drawbacks of CE + Interrupts
• Main loop still running in lockstep
• Programmer responsible for scheduling
• Scheduling static
• Sporadic events handled slowly
Role of OS in RTS
• Standalone Applications
– Often no OS involved
– Micro controller based Embedded Systems
• Some Real Time Applications are huge & complex
– Multiple threads
– Complicated Synchronization Requirements
– Filesystem / Network / Windowing support
– OS primitives reduce the software design time
Features of RTOS’s
• Scheduling.

• Resource Allocation.

• Interrupt Handling.

• Other issues like kernel size.

Concurrency Provided by OS
• Basic philosophy:
Let the operating system handle scheduling, and let the
programmer handle function

• Scheduling and function usually orthogonal

• Changing the algorithm would require a change in

• First, a little history

Batch Operating Systems
• Original computers ran in batch mode:
– Submit job & its input
– Job runs to completion
– Collect output
– Submit next job

• Processor cycles very expensive at the time

• Jobs involved reading, writing data to/from tapes
• Cycles were being spent waiting for the tape!
Timesharing Operating Systems
• Solution
– Store multiple batch jobs in memory at once
– When one is waiting for the tape, run the other one

• Basic idea of timesharing systems

• Fairness primary goal of timesharing schedulers

– Let no one process consume all the resources
– Make sure every process gets “equal” running time
Real-Time Is Not Fair
• Main goal of an RTOS scheduler: meeting

• If you have five homework assignments and

only one is due in an hour, you work on that

• Fairness does not help you meet deadlines

Priority-based Scheduling
• Typical RTOS based on fixed-priority
preemptive scheduler

• Assign each process a priority

• At any time, scheduler runs highest
priority process ready to run

• Process runs to completion unless

Typical RTOS Task Model
• Each task a triplet: (execution time, period,
• Usually, deadline = period
• CanInitiation
be initiated any time
Execution time
during the period


Linux for Real Time Applications
• Scheduling
– Priority Driven Approach
• Optimize average case response time
– Interactive Processes Given Highest Priority
• Aim to reduce response times of processes
– Real Time Processes
• Processes with high priority
• No notion of deadlines
• Resource Allocation
– No support for handling priority inversion
Interrupt Handling in Linux
• Interrupts are disabled in ISR/critical sections
of the kernel
• No worst case bound on interrupt latency
– eg: Disk Drivers may disable interrupt for few
hundred milliseconds
• Not suitable for Real Time Applications
– Interrupts may be missed
Other Problems with Linux
• Processes are non preemtible in Kernel Mode
– System calls like fork take a lot of time
– High priority thread might wait for a low priority
thread to complete it’s system call
• Processes are heavy weight
– Context switch takes several hundred
Why Linux
• Coexistence of Real Time Applications with
non Real Time Ones
– Example http server
• Device Driver Base
• Stability
• Real Time Kernel at the lowest level
• Linux Kernel is a low priority thread
– Executed only when no real time tasks
• Interrupts trapped by the Real Time Kernel
and passed onto Linux Kernel
– Software emulation to hardware interrupts
• Interrupts are queued by RTLinux
• Software emulation to disable_interrupt()
RTLinux (contd)
• Real Time Tasks
– Statically allocate memory
– No address space protection
• Non Real Time Tasks are developed in Linux
• Communication
– Queues
– Shared memory
RTLinux Framework
Other RTOS’s

• LynxOS
– Microkernel Architecture
• Kernel provides scheduling/interrupt handling
– Additional features through Kernel Plug Ins(KPIs)
• TCP/IP stack , Filesystem
• KPI’s are multithreaded
– Memory Protection/ Demand Paging Optional
– Development and Deployment on the same host
• OS support for compilers/debuggers
Other RTOS’s (contd)

• VxWorks
– Monolithic Architecture
– Real Time Posix compliant
– Cross development System
• pSOS
– Object Oriented OS
Peripheral devices and protocols

• Interfacing
Serial/parallel ports, USB, I2C, PCMCIA, IDE
• Communication
Serial, Ethernet, Low bandwidth radio, IrDA,
802.11b based devices
• User Interface
LCD, Keyboard, Touch sensors, Sound, Digital
pads, Webcams
• Sensors
A variety of sensors using fire, temperature,
pressure, water level, seismic, sound, vision
Other RTOS issues
• Interrupt Latency should be very small
– Kernel has to respond to real time events
– Interrupts should be disabled for minimum possible time
• For embedded applications Kernel Size should be
– Should fit in ROM
• Sophisticated features can be removed
– No Virtual Memory
– No Protection

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