Complex Numbers With Inverse Solution

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Definition ,notation , symbol

• Expressions with the form x + yi, where x and y are real

numbers and i is a new symbol, are known as complex
• Complex number multiplication will ultimately be defined so
that i –iota.

**Electrical engineers occasionally write j instead of i because

they wish to save i for current, although that is considered
strange by others.
*C represents the set of all complex numbers
Contents of complex numbers

Operations on complex numbers
• In a nutshell, the number system is N⊂W ⊂I⊂ Q⊂R ⊂C, where N, W, I, Q, R, and C are the
standard notations for the different subsets of the numbers that make up the system.
• The letter z is commonly used to signify complex numbers .

Circle equation:
Circle equation:{z: |z| = r } denotes the set of points that are all separated by a distance of r from
the origin since |z| specifies the size of z from the origin (modulus).
Multiplication of two Complex numbers z1
and z2:

*Division of two complex numbers possible for z1 =(a+bi) and z2 = (c+di)

Where complex numbers can be seen?
Complex roots for quadratic equations

i = -1
Simple Exercise using i=(-1/i) and
factorization using the conjugate
Section formula Points A(z1) and B(z2):
Finding Modulus of a complex number
Problem -1


(Triangle inequality)
Hint: First find z1z2 using (a+b)^3 formula i.e, (z1+z2)^3 and
then find (z1)^2 +(z2)^2 which is step -2 ;
Step-3: (z1+z2) [(z1)^3 +(z2)^3] gives us (z1)^4+(z2)^4
Step -4: calculate | (z1)^4 +(z2)^4|
Properties involving real part and
imaginary part of z:

For example ,z = x+iy then z. z =|z|2

Writing down in polar form: more than expected

z =x+iy ; Re(z) =x ; Im(z) =y ;

(Re(z) + Im(z) +|z| )/[ Re(z).Im(z) ] =1/2
2[ Re(z) + Im(z) +|z|] =Re(z).Im(z)
2[rcost +rsint +r ] =r^2cost.sint
2[cost +sint +1] =rcost.sint

2[1/sint + 1/cost + 2/sin2t] =r

Actually we need one more equation to solve the problem , as there are two
unknowns t and r .Might be , there is one more fact that x,y are positive
integers(given).so , rcost and rsint are positive integers.
Definition of modulus of complex
Correct option is (A).
• As we know that , Im(z) = [z – z ]/2i

Similarly , Im[(z+1)/(z+2)] = [ (z+1)/(z+2) – (z +1)/(z+2)] =2i/5.

[as we know that conjugate of a real number is real number itself]
Question asked is | Re( z+2) | =??
Lets write or find first Re(z+2) =Re(z + 2) = [(z+2) +(z+2)]/2
[ As we know that Re(z) =(z+ z )/2 ]
|z+2| =1 means (z+2)(z+2) =1 based on |z|^2 =z.z .
Anti clockwise direction with positive x-axis : arg(z)
**How to find the principal argument for a
complex number Z **
Useful properties of Arctanx:
Rationalize it ; (D)

Note : question
asked is about
argument of z =?
If principal
argument of z =??
3π/4 cannot be
argument of z.

(b) is right option for given question.

or 4th

or 3rd

Based on real part we can decide the approximate

range of value of argument of complex number
i.e, 1st ,2nd ,4th or 3rd quadrant . - π <Argz < π
Important points regarding Arg(1/z) and Arg
( z ) ; if Z lies on real axis or imaginary axis, Arg(z)


Lets do simple example for better understanding*** :

{𝑧: |𝑧 + 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑖| = 𝑟, 𝑟, 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑅 } is a circle with radius r and centre (−𝑎 − 𝑏𝑖).

The centre has been moved from the origin by 𝑎 units in the real direction and - 𝑏 units in the
imaginary direction. In this diagram : a =-3 ,b=0 and r=2.
Plotting complex numbers z1 and z2 on
argand plane
Polar form of complex number Z
=5[1 +i ]
Demoivre’s Theorem
1)De Moivre's theorem is a fundamental theorem of complex numbers
that is used to solve a variety of problems involving complex numbers.

2)De Moivre's formula does not apply to non-integer powers.

3)This theorem is also commonly used to solve trigonometric functions

with multiple angles. De Moivre's Theorem is also known as "De Moivre's
Identity" or "De Moivre's Formula".
4)This theorem is named after its founder, the famous mathematician
De Moivre.

(here n is a natural number)

Solve below problem using
Demovrie theorem :
step -1: let z =(1+i) ;write in polar form
Z1 =e [4+2i] =i[4+2i]=-2+4i

***Conjugate of complex number and rotation of a complex number***

The complex conjugate reflects the complex number of the real axis with angle θ
and - θ .
z= re =r cis(θ)

*If possible plot the point in argand plane with proper labeling ,
similar to slide 26 on paper*
Hint : ─
Im( Given term) =0 i.e, g = g , g is a complex number .
|z| =1/2 is final result
Given Z ≠ Z
Cube roots of unity using Demoivre’s


i and
1,w ,w^2 forms an equilateral triangle

w =(-1+i√3)/2
|w^2 –w|
Inscribed angle
2π/3 theorem:

π/3 |w^2 -1|

w^2 =-(1+i√3)/2

**Area of triangle =1/2|z1z2|sint =1/2 |w^2-w||w^2-1|sin(π/3)= √3/4 sq.units

PERFECT notes for IIT Mains and Advanced

|z1| =1 =r1 and |z2|=1=r2 ;
So start with polar form for the given question
Graphical approach and properties of
=√3/4 |z|^2

Very handy result applies to complex coordinates as
well where |z| is used for length of side.
please accept that it is an angle circles inside triangle.
COORDINATES are not correct ,plot is for better understanding:
Area =(1/2 ).(|z|).(|iz|) sin(90 degrees) .
Next slide with example

iz |iz|


If asked in exam with similar model,
procedure is same:

C z+iz=5-i
AC = OC –OA =(5-i)-(2+3i)
= (3-4i)
z =2+3i

90 degrees
Important points regarding complex
• When a complex number is multiplied by its complex
conjugate, the resulting real number has a value equal
to the square of the complex number's magnitude.
Z.z = |Z|
*In real polynomials, non-real roots can be combined
with their complex conjugates..i.e.,**The complex
roots of a polynomial occur in pairs.**
Demoivre’s Theorem application
Simple example about DEMOVRIE
Im(z) ≠ 0 -- given
Options ----- to start with easy way; Hint: put z =r e^(iθ) ; z =r e^(-θ)
rcos θ =1 and r =2 gives |z|^2 =4;
|z+1|^2 =|1+i(√3) +1|^2 = 7;(D) is option is correct (S) -5 and (P)-2.
Start plotting graph and use
geometry or properties of
triangle for finding area of
circle ,triangle etc…
Clearly , P represents equation of a circle including all points inside it.
|z-3+2i| =|z-(3-2i)| < |z| + |3-2i| [ Triangle inequality]
|z|+(13)^1/2 .
Z2 can be found easily .
I have no idea after this .
Let z =a+bi
• I got maximium z1 which is |z1|^2 =41 using
Triangle inequality .
• z2 , I have no idea…
Summary of topics learned so far
We learnt about Triangle inequality for two complex numbers.
• Defined and learned how to find the conjugate of a complex
• How to Identify and determine the modulus and argument of a
complex number.
• Representing a complex number in its polar form.
• algebraic operations on complex numbers and labeling in argand
plane .
• Conjugate complex Theorem : handy result
• De Movrie’s theorem and some problems.
a Scalene and acute

|z1-z0| = |z2-z0| =|z3-z0| ;z0 is circumcentre

If above figure is an equilateral traingle
We will use these in next slide
Practical application of key concepts
• Tan^(-1) [b/a] = argument of Z which is easy way to find
the arg(z) .
Can apply above procedure as well-second
Can be utilized for problems:

Handy result:

= [i+ i^(2) + i^(3) + i^(4) ] +……………. = 0

1/z =
*Again modulus is applied on both sides , conjugate
goes off
In above equation having terms 1/z and its
arg z = 𝜋/2 + argw

Other equation gives

arg(zw) = 𝜋
arg(z) +arg(w) = 𝜋
[𝜋/2 +argw] +argw =𝜋
2argw =𝜋/2
argw =𝜋/4
(d) Is correct option
Triangle inequality for complex numbers z1
and z2 :
• The triangle inequality states that for any complex numbers 𝑧1 and 𝑧2​, the
absolute value of their sum is less than or equal to the sum of their
absolute values. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

|z1 +z2| < |z1|+|z2|

replacing z2 by –z2 gives
|z1 –z2| < |z1| +|z2| .

Equality Situation:
The greatest value of ∣z 1​+z 2​∣ happens when z1​and 𝑧2​are
collinear, resulting in a straight line segment linking them. In this
scenario, the greatest value of ∣ 𝑧 1 + 𝑧 2 ∣ will be equal to the sum
of their magnitudes.
|z| +10 gives the maximum value
Everything starts from known to unknown
Applications of complex numbers in
various fields
1)Complex roots are used in a variety of domains, including physics,
signal processing,
control theory and cryptography.
2)Control theory uses complicated roots of characteristic equations to
study system stability.

3)Complex roots are used in signal processing to assess and create filters
based on signal frequency content.
Bit confusion remains about argument of
complex number :
The argument of a non-zero complex integer is a multi-
valued function that helps comprehend the features of complex logarithms and power f
Every non-zero complex number z can be stated in polar form.
Easy trick to find principal argument of z:
Step -1: find - z lies in 1st ,2nd ,3rd or 4th quadrant??
Cube roots of unity ,z^3 =1
Z^3 -1 =0 that is (z-1)[z^2+z+1] =0

z1​is at (1, 0),

𝑧2 is at (−1/2,√3/2) forming an angle of 2𝜋/3​with the positive real axis.
𝑧3​is at (−1/2,−√3/2), forming an angle of 4𝜋/3 with the positive real axis.
These roots are evenly spaced around the unit circle, with 𝑧1​at angle of 0∘,
𝑧2​at an angle of 120∘ and 𝑧3​at an angle of240∘.
Centre becomes circumcentre for TRIANGLE ABC:

The cube roots of unity are 𝜔0(1) ​, ω 1(w) ​, and 𝜔 2(w^2) ​, arranged at equal angles of 2π/3 ​from one
another, beginning from the positive real axis.


2 π/3


w2 = w
Cube roots of unity – approach towards problems

• w^(3) = 1 ;
• Roots of x^2 –x+1 =0 are ………..
Solution:(-x)^2+(-x) +1 =0 gives –x =w,w^2
then x =-w and-w^2.
w^(2024) =1 [Since 2024 is a multiple of 3]
w^2+w =(-1) or –w^2-w=1 can be seen in
problems often compare to w^2+w+1 =0
Here is a question in IITJEE 2018
W^3 =1 ; good idea will solve all problems.
How to find multiplicative index of a
complex number?

YOUTUBE video – good presentation of multiplicative inverse.

Arg z and arg z are different
• Using this description, we may identify θ as
the argument's "principal value," which we
designated by Arg z.

Note: for further reference to discussion
Z =a+ib , if z lies in 1 st
Example for more clarity



Common symbols used often

Other points:
Polar form solves the complex polynomial
equations easily –can be seen as vector also.
nth roots of unity for complex number z:
4 roots of unity -illustration
Rough plot on Argand plane

5 roots of unity on Argand plane

Triangle inequality
Z1 =r1[cost +isint]



||z1|-|z2| |< |z1-z2|

Polar’s form and conjugate of complex
number application



Hint: z=a+i, then use Re(w) has minimum

value to find a.
A convex quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon with all internal angles less than 180 degrees
and a line segment connecting any two points within the quadrilateral that runs completely in
side the figure.
|z-2i| =2|z+i| gives x^2+(y-2)^2 =4[x^2+ (y+1)^2]
x^2+(y-2)^2 = 4[x^2 +y^2+2y+1]
x^2+(y^2-4y+4) =4[x^2 +y^2+2y+1]
3[x^2+y^2]+8y+4y =0
3[x^2+y^2]+12y =0
x^2+y^2+ 4y =0
(-g,-f) =(0,-2) and r=2 =(4)^(1/2)
(-g,-f) =(0,-2) and r=2
(d) Is correct option
Let z =x+iy ; x,y are real numbers.
|z-2| =2|z-3| gives (x-2)^2 +y^2 = 4[ (x-3)^2+ y^2]
[x^2-4x+4 +y^2] =4[ x^2 -6x +9 +y^2]
3x^2-20x+32 +3y^2 =0
x^2 +y^2 –(20/3)x+(0)y +32/3=0 [ similar to equation of circle x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy +c=0 ]
(-g,-f) is centre and r= (g^2+f^2 -c)^1/2 gives (10/3,0) ,radius =[100/9-96/9]^1/2 =2/3

3(a+b+c) = 3( 10/3 +0+2/3) = (10+2)=12 option(d) is correct answer.

Summary of Complex numbers:
1)Complex numbers feels similar to real number with different notation and can be seen as

2)Rotation of complex number becomes easy task by using Euler’s identity.

3) Conjugate of complex number and its modulus go hand in hand specifically involving complex
trigonometric equations.

4) Principal argument of z is useful to determine the quadrant in which complex number

lies .Converse also true.

5) Triangle inequality helps to find maximum and minimum of an expression with small
modifications according to the need of the problem.

6) Integration of cosine and sine functions can be done using exponential functions having
symbol “i” in it – Second procedure gives better outlook in case we don’t remember the
Making proper notes is very crucial
Using cube roots of unity properties , we
can find the roots for below equation:

Hint: 36^x -6^x+1=0 gives [-6]^(2x) +(-6)^x +1 =0

Let t =-6^x which gives t^2+t+1=0
t =w, w^2
-6^(x) =w ,w^2
6^x= -w,-w^2
Further we cant do as logarithm domain is positive real numbers.
This is more than sufficient.
** concentrate on approach towards such problems * *
Thank you
Step-1 : find w1 and w2
STEP -2: If possible plot in Argand plane
Step -3 : find w1-w2
Step -4: find the quadrant in which it lies
w1-w2 = (-5+4i)-(3-5i) =-[8+9i] which is in 3rd quadrant . ArcTan(9/8)
Therefore , arg(w1-w2) = -π-ArcTan(9/8).
= - π +ArcTan(8/9).
Option© is correct answer


w2 =
Orthocenter of an equilateral triangle
Rate the understanding of the topic COMPLEX
NUMBERS after the ppt and concepts.
7) Equation of circle is discussed
‌ but other forms of
equations for straight lines ,ellipse ,hyperbola and
parabola is remaining using complex coordinates.
8) nth roots of unity is being discussed to some

• References:
• [1]N. 1, “Math 352 -Lecture Notes on Chapter 1 -
Complex Numbers Lecture 1 - §1.1: The Algebra of
Complex Numbers.” Accessed: Apr. 16, 2024. [Online].

All the best for further progress:
After solving intermediate text book then ppt and finally previous year questions.

• Some slides I have used chat gpt for better

approach and good presentations of teachers
like quora , youtube video for questions,
some part of solution as well .
• Idea is to have steady approach towards the
concepts and methodology
• Despite many faults , this piece of work will
give a complete understanding of the chapter
complex numbers
BY Mohit Tyagi sir
Step-1 : find the centre of circle
Take z =x+iy and simplify the given
equation :

Z=0 is obvious solution for given equation.

We need to find other solution as it is a quadratic equation

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