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Management measuring focused :
Well-being, Performance, Connectedness & Productivity

1 Team Meeting is
A Priority
Virtual Meetings are
a chance to get
4 Check In
Makesure you are
checking in with short
hello via an
7 Set Team Norms
To make Clear and
common understanding,
you need to build
concencus on how you
emotional cues. encouraging message are doing remote &
manage team

2 Show Personal
Using meeting time
to get know your
5 Recognize your
Be sure to send a message
to a colleague
congratulating or thanking
8 Use The Right
Medium (TEAMS)
It is your call to define
which communication
teammates. them and utilize your platform (TEAMS) are
company's recognition suitable and be
program sensitive of that

Be Present

Eventhough virtually

connected, it should Invite Colleague’s
be also emotional Make
connected Well-being
1. Making sure 2. Keeping your Priority
your camera is microphone off Team leads can help
In the midst of a
on so others can mute when compensate for this
see you, practical, pandemic, your well-
by directly asking
being is more
3. Giving both 4. Face down and these participants for
verbal and non- maintaining eye important than ever.
verbal cues, such contact (unless their input.
as a head nod, or you're taking
even a "yeah, notes).
good idea,“.

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