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The Future of

Education (Positive)
English 402 | Jian D. Camposano
Issues in English Language and Literature Teaching
These positive aspects have the potential to greatly enhance the effectiveness of education and
better prepare students for the future.
Technology Integration
The use of technology in classrooms, including tablets, smartboards, and even virtual reality,
can make learning more interactive and engaging.
Real-world Skills
There's a growing focus on teaching students practical, real-world skills like critical thinking,
problem-solving, and digital literacy.
Flexible Learning Setting
Students will have more opportunities to learn at different times in different places. eLearning
tools facilitate opportunities for remote, self-paced learning.
Free Choice
Though every subject that is taught aims for the same destination, the road leading towards
that destination can vary per student.

Similarly to the personalized learning experience, students will be able to modify their
learning process with tools they feel are necessary for them.

Students will learn with different devices, different programs and techniques based on their
own preference.
Evaluation Changes
Many argue that exams now are designed in such a way that students cram their materials, and
forget the next day.

Educators worry that exams might not validly measure what students should be capable of
when they enter their first job. As the factual knowledge of a student can be measured during
their learning process, the application of their knowledge is best tested when they work on
projects in the field.
Global Connectivity
The internet enables students to connect with peers and educators from around the world,
fostering global understanding and collaboration.
New teaching methods and technologies can help to better include and cater to students with
different learning abilities and styles.
Field Experience
Because technology can facilitate more efficiency in certain domains, curricula will make
room for skills that solely require human knowledge and face-to-face interaction.

Experience in ‘the field’ will be emphasized within courses. Schools will provide more
opportunities for students to obtain real-world skills that are representative to their jobs. This
means curricula will create more room for students to fulfill internships, mentoring projects
and collaboration projects
Life-long Learning
The future of education emphasizes continuous learning, preparing students for a rapidly
changing world where they may need to adapt and learn new skills throughout their lives.
Data Interpretation
Computers will soon take care of every statistical analysis, and describe and analyze data and
predict future trends.

Therefore, the human interpretation of these data will become a much more important part of
the future curricula. Applying the theoretical knowledge to numbers, and using human
reasoning to infer logic and trends from these data will become a fundamental new aspect of
this literacy.
In the future, students will incorporate so much independence in to their learning process, that
mentoring will become fundamental to student success.

Teachers will form a central point in the jungle of information that our students will be paving
their way through.
English 402 |Princes Jane Daniela
Issues in English Language and Literature Teaching
“Technology might be making
education worse.”
This refers to an overreliance on technology in
the educational process.
While technology offers various benefits, such as
access to information and interactive learning tools,
excessive dependence on it may overshadow the
development of essential skills like critical thinking,
creativity, and problem-solving.
This refers to the growing differences in access to
quality education.
The digital divide, where some students have limited
or no access to technology and reliable internet.
Students from underprivileged backgrounds or
remote areas may face challenges in accessing the
same educational opportunities as their more
privileged peers.
With the increasing use of technology in education,
there is a concern that face-to-face interactions and
social skills development may be reduced.
Limited in-person interactions can impact
students' ability to communicate, collaborate, and
develop essential interpersonal skills necessary
for success in personal and professional
Hands-on learning involves active engagement and
practical application of knowledge through activities
like experiments, projects, and field trips.
However, due to various factors such as time
constraints, standardized testing pressures, and
resource limitations, hands-on learning opportunities
may be reduced. This can limit students' ability to
apply theoretical concepts in real-world contexts.
In online or remote learning environments,
students may experience a sense of isolation
and disconnection from their peers and
educators. Limited face-to-face interactions and
reduced socialization opportunities can impact
students' well-being, motivation, and sense of
belonging within the learning community.
As technology becomes more prevalent in
education, there is a concern that traditional
classroom settings and teaching methods
may be devalued. While technology offers
new possibilities, it is important to strike a
balance and recognize the value of in-person
interactions, hands-on activities, and the
expertise of teachers.
Spending more time looking at screens and sitting
for long periods of time because of using
technology can cause health problems like tired
eyes, body aches, and not moving around enough.
It is important to encourage healthy habits, like
being active and sitting properly, in schools and
other places where learning happens.
In addition to technology, there are
various other factors that can have a
negative impact on the future of
 In many parts of the world, there is a lack
of access to quality education, particularly
in rural and marginalized communities.
Limited infrastructure, distance from
schools, and cultural barriers can prevent
children from receiving a proper
Environmental issues, such as climate
change and natural disasters, can disrupt
educational systems and infrastructure.
Schools and educational institutions need to
be resilient and prepared to address these
challenges, ensuring the safety and well-
being of students and educators.
Inequitable access to higher education can
perpetuate social inequalities. High tuition
fees, limited scholarships, and lack of
opportunities for students from
disadvantaged backgrounds can prevent
them from pursuing higher education and
accessing better career prospects.
In conclusion, the future of education has problems like relying
too much on technology, unequal access to resources, too much
information to handle, not enough face-to-face interaction,
mental health issues, and changes in the job market. But we can
find solutions to these problems and create a fair and flexible
education system.

Integration DEPENDENCE
This refers to an overreliance on technology in
the educational process.
The use of technology in While technology offers various benefits,
such as access to information and
classrooms, including interactive learning tools, excessive
tablets, smartboards, dependence on it may overshadow the
development of essential skills like critical
and even virtual reality, thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

can make learning more HEALTH ISSUES

Spending more time looking at screens and
interactive and sitting for long periods of time because of
using technology can cause health
engaging. problems like tired eyes, body aches, and
not moving around enough. It is important
to encourage healthy habits, like being
active and sitting properly, in schools and
other places where learning happens.
Real-world Skills DIMINISHED
There's a growing focus on teaching students
practical, real-world skills like critical thinking,
problem-solving, and digital literacy.
Field Experience With the increasing use of technology
in education, there is a concern that
Because technology can facilitate more efficiency in
face-to-face interactions and social
certain domains, curricula will make room for skills
skills development may be reduced.
that solely require human knowledge and face-to-face Limited in-person interactions can
interaction. impact students' ability to
Experience in ‘the field’ will be emphasized within communicate, collaborate, and
courses. Schools will provide more opportunities for develop essential interpersonal
students to obtain real-world skills that are skills necessary for success in
representative to their jobs. This means curricula will personal and professional
create more room for students to fulfill internships, relationships.
mentoring projects and collaboration projects.
Flexible Learning Setting HANDS-ON LEARNING
Students will have more opportunities REDUCTION
to learn at different times in different
places. eLearning tools facilitate
Hands-on learning involves active
opportunities for remote, self-paced
engagement and practical application of
knowledge through activities like
Mentoring experiments, projects, and field trips.
In the future, students will incorporate so However, due to various factors
much independence in to their learning
process, that mentoring will become such as time constraints,
fundamental to student success. standardized testing pressures, and
Teachers will form a central point in the
resource limitations, hands-on
jungle of information that our students learning opportunities may be
will be paving their way through. reduced. This can limit students'
ability to apply theoretical concepts
in real-world contexts.
Free Choice
Though every subject that is taught aims ISOLATION
for the same destination, the road leading In online or remote learning
towards that destination can vary per environments, students may
student. experience a sense of isolation
and disconnection from their
Similarly to the personalized learning
peers and educators. Limited
experience, students will be able to modify
face-to-face interactions and
their learning process with tools they feel
are necessary for them.
reduced socialization
opportunities can impact
Students will learn with different devices, students' well-being, motivation,
different programs and techniques based and sense of belonging within
on their own preference. the learning community.
Evaluation Changes TRADITIONAL
Many argue that exams now are
designed in such a way that CLASSROOM
students cram their materials, and
forget the next day.
As technology becomes more
prevalent in education, there is a
Educators worry that exams might
concern that traditional classroom
not validly measure what students
settings and teaching methods may
should be capable of when they
be devalued. While technology
enter their first job. As the factual
offers new possibilities, it is
knowledge of a student can be
important to strike a balance and
measured during their learning
recognize the value of in-person
process, the application of their
interactions, hands-on activities,
knowledge is best tested when they
and the expertise of teachers.
work on projects in the field.
The internet enables
This refers to the growing
students to connect differences in access to quality
with peers and education.
The digital divide, where some
educators from around
students have limited or no
the world, fostering access to technology and reliable
global understanding internet. Students from
underprivileged backgrounds or
and collaboration.
remote areas may face
challenges in accessing the same
educational opportunities as their
more privileged peers.
New teaching methods and technologies can
help to better include and cater to students
with different learning abilities and styles. QUALITY EDUCATION
Data Interpretation In many parts of the world,
Computers will soon take care of every
there is a lack of access to
statistical analysis, and describe and analyze quality education, particularly
data and predict future trends. in rural and marginalized
Therefore, the human interpretation of these communities. Limited
data will become a much more important infrastructure, distance from
part of the future curricula. Applying the
schools, and cultural barriers
theoretical knowledge to numbers, and using
human reasoning to infer logic and trends
can prevent children from
from these data will become a fundamental receiving a proper education.
new aspect of this literacy.

Life-long Learning LIMITED ACCESS TO

The future of education HIGHER EDUCATION
emphasizes continuous Inequitable access to higher
learning, preparing education can perpetuate social
students for a rapidly inequalities. High tuition fees,
changing world where limited scholarships, and lack of
they may need to adapt opportunities for students from
disadvantaged backgrounds
and learn new skills
can prevent them from pursuing
throughout their lives. higher education and accessing
better career prospects.
The Future of Education:
8 Predictions for the Next
Prediction 1: Online Learning Will Continue to

We agree as it is already very evident. Even us, as

graduate school students, prefer online learning. This
will enable us to be more flexible with when and
where we choose to take classes and this empowers
students in the sense that it is becoming more and
more accessible as time progress due to technology
Prediction 2: Personalized Learning Will be the

This is also a prediction that we find to be quite

possible. As student empowerment in learning
becomes normal, so will be on how they decide to
personalize said learning. In the students' standpoint,
why not make it easier by choosing what are their
preferred tools and preferred technique to make
their learning be as efficient as possible.
Prediction 3: Artificial Intelligence Will
Revolutionize Education

This is something that we can see happening but we

are confident that future educators will not be
overshadowed by A.I. Yes, it might make are jobs
easier and our workload lighter, but learning and
teaching as an emphatic human being will always be
the best. We can decide which is best for our learners
not only based on data but also based on our moral
and emotion, which A.I. lacks.
Prediction 4: Virtual and Augmented Reality Will
Transform Education

This is a prediction that we can't wait to see. It will

enable us to interact with objects and environments
as if we're really there. This provides an important,
yet severely looked over, aspect of education, which
is "Fun". This will make learning enjoyable and in
turn more impactful.
Prediction 5: Learning Will Be Lifelong

In our opinion, learning has been lifelong long before

the word "lifelong" was invented. We agree with all
our hearts that that should be the way it is. However,
in this sense, this means that learning will also mean
being able to adapt to keep up and we're afraid this is
where it gets physically and mentally demanding.
Prediction 6: The Role of Teachers Will Change

This is something that is already happening. Compared

to the past where teachers are always the primary
source of information, nowadays, teachers serve as
facilitator. Students will become more independent in
their own learning. But that's where we come in. We
can serve as their guide whenever the over-abundance
of information accessible might be too much for them to
handle. We're here to check if they're on the right path
towards their goal.
Prediction 7: Competency-Based Education Will
Gain Traction

Competency-Based Education is something that we

can look forward to. This will make learners be
specialists rather than being generalists with too
much info to work on without actually using them. At
the same time, this comes with a negative where it is
obvious that an overly-specialized person might have
a hard time adapting to different fields if there was a
need to.
Prediction 8: Education Will Become More Global

It is safe to say that there are more opportunities now

more than ever and will continue to be more accessible in
the future. Knowledge unavailable during the past decade
is now at the reach of our fingertips through the use of
Internet. As with everything else, this might come with
some challenges like misinformation and misinterpretation
but we're confident that quality teachers will always be
there to guide young learners.

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