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History of oil and

gas production

Яремчук Максим
• The oil and gas industry is a branch of
heavy industry, the enterprises of which
explore, extract and process oil and gas,
transport and store them.
History of oil and gas regions of Ukraine

The eastern oil and gas region of Ukraine covers the

left bank of the Dnieper. Administratively, it includes
Chernihiv, Sumy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv,
Luhansk and partially Donetsk regions. This region
contains about 85% of natural gas reserves and about
61% of Ukraine's recoverable oil reserves. 205
hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered here
(180 of them are included in the State Balance). The
initial recoverable reserves of the region are about
3410 million tons of fuel equivalent.
• Of exceptional importance for the development of oil
production in Ukraine in the post-war period was the
discovery of a new oil and gas region — the Dnieper-
Donets Basin, which soon became the main one in
terms of oil and gas reserves and production.
Dnieper-Donets Depression
• For the first time on the territory of Eastern Ukraine,
oil was obtained in 1936 in the Sumy region. on the
Romny structure, where during the drilling of a well
at depths of 200–400 m, breccia impregnated with
oil was discovered, the flow rate of which during the
test was about 2 tons/day. The Romny structure is
associated with salt dome tectonics. Within the
Dnieper-Donets Basin, other salt structures were
discovered, on which exploratory drilling was carried
out in 1937–1941. During this period, 52 structural
and 44 exploration and production wells, for the
entire period of exploration and operation — a total of
108. Oil production here began in 1940 and
amounted to 10 thousand tons.
• After the Second World War, seismic surveys
were carried out on the Romny structure and 12
more exploration wells were drilled.
Accumulation of oil was established, but the flow
rates of the wells were very low and are rapidly
decreasing, and the exploitation of the field is
unprofitable. Therefore, the first oil field in the
East of Ukraine was liquidated in 1948.
The southern oil and gas region of Ukraine covers the Western and Northern Black Sea regions, the Northern
Azov region, the Crimea, the Ukrainian zones of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Administratively, it includes
Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia and partially Donetsk regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
• The drilling of the first shallow wells near the natural
outcrops of oil to the earth's surface on the Kerch Peninsula
did not yield significant results, but small oil fields for oil
production were created in some areas. In the 20s of the XX
century. Under the leadership of A. D. Arkhangelsky,
research work was carried out on the study of stratigraphy
and tectonics of the Kerch Peninsula, assessment of its oil
and gas potential. In 1935–1937. V. V. Kolyubynska, G. O.
Lychagin and M. V. Muratov summarized the geological
material throughout the Crimean Peninsula and compiled a
geological map at a scale of 1:100000. The main directions
of prospecting and exploration for oil and gas on the Kerch
Peninsula are determined and the structures that are
promising in the deposits of the Miocene and Maikop series
are recommended. Drilling operations were carried out by
the Krymneftegaz trust established in 1933.
• In 1944, the Krymneftegazvidka Trust was established,
which made it possible to increase the volume of
exploratory drilling, cover new areas, including the Plain
Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region, as well as
expand the stratigraphic range of the studied deposits.
During this period, complex geophysical works became
the basis for new geological constructions. Based on the
data of the gravimetric survey (1946–1952), a
consolidated map of gravity anomalies of scale for the
Plain Crimea was compiled. In 1947–1949. Geomagnetic
survey was carried out. A significant role in the
development of oil and gas exploration was played by
seismic surveys by the method of reflected waves, which
are a mandatory and sufficient basis for exploratory
drilling for oil and gas at local facilities.
• Scheme of seismic exploration by the method of reflected waves:
• 1 — seismic receivers;
• 2 — seismic station;
• 3 — explosive point;
• 4 — explosion site;
• 5 — straight wave;
• 6 — reflected wave
• In 1944–1960. the search for hydrocarbon
deposits extends to other regions of the Crimea
and the Syvash region, their stratigraphic
volume up to the Lower Cretaceous deposits
inclusive and the drilling depth are increasing.
However, no deposits of industrial importance
have been discovered.
• The first gas fountain in the Plain Crimea was
obtained on the Zadornenska area from the
Paleocene formations in 1960, followed by the
discovery of the Oktyabrske oil and Glebovskoye
and Karlavske gas fields (1961).
Gas field
• During the 60s of the XX century. Geophysical
works have discovered traps not only in the
Paleocene, but also in the Maikop sediments. A
number of gas fields have been discovered by
deep drilling. All this made it possible to lay the
first gas pipelines in Crimea (1966-1967) from
the Hlibovskoye field to Yevpatoria, Saki,
Simferopol, Bakhchisaray and Sevastopol. Later,
other gas fields were connected and the entire
gas supply system of Crimea was connected to
the all-Ukrainian one. (1976)
• From 1970 to 1990, about 46 promising
structures were discovered in the northwestern
part of the Black Sea shelf by geophysical
methods, and 22 in the Sea of Azov.

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