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• Aidila Arifin
•Firawati Notanubun
•Ainur Shifa
•Suci Aulia Ramli
•Miquel W.S Da Costa
Komodo: The Giant Reptile from the Komodo Islands

Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) is the largest species of lizard

in the world, found only on several islands in Indonesia. This

giant lizard can reach a length of up to 3 meters and weigh up to

150 kilograms. Komodo is the apex predator in its natural

habitat and plays an important role in maintaining the balance of

the ecosystem.
Habitat and Distribution

Komodo is only found in Komodo National Park, which

c ove rs th e isla nds of K omodo , R in c a , Pa d a r, a n d Flo re s in

t h e E a s t N u s a Te n g g a r a P r o v i n c e o f I n d o n e s i a . T h e i r

natural habitats are dry forests, savannas, and grasslands

on these islands. Komodo requires a large area to hunt

prey and nest.

Behavior and Feeding Patterns
Komodo is a carnivorous reptile that preys on
various animals, including deer, wild boar,
buffalo, and even other lizards. They use their
tongues to detect the scent of prey from a
distance. Komodo also has venom in its saliva
that can paralyze its prey. Komodo hunts alone
and uses a wait-and-ambush strategy.
Threats and Conservation Efforts
Komodo's population is currently threatened with extinction
due to poaching, habitat loss, and the impact of climate
change. The Indonesian government has designated Komodo
as a protected species and manages Komodo National Park as
their primary habitat. Other conservation efforts include
population monitoring, anti-poaching patrols, and education
of local communities.
Komodo is one of the most unique and
endangered species in the world. Preserving
this species is crucial to maintaining the
balance of the ecosystem in its natural
habitat and preserving Indonesia's valuable
natural heritage.

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